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Would You Apear In A Zoo Xxx Movie,

I would totally do zoo porn. I wish OnlyFans allowed that sort of content because i would even love to film myself with my boy. Its hard to find a platform other than this to post your own videos.?
Why not submit to some place like AoZ or UnImportant?
Yea I would.....as long as it was natural.....you can tell when an animal really wants to make love or if they are forced and I refuse to force them in any way....or those awful videos of people sucking off a horse but you could tell the course could not give a damn about what's going on ...I won't do that.
Well said. That is abuse and should be classified as such. There are plenty of willing participants
I know. Ive only done a few recordings of myself and all of it is him licking me..ive never been knotted. So i assume those sort of videos get repetitive after a while...thats all. haha
No way! If that were the case then dog zoo porn would have died a long time ago. Same with regular porn (oh another dick in a pussy, doesn't that get old - well... nope ;) ) Have you posted any of your vids here?
I’d happily take any money but if asked I’d just beg to be paid in their cum.
Would wear a mask with only a hole for my mouth but if I didn’t have any friends or family I’d happily show my face and love being known as a total slut for any cock given to me.
If I lived in South Africa or whoever Mr. Unimportant is I would be in videos. Once I was listening to a podcast and this chick mentioned she knew girls who get flown to Dubai to fuck German Shepards. I was like what?! i have clips of myself and I’ve thought about selling them but I’m not ready for them to be everywhere online.
Do you remember the clip? I'd be interested in hearing that interview. I've never heard that before. The majority of the middle east is so against women, that would be insane.
I have recorded my ex girlfriend and my dog having sex and posted them in various websites. I took great pains to hide her face and any identifying marks. We both thought it was pretty hot know others were watching her sucking my dog or being fucked by my dog and getting off to it.
I have recorded my ex girlfriend and my dog having sex and posted them in various websites. I took great pains to hide her face and any identifying marks. We both thought it was pretty hot know others were watching her sucking my dog or being fucked by my dog and getting off to it.
Did you happen to upload any of them here? :)
Granted, there's some nostalgia value in such gritty noisy old footage... 👴
...but crystal-clear & sharp 4K digital video, in high enough frame-rate to slow down 4 or 8 times would still have my preference i believe... :love:

..one can always downscale & add effects later.. :sneaky:
I was being a little sarcastic about the old camcorder.