when you did it in the back yard was it day light or night time? could any of the neighbors catch you doing it if they decided to look out the windows? details details details plz.
It was very early in the morning, around sunrise. He (Zeke) woke me up, barking to go outside to pee. Their backyard was not very big but it was fenced and had big willow tree in the middle and lilac bushes and rhododendrons on three sides. You could see their houses through the bushes, but there was some privacy.
I let him out and waited for him inside the sliding glass door. When he finished he didn't come back right away. I was tired and just wanted to go back to bed... he had already fucked me four times, the last just after midnight. I went out on the step and called quietly to him, and he came running over but stopped short. I told him to come on, but he pranced and danced like he wanted to play. I glanced at the neighbor's houses to the left and across the yard and stepped off the step to try and grab his collar but he jumped away, turned and barked. I shhhh shhh shhh'ed him and went up and opened the door wide and again told him to come on and he just stood there and barked again.
Afraid he would wake the neighbors and becoming pretty annoyed I decided to try and pretend I was going to play with him to coax him to me, so I made sure the neighbor's lights weren't on and went back out onto the lawn. I was naked except for my ruined panties that I had put on after he had filled me the last time. I took them off, knelt on the cool grass, and dangled my panties in front of me while keeping and eye on the neighbor's houses.
He came over and gave them a long loud sniffing, then backed away and laid on his belly and inched his way to me, and I lowered my self and kept coaxing him, calling him a good boy over and over... and when he was close enough for me to grab his collar he jumped up and knocked me over on my side, straddled me, and immediately started wildly humping my ass. When I tried to squirm out from under him he just kind of laid down on me. Now I was afraid we'd been out there too long so I did a push up so I could get back to the door and he grabbed me around my hips and held me while he humped, and I completely surprised myself by dropping back down and raising my ass for him.
I remember the cool wet grass on my face as he found my pussy and pounded me. He knotted me in less than a minute. Unlike the first four times I did not want this one to last, so I started crawling towards the house with him still inside me. He didn't like that much and got off my back and turned around and between his pulling and my pushing his knot popped out which hurt like hell! I quickly got to my feet and went inside with Zeke following me with his nose and tongue between my legs. After I closed the door I realized I'd left my panties in the backyard so I went back out to get them. When I came back inside I found Zeke on the floor of the living room licking himself. He stopped and looked up at me, panting and pretty happy with himself, I'm sure. I didn't want to wear my smelly panties again, but realized I didn't have to this time. Either he was running low on sperm, or I had kept most of it inside me, because there was only a little on the inside of my thighs. But to be safe I put them on anyway and went back to bed. I had learned there was no point showering and cleaning up after the first two times.
(Wow... I didn't intend this reply to be so long. Once I start remembering I just can't stop)