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why do yall think its ok to be atracted to animals?

Reading into this stuff (regarding the ethics of beastiality/zoophilia) really reminds me of when I was reading all the zoo/beast-studies-related books I could find (like that Midas Dekkers one, and that "post-human love" one I forgot the writer of atm) and one recurring theme in the definition of "why is it wrong" is that it apparently either "brought humans down to animal level" or "brought animals up to human level".
So one of the answers to that question? Humans (or at least the ones who write the rules) don't like having their egos challenged by animals :p They're all either untouchable nature to be observed, predatory hazards for fairytales or exploitable products to be either aggressively farmed or act as a cute image/symbol (which may include the dreaded "fur baby" title for fully adult animals). Desexualized to the point where you have goons on Twitter talking about how even seeing or thinking about animal genitalia makes them viscerally uncomfortable (guess what kind of discourse that was about). In the end, you kinda end up finding more solace among the folks who see all of the animal kingdom as natural, including their most basic instincts.

Sorry if I rambled too much! Wanted to get that out there and I also need to get some shuteye.
Floof....I doubt this guy is ESL; I think he's a garden-variety moron, probably from the Born-again side of the pillow....
Intelecly, Penitrashon, Petofela. Those aren't even ESL misspellings.
@FloofyNewfie They guy's style, sentence structure and word usage were inconsistent in his posts. He changed those between tolerable and not-at-all tolerable. I think he was up to no good, then saw it wasn't working, so he confessed to his age. For that reason, I hope you reconsider your six month ban and make it permanent. Thanks for listening.
All in all seemed mostly civil throughout it all. Very much did get that "I'm possibly zoo, figuring it out by asking here" vibe and was trying to find a way to justify that he wasn't like us, or it was normal and okay to be zoo.

I will say his spelling regardless was a constant headache for me! Especially being dyslexic and trying to figure out what half the misspelled words were meant to be lmao.
Oo I guess I missed that part! Thank you for keeping us protected ???
1) It is fantastic fun for both parties
2) No unwanted pregnancies
3) Much less chance of STDs
4) Huge variety of pussies or cocks depending on your preference
5) Guaranteed discretion
6) A way to get closer to animals you love
7) Better sex, more sex
8) No petty drama or jealousy
9) No judgment or worries of cumming too soon, or too late, or not at all, or your mate not cumming
10) Available at any time and as often as you like, with no "head aches"
11) No menopause or menstrual worries
12) Oral smells better, and if you like you can wash her without insulting her
13) Animals don't just consent, they often seduce once they know the score
14) When an animal has an orgasm with us, we know it wasn't fake
15) Just honest, simple sex for the pleasure of it

So let me ask why you feel you have the right to question us with zero knowledge of the issues? And if you aren't a troll, what are you doing on a zoo site if you don't believe it is right?
Pretty much
I think most animals, mammals at least, are more than capable of communicating their interests and needs. Just because they can't speak words doesn't mean they don't have excellent body language to convey their desires and willingness, or lack of. I don't know about you, but canines in particular are super communicative with their body language.
I think most animals, mammals at least, are more than capable of communicating their interests and needs. Just because they can't speak words doesn't mean they don't have excellent body language to convey their desires and willingness, or lack of. I don't know about you, but canines in particular are super communicative with their body language.
Agreed. It is a stupid trope because they cannot think of any real reasons.
I feel like even if people answer, the OP will just never log in again. Not that I'm saying this one will do that, but another did that a month or so ago.
Zoophilia has been a thing for centuries. People claim animals do not have a thought process and only run on instinct. If that's the case, why does my dog want to scream rape if someone else touches her on her vulva? It's not because of an injury, it's because she doesn't know them, or just not comfortable with them. I've noticed with many other dogs in the past like my first girl she'd want to stay away from other male dogs when she was in heat. A random stray dog was already wondering around the neighborhood. I never trained her to stay away from male dogs.
A second girl I had wouldn't let my friend have his first time with her the first time he met her. But after the second visit or so she was open to it.
Not trained to do that behavior. She made those decisions herself.

If I explained this okay, I'm trying to say it's mostly watching their body language, and actually paying more attention to them.

Why I find them attractive? I guess I just had a curiosity when I was younger, and eventually it led up to seeing how beautiful certain breeds were and when I had my first dog it just clicked as I woke up with her by me and gave me a kiss.
There’s plenty of other species that derive pleasure and service in other species. And as for myself I only wish to service beasts. Help a horny stud of any species climax in my mouth or on me is my favorite thing. The handful of canines I’ve serviced were very eager to mount my mouth
Honestamente, si te atraen más los humanos que los animales, te recomiendo que busques humanos. Diablos, ser LGBTQ+ es más aceptable para la sociedad que la zoosexualidad. Tener animales como compañeros de amor tiene tantos inconvenientes como beneficios. Tienes que vivir tu vida en secreto, su esperanza de vida es mucho más corta que la nuestra, ni siquiera puedes contárselo a tus amigos más cercanos, si eres un animal social no puede tener una conversación hablada contigo, y eres 100% responsable de tu salud y bienestar de otra(s) criatura(s). Estar en una relación zoosexual, aunque a menudo es gratificante, también puede ser una carga enorme.

Si eres un zoológico, mientras trates bien a tus compañeros animales y respetes sus deseos y deseos, tendré un nivel básico de respeto por ti. Pero si hay alguna duda, entonces honestamente tendrás una vida más fácil simplemente siendo "normal" mientras tienes una atracción no mencionada por los animales.
I am agree
There’s plenty of other species that derive pleasure and service in other species. And as for myself I only wish to service beasts. Help a horny stud of any species climax in my mouth or on me is my favorite thing. The handful of canines I’ve serviced were very eager to mount my mouth
Actually per science not that many have intimate relations for pleasure, mankind, primates, dolphins maybe whales although I’ve never been aware of that documentation. Remainder are scientifically wronging on instinct.
Actually per science not that many have intimate relations for pleasure, mankind, primates, dolphins maybe whales although I’ve never been aware of that documentation. Remainder are scientifically wronging on instinct.
Come on everybody to have sex with whales?.
It's a joke?. It is difficult to can be with one whale. And impossible to can hand his enormous cock?
Hi I know it may sound like I'm being a troll, but this is a serious question. Why do you personally think its fine to have sex with animals or why animals can consent?

Regardless of this guy being banned I still want to reply. Why do I personally think it's alright to have sex with animals? Because they can consent and do. I'm gonna explain this thoroughly once and for all. Dogs specifically consent to sex with each other and yes even people through specific body language; Sexually motivated mounting is often accompanied by “flirtatious” courtship behavior (tail up, ears rotated backward, licking, pawing, bows, circling, etc.) You can tell by said behavior that they are excited and aroused; they express whether they are interested or not before attempting to mount.

While we're on the subject of mounting. Dominance or play mounting is entirely different in that it rarely lasts more than a few seconds, on then off, no erection is achieved. Because it's not sexually motivated. There is also different body language involved in dominance driven behavior. Reading a dogs body language tells you exactly what mood they are in, if they like or dislike something. If they want something or do not. Put simply if a male dog humps the air after a couple test strokes with your hand to gauge his reaction and starts excitedly pacing around you, as a result, licking, pawing, and mounts of his own free will and drives it home. That is consent. In the terms of how a dog is capable of consenting. He is making the choice to have sex with you at that point. You can't expect a dog to speak freaking human languages! But it's clear consent. If a dog flat out will not mount, shows none of the above behaviors, well that's an obvious no. There is no convincing a dog that clearly isn't interested. I can't state this enough. Pursuing it further is ABUSE and taking the dogs choice away!

I've said it before and I'll say it yet again, you can't "Train" a dog into sex. What I mean by that: is it really training or is it the equivalent of sexual harassment, bribing, and coercion into getting them to comply, and responding negatively or grooming them to "stay" when they won't comply? That is sexual abuse. Not training. That is what's going on there. A disregard for consent. And it's fucking sad!! I've seen far too many "my dog won't mount, help, any advice, etc" threads written by desperate fools who cant take a hint. Thinking there's some magic switch they can flick to get a dog to bang them that doesn't want to.

Not to mention videos where the dogs just standing there. Not humping. Half erect. You can clearly tell the difference between commercial crap zoo porn and videos where the animal is actually into it and loved. There are plenty of videos in the porn section that are good examples of consent if you pay attention to the body language!

In my nearly 30 years of observation and being on forums like this and my lifelong experience with dogs and degrees in understanding animal behavior that can absolutely be applied to this argument. I'm not just "talking out of opinions" like you'll find a lot of people do with nothing to back it up. This is based in logic and deductive reasoning, as well as animal behavior facts. Anyhow, With a female dog their is courtship behavior involved (basically all of the above flirting behaviors in bold text with the exception of tail flagging and lifting the vulva during heat) Knowing these things you can accurately determine whether a dog is in the mood or not. Regardless of how society views it it doesn't change the truth. There it is
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