Hi I know it may sound like I'm being a troll, but this is a serious question. Why do you personally think its fine to have sex with animals or why animals can consent?
Regardless of this guy being banned I still want to reply. Why do I personally think it's alright to have sex with animals? Because they can consent and do. I'm gonna explain this thoroughly once and for all. Dogs specifically consent to sex with each other and yes even people through specific body language; Sexually motivated mounting is often accompanied by “flirtatious” courtship behavior (
tail up, ears rotated backward, licking, pawing, bows, circling, etc.) You can tell by said behavior that they are excited and aroused; they express whether they are interested or not before attempting to mount.
While we're on the subject of mounting. Dominance or play mounting is entirely different in that it rarely lasts more than a few seconds, on then off, no erection is achieved. Because it's not sexually motivated. There is also different body language involved in dominance driven behavior. Reading a dogs body language tells you exactly what mood they are in, if they like or dislike something. If they want something or do not. Put simply if a male dog humps the air after a couple test strokes with your hand to gauge his reaction and starts excitedly pacing around you, as a result, licking, pawing, and mounts of his own free will and drives it home. That is consent. In the terms of how a dog is capable of consenting. He is making the choice to have sex with you at that point. You can't expect a dog to speak freaking human languages! But it's clear consent. If a dog flat out will not mount, shows none of the above behaviors, well that's an obvious no. There is no convincing a dog that clearly isn't interested. I can't state this enough. Pursuing it further is ABUSE and taking the dogs choice away!
I've said it before and I'll say it yet again, you can't "Train" a dog into sex. What I mean by that: is it really training or is it the equivalent of sexual harassment, bribing, and coercion into getting them to comply, and responding negatively or grooming them to "stay" when they won't comply? That is sexual abuse. Not training. That is what's going on there. A disregard for consent. And it's fucking sad!! I've seen far too many "my dog won't mount, help, any advice, etc" threads written by desperate fools who cant take a hint. Thinking there's some magic switch they can flick to get a dog to bang them that doesn't want to.
Not to mention videos where the dogs just standing there. Not humping. Half erect. You can clearly tell the difference between commercial crap zoo porn and videos where the animal is actually into it and loved. There are plenty of videos in the porn section that are good examples of consent if you pay attention to the body language!
In my nearly 30 years of observation and being on forums like this and my lifelong experience with dogs and degrees in understanding animal behavior that can absolutely be applied to this argument. I'm not just "talking out of opinions" like you'll find a lot of people do with nothing to back it up. This is based in logic and deductive reasoning, as well as animal behavior facts. Anyhow, With a female dog their is courtship behavior involved (basically all of the above flirting behaviors in bold text with the exception of tail flagging and lifting the vulva during heat) Knowing these things you can accurately determine whether a dog is in the mood or not. Regardless of how society views it it doesn't change the truth. There it is