Dumpster Diver
I don’t expect anyone on the outside to understand this in any significant way. It’s not something that’s easily explained or understood by someone not living the life or at least open to the idea. There are bad seeds everywhere in this life. It’s one thing that grits my teeth every day. For the 1% of us it’s much more than physical. If I sat next to you and you asked me what my dogs meant to me it’s rather simple. I’d put a lean on my house just to save one of my own. I’d also put a man in the ground if I perceived someone as a threat to them or me. You have to go past the perspective of us just being sexual with our partners before you can even begin to understand. However, that bad seed issue comes up again. You will run into them much more frequently than someone like myself or floofy above. We are trying to change that but it hasn’t been easy.