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why do yall think its ok to be atracted to animals?

I don’t expect anyone on the outside to understand this in any significant way. It’s not something that’s easily explained or understood by someone not living the life or at least open to the idea. There are bad seeds everywhere in this life. It’s one thing that grits my teeth every day. For the 1% of us it’s much more than physical. If I sat next to you and you asked me what my dogs meant to me it’s rather simple. I’d put a lean on my house just to save one of my own. I’d also put a man in the ground if I perceived someone as a threat to them or me. You have to go past the perspective of us just being sexual with our partners before you can even begin to understand. However, that bad seed issue comes up again. You will run into them much more frequently than someone like myself or floofy above. We are trying to change that but it hasn’t been easy.
so why are some of yall chill with pepole that dont know all the zoo shuff asking qweschons. like idk just a lot of you were realy pashent with explaing it to me. (sorry for spelling)
I can't speak for everyone, but usually I try to answer some questions from people that are curious, or want some understanding of the subject. If they're serious, than they may keep that information, or see about wanting to know more. Most times it ends up just being a troll and they instantly throw out random shit. Then you get the ones that look past your question and just assume you're not serious. Because of the past from others.

ya i only realy khow 1800's and onword history good. but also why dose every one hate zoo's so much?
The usual stuff about consent; Bible says its wrong; Many other things.
Also, as with anything, whether it's an occupation, sexuality, etc. There's always a bad egg that makes everyone look bad. Some examples are thirsty people that only want to see someone fuck an animal and give no shits about the animal itself.
Just like I mentioned earlier "because of the past of others" There's bad eggs that may ask questions and then turn face. So that may be why you get some asshole's. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are.

The term Zoophilia has been misused in some parts, as Zoophilia in itself is just the attraction of animals.
I can't speak for everyone, but usually I try to answer some questions from people that are curious, or want some understanding of the subject. If they're serious, than they may keep that information, or see about wanting to know more. Most times it ends up just being a troll and they instantly throw out random shit. Then you get the ones that look past your question and just assume you're not serious. Because of the past from others.

The usual stuff about consent; Bible says its wrong; Many other things.
Also, as with anything, whether it's an occupation, sexuality, etc. There's always a bad egg that makes everyone look bad. Some examples are thirsty people that only want to see someone fuck an animal and give no shits about the animal itself.
Just like I mentioned earlier "because of the past of others" There's bad eggs that may ask questions and then turn face. So that may be why you get some asshole's. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are.

The term Zoophilia has been misused in some parts, as Zoophilia in itself is just the attraction of animals.
ya i can see were you are coming frum. by "bad egg" im asuming you are talking about the zoosadists
+ keep in Mind even if legal or not many people cant decide freely what they love - it happens (but u as human are the one who decides how far u will go)
ya i can see were you are coming frum. by "bad egg" im asuming you are talking about the zoosadists
Well, we're certainly not talking about hens that are laying faulty eggs. Lol. But yes definitely them. Zoosadism makes my blood boil with rage. But the bad eggs also include the people that simply creep on/perv on women because they are only attracted to women "degrading" themselves to animals. Doesn't matter if said woman is in a mutually consensual and loving relationship with said animal. Basically they're the zoo space equivalent of the guys that stand outside of your local highschool catcalling the highschool girls. They're creeps.
now that im thinking about it i may be a zoo? idk i gess i came here to try to justify it to myself and or try to convice my self im not
trying to find reasons why u shouldnt do it - see it all made up from society/politics/church and such and no harm done if done right - feels like hmmm maybe my feelings are not that wrong...
I wouldnt go that far. I am an asshole, don't get me wrong HOWEVER I'm not that bad.

Just from reading your replys.
whate what in my replys gave it away? sorry im just a tad but cunfused.

also your not as bad as that one jack ass who talked to me like i was a fucking child
trying to find reasons why u shouldnt do it - see it all made up from society/politics/church and such and no harm done if done right - feels like hmmm maybe my feelings are not that wrong...
idk its just i love dogs to much and i dont whant to hurt one for my own plesher and i think im a bit yung to fuck a dog
now that im thinking about it i may be a zoo? idk i gess i came here to try to justify it to myself and or try to convice my self im not
Honestly, if you're more attracted to humans than you are to animals I'd recommend pursuing humans. Heck being LGBTQ+ is more acceptable by society than zoosexuality will ever be. Having animals as love partners come with just as many drawbacks as it does any benefits. You have to live your life in secrecy, their life expectancy is way shorter than ours, you cannot even tell your closest friends about it, if you're social animals cannot have a spoken conversation with you, and you are 100% responsible your the health and well-being of another creature(s). Being in a zoosexual relationship, while often rewarding, can also be a massive burden.

If you're zoo, then as long as your treat your animal partners well and respect their wishes and desires, then I'll have a base level of respect for you. But if there is any doubt, then honestly you'll have an easier life just being "normal" while just having an unmentioned attraction to animals.
yea that gives all the troll vibes now again :/

suddenly to young for sex - then oh just 17 - then oooh just a week away to 18....