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When do you have sex with your dog?

Sometimes it was in the morning.
Sometimes it was in the evening.
Sometimes during the day.
Sometimes when I woke up in the middle of the night.
Sometimes when I'd come home from work for lunch.
A few times while I worked from home while on a conference call with co-workers and/or customers.
Sound like a good loose schedule ?
Nikdy som nemal sex podľa hodín alebo kalendára, ale iba ak je príležitosť a túžba. Ak môj labrador prejaví záujem, som pripravený, ale aj s mojou túžbou sa zdá, že chápe, čo je potrebné. Viackrát sa stalo, že som sa v noci zobudila, len som mu zavolala a potom som opäť spokojne zaspala a on tiež.