There's SO much to like about this video!!
BlackMesa1996 Tourist Mar 12, 2021 #158 This, probably one of, if not the best creepypasta, actually entertaining, and quite creepy
M mountedbrat Lurker Mar 13, 2021 #160 well in fact i saw another video after this, but the Korean language problems...
Renegadewa1 Citizen of Zooville Mar 14, 2021 #162 The last one I saw was idiots eating the hottest peppers on the planet. I don't understand why that is such a thing these days. Are people really that bored with their lives? All I can say is that you get what you deserve if you eat those things!!
The last one I saw was idiots eating the hottest peppers on the planet. I don't understand why that is such a thing these days. Are people really that bored with their lives? All I can say is that you get what you deserve if you eat those things!!
Renegadewa1 Citizen of Zooville Jun 3, 2021 #179 youtubethe maneaters of savo - Wyszukaj Filmy