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What's stopping you from being with a Dog?

I’ve never tried it. I guess I was never really attracted to do anything with the dogs I had while growing up. Now I’m sure it would have been different if I dated someone that was into it.
Money I even went to the local humane society I have to make a appointment to look at only one at a time if we are not connecting with each other then I got to go a make another appointment
I would love to have a K9 companion in my life right now, but my house is just too small. I also don't have a yard, and I don't think it would be fair to keep a big dog cooped up in that small space all day while I work. So I'll keep fantasizing until I can move to a more dog friendly housing situation. I can't wait!
Definitely both living situation and money. Top floor of an apartment complex and only just now working on getting a house so we have the space for the breeds of dogs we want.
1) Money, food, toys, equiptment(collars, leashes, etc), vet bills, pet deposit

2) Living situation, trying to find places to rent with any kind of pet where I live is next to impossible

3) Time, I dont feel like I have enough time to dedicate to the needs of a dog(walking multiple times a day, making dog food, etc)

4) Life goals/aspirations, I want to travel places, persue higher education and other long term goals I want to hit.

I dont feel ready for a dog right now, I know for a fact that I'm not in the right place to take on another animal, plus I feel guilty being away from my animals for multiple nights as they're not the type of animals you can travel easily with.

I'd rather go with the more reasonable(in my mind) option of befriending a local owner and making a new friend.

On another note, I feel like once I know what its like getting nailed by a dog, I'm gonna be hooked and theres no going back for me
Old age. My girl is at the stage in life where sex just isn't on the table anymore. I just don't think it would be safe for her.
We used too, nearly every freakin day for the last 13 or so years but not anymore.
I've been told I should just get a new one BUT that's easier said than done. I can't just replace her like that.
scared if i’m allergic to dog sperm, heard some girl died from it due to an allergic reaction and got me thinking about it ever since.
grew up super afraid of dogs despite my attractions:p so now that I recently conquered that fear idk enough about dogs in general like body language stuff to own one yet, don't know how to start;-;
I have a dog but he is too small to do anything with without hurting him other than give him handjobs and he is neutered don’t get me wrong just because he is neutered doesn’t mean he can’t get horny, he tries to mount my grandma’s mini dachshund and enjoys handjobs and will hump my hand.

- I don't enjoy the lifestyle required to live with and be solely responsible for a dog (early mornings, low travel, multiple daily walks, cleaning up after bathroom trips, vet bills)

- One of my human nesting partners is allergic

- I don't have the space

- I don't have the money

- I don't have the energy

- I'm disabled and would be the sole care taker

- I already have 2 cats, a rabbit and a snake. Which makes renting hard enough already.

- I currently don't have the emotional availability for a new partner live in partner of any species
Honestly after losing my boy it broke my heart into a billion pieces. I get so attached and I love him so much it hurts. With him gone now I have been thinking of getting the hell out of dodge and leaving the United States... I can't survive here with my health problems and work a part time job. Maybe someday I'll have another canine companion if my human partner accepts. But I don't do very well with saying goodbye when that day comes
Honestly after losing my boy it broke my heart into a billion pieces. I get so attached and I love him so much it hurts. With him gone now I have been thinking of getting the hell out of dodge and leaving the United States... I can't survive here with my health problems and work a part time job. Maybe someday I'll have another canine companion if my human partner accepts. But I don't do very well with saying goodbye when that day comes
This is a beautiful post. I'm so sorry for your loss.