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What was your first furry experience?

What's your origin story? :3

What was the first anthro or animal thing that you saw or experienced that made you think - "oh, this might be something I'm into"

For me, it was Furcadia - a super old social game where you got to create a furry avatar and wander around and meet people and chat and interact as a wolf or fox or cat - I made a leopard avatar and was hooked from that point on x3
Found boyfriend's ( now hubby) porn stash and had some questions. Realized I'd had tendencies all throughout my childhood: animorphs, being the dog or cat when playing "house" with friends, having more animal toys than barbies or human like dolls. I created a fursona and got into second Iife with him. Been furry ever since!
So my first furry experience was with a movie Called Roadside Romeo.
I was around 7 or 8 yo and I really enjoyed how Laila Looks.
and also I never Liked humans that much.
so I discovered furries is what I would like to be. but after first time practicing zoo well..... makes me be what I am today hehe
We were studying Greek mythology in 7th grade social studies and I thought the satyrs and centaurs were sexy.
Looked up completely non-pornographic images of them to wank to, and found a furry artist drawing very pornographic images of them that I wanked to.
Then came VCL, then came FA, etc.
Always had an inate attraction to anthro cartoon/movie characters but the first "aha!" Moment was when i stumbled onto furry erotica by accident while boredly browsing porn on a friends (and absolutely clearing the history haha) the art i found was by an old school artist and novelist called Max BlackRabbit. He invented the character ZigZag the tiger stripped skunk. :) i suggest you look her up. Suuuper hot
I watched The Catillac Cats when I was a toddler. Even at 2, I got the hots for Cleo. The Furry is strong in this one.
BTW: This was since about 1984.
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Always had a better connection with animals than most people. Always felt awkward around people and seemed to be the odd one in the room. I was dating a guy and for Halloween he made a really in detail werewolf costume that looked amazing. I was amazed by the costume and actually found myself very attracted to him in it. After that kind of started down the rabbit hole.
The first furry porn I saw was a 18+ female werewolf that was sprayed in CounterStrike Source, but I didn't know what a furry was then, I was maybe 9 or 10 yrs old ^^
Then I saw a Taurinfox animation I found on a zoo porn website, and I google the animator, after that, my life was never the same again :D
It was around two years after I discovered zoo (I think I was 16 y.o.) that I was looking for zoo pics on a the search browser, when I found art of FoxxFire. The pics directed me to his personal page, so for a while I only saw his art and didn't even know it was called furry. His art wasn't the best, but it blew my mind and seemed to be like the best of two worlds mixed, and I got hooked with it. It took me a while to find other old artists, like Zaush, Blotch/BlackTeagan, TaurinFox, TaniDaReal (the first fursuit I saw were hers and fucked my mind too), etc. I took me a pair more of years to find exclusively zoo art and social media pages like FurAffinity and get more into the fandom. I left the fandom behind around 5 years ago, but I still love some furry art (specially feral), and I still crave a fursuit (but more for sex than for cons like before).

Of course movies like The Lion King and other Disney movies pushed me in that way from a decade before, though not in a sexual way.
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What's your origin story? :3

What was the first anthro or animal thing that you saw or experienced that made you think - "oh, this might be something I'm into"

For me, it was Furcadia - a super old social game where you got to create a furry avatar and wander around and meet people and chat and interact as a wolf or fox or cat - I made a leopard avatar and was hooked from that point on x3
For me my first furry experience was a girlfriend I had when I was 22 ish, was a mascot at the local college and she came home one night drunk in her costume and asked me if I would fuck her while she was wearing it. I said yes of course and liked it way more than I expected to.
What's your origin story? :3

What was the first anthro or animal thing that you saw or experienced that made you think - "oh, this might be something I'm into"

For me, it was Furcadia - a super old social game where you got to create a furry avatar and wander around and meet people and chat and interact as a wolf or fox or cat - I made a leopard avatar and was hooked from that point on x3
Looking back on it now, I never wondered why it had a flap in the crotch back then. I just assumed it was so people could use the restroom I guess. Not really sure if all mascot costumes come we easy access flaps or not lol.
I actually discovered the old BeastForum and realized I wasn't alone in my feelings for animals when I was trying to find more furry porn. Connection of girl, sexy, dog... and it got me some interesting results haha.

The first time i remember seeing furry porn (I've always been interested in furry characters in general, teh first movie i remember watching as a chidl was Lion King) was when the game Starfox Adventures came out, and I tried to find some nice innocent art of the fox Krystal. Led me to a whole ton of furry porn and brought out all kinds of new feelings in me that I didn't know I had. I was hooked immediately and love the fandom to this day, I even have my own suit!
god i wanna say it was..... alt.woof.net

it was the Jr High computer lab way after school. 28.8 baud modem, brother! I had helped get the whole thing set up, was temporarily alone.. finally had the chance to utilize the internet for its intended purposes while i was waiting for me mum to come pick me up...

grinding my teeth as that pencil to paper scanned in artwork slowly loaded... line by line.prolly a whopping 60k. I pulled her onto the adjacent connected 42" sony trinitron TV.. i was living the life... im pretty sure she was a horse.... she had some rockin tits.. reclining partially.. it was all coming together as her hips were loading into view... a bead of sweat ran down my forehead...

when my mom walked in and busted me. "WTF are you looking ATTTT!!!!???"

Propeller key + W arrgh Propeller key + W.. why why why werrent you at my fingertips that day.,...!!?? probably because my hands were on my cock (on top of the pants boys, I wasnt THAT crazy....)

and thus was the first of... THREE progressively disturbing experiences that finally lead to her learning to knock on the door or announce her presence before walking in.. anytime, anywhere.. for the last.. damn near 25 years
The first furry porn I saw was a 18+ female werewolf that was sprayed in CounterStrike Source, but I didn't know what a furry was then, I was maybe 9 or 10 yrs old ^^
ha ha ha ha.

Gawd I used to find and make up the most graphic Dog / Horse sex sprays I could muster back in the day. Tweaked just right so it would catch your eye as weird and shock you to the core once you took a closer look.

I played as AtomicHorseFucker, and if I shot ya then Id desecrated your corpse in short order. If you recognize the name.. it was likely from a single encounter that warped your young mind! I would be kicked of banned nearly every time shortly after. Sometimes the mods were AFK, thought it was funny, or teams couldnt vote out - I could usually clear out a full server in short order

Eventually, the servers became inaccessible and I had to purchase a second key

I'm pretty sure I was looking for Star Fox porn or something once and it's how I ended up finding some terrible Wetpaint site (this is where I discovered I liked ferals), and eventually found R34, and the rest is history lol. I was very young at the time probably around 9 or 10.
I can see a lot of similar cases in here, but ever since I was a kid, my preference was always towards the animal/anthro characters in stories or cartoons. They felt more interesting and alluring to me and of course when I got old enough the sexual aspect of it came along too. For long time I was a bit ashamed from these thoughts so while I had seen a few more sexualized drawings of furry characters (like Krystal Fox for example), the first proper furry experience I remember was with a furry comic called "The Quest for Fun" which fully opened the gates of furry porn for me and to this day I hold a pleasant nostalgia towards that comic.
ha ha ha ha.

Gawd I used to find and make up the most graphic Dog / Horse sex sprays I could muster back in the day. Tweaked just right so it would catch your eye as weird and shock you to the core once you took a closer look.

I played as AtomicHorseFucker, and if I shot ya then Id desecrated your corpse in short order. If you recognize the name.. it was likely from a single encounter that warped your young mind! I would be kicked of banned nearly every time shortly after. Sometimes the mods were AFK, thought it was funny, or teams couldnt vote out - I could usually clear out a full server in short order

Eventually, the servers became inaccessible and I had to purchase a second key


Damn xD
I never found out who sprayed it, but it was on a european or german surf_ server ^^
I yiffed for the longest time until I read a comment attached to some artwork that read along the lines of... "Hey, why dont you just stop living in denile and go fuck a dog like the rest of the furries."

And I thought... wait.... is that a real thing?

Only day of my life comparable was the one where I showed up at my homegirls house with an 8ball and she be like.. "fuck doing lines.. howabout I show you how to rock up that crack."

If you wanna talk about game changers that resulted in masturbating for 48 hours straight & never going back... They Them.
Mine was off limewire. I was looking for all the episodes and then I ran across flamdramon and renamon. Ever since then I was a furry and wanted to make that as much of a reality as possible. Got my pup and now I'm on my way to a farm and then exotic farm.
Growing up watching anthropomorphized animals on the cartoons. My first real taste of sexual attraction, cliche as it is, has to be Lola from space jam. I was a bit young to do anything with what I felt, but it planted the seed. Then came Conkers bad fur day, with his girlfriend berri, who gets pretty sexual in the game.

then comes limewire, where i stumbled across furry pictures while looking for other porn. in fact, limewire was my sexual awakening to both zoo and fur.

regular porn slowly but surely became obsolete to me, to the point to where mainstream stuff does nothing anymore. was into straight fur for awhile, until found a picture of fox and falco getting it on. now, straight fur is seldom good enough for me.
Always had an inate attraction to anthro cartoon/movie characters but the first "aha!" Moment was when i stumbled onto furry erotica by accident while boredly browsing porn on a friends (and absolutely clearing the history haha) the art i found was by an old school artist and novelist called Max BlackRabbit. He invented the character ZigZag the tiger stripped skunk. :) i suggest you look her up. Suuuper hot
I've seen this guy's art before! Now I know who and what it is! Thanks bro
My oldest furry experience was probably when I was around 4, as I always watched cartoons with anthropomorphic animals. Around 9 and 10 I took interest to pokemon, strengthening the urges. Finally, when I was around 15, I swallowed my pride and looked up yiff. Haven't turned back since!
I used to do forum rpgs and would make up anthro characters without knowing what a furry was. In 5th grade I went from a horse phase to a wolf phase. Then when I was 24 my town had a furry con. I tried to go to the other anime cons etc so I checked it out. And was like oooooh I'm a furry.