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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

I've been playing Animal Crossing lately and Pokemon Arceus. I want to play the new Kirby game but hubby said no... not until I finish all the other games that I've bought and haven't finished playing yet.

Also minecraft!
Y'all got some fine taste in video games

I am playing the Witcher III on PC, hella fun game and it still holds up graphics wise on Ultra.

I am thinking of getting Fallout 4 next, but currently my next up is GTA 5 story mode, not online as that environment is more toxic than the Elephants foot.

Wish I was more into online games so I could play with yall :3
I've been wanting to do another Witcher 3 playthrough on my new 1440p 144hz monitor, but my 1050ti definitely isn't up for the task ?
MLB The Show 22, just got an xbox n gamepass. coming from ps4 where i was using a dualsense and an adapter, gotta say, the base controller on the series one s is really disappointing. that said the stick resistance in the series 2 is very very very tempting to me....
I've been playing mostly VR games recently, specifically Beat Saber and VRChat. That said, with the latter, I almost feel like I've been obsessing over perfecting my avatar more than actually playing! Doesn't help that I'm often stumbling through unity and blender like a drunken puppy, spending 3 hours on something that should take closer to 10 minutes :'3

Aside from those, I hop into the occasional Overwatch game when a friend or two decide to take a brief break from their cult-like Elden Ring addiction. I'm signed up for the beta for Overwatch 2, and I'm really crossing my fingers to get in the first wave of invites this month!
Pay a little over the odds on Ebay. I put it down as the price premium on someone else being cleverer or more patient than me.
Nah wont do that. There is noone cleverer, just nolifing with bots. Wont get my money. That way evil wins! No srsly: I wait till i get the opportunity to grab one normal price or never. Not that important because since the playerbase is only a fraction of the ps4s because most consoles are rotting away in a scalpers cellar, they will release on pc in the future.
put almost 100 hours to lost ark, decided it's not for me and am currently waiting for d2r ladder start. some heroes of the storm in the meantime, aram is surprisingly fun with friends.
Just (re)finished Monkey Island 2 in preparation for this:
- Skyrim with about 1200 mods
- Fallout 4 with about 800 mods
- Cities Skylines with about 3000 mods

I stopped buying new games when video games started becoming a platform to push a narrative much the same as movies have.
- Skyrim with about 1200 mods
- Fallout 4 with about 800 mods
- Cities Skylines with about 3000 mods

I stopped buying new games when video games started becoming a platform to push a narrative much the same as movies have.
I can't get my mods to load anymore and it is making me angry.