Well personally, i liked TR2013 for its gameplay, but the Tombs were .. like super easy and there wasnt really that much content. And it had too many QTE's. Same goes for Rise. I kinda think Shadow was my fave, because since i got a RTX3070 i got to enjoy it in all of its raytracing glory which i think makes the game so much better. But also the tombs were pretty neat - the story not so much tho. And they didnt really continue after the cliffhanger in Rise. I know many hate Shadow, but yea i think its my fave. Also Lara is the most badass in Shadow, obviously since the games were about her progress. However what i didnt like, was that it felt like playing a Uncharted game. Too many scripted sections and stuff.
So if it wasnt for the visuals i'd say Rise is my fave, but those saved Shadow for me. And the tombs. At the other hand, TR2013 had this spooky atmosphere .. eeh i cant decide! Anyways, they had the entire trilogy on Epic for free. You could've picked it up .. if you did well then play Shadow already!