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What song are you listening to?

It occasionally plays during ''het Foute Uur'' on QMusic Radio (basically they play music that's so bad it's good, plus a lot of classics).
It's not like I'm ''into'' that type of music I posted, I just liked that one track.
Well, thanks for the share because I liked it as well. What is your most listened to genre if you don't mind saying?
Not really that interesting tbh. I only really started to listen to music after I turned 16/17-ish. Before that time I gave jack shit about ''regular'' music. My introduction to metal was Metallica, like many others. I started with their first album and eventually got to the Black Album and never checked out the others. My taste in rock varies greatly. From ACâš¡DC to 3 Doors Down. I don't generally stick to just one band.
Nice! Definitely like Metallica and AC/DC. Did you ever get into Slayer or Slipknot? Jfc I'm just now realizing how many songs are on my phone. So I'll stop pestering after this lol
Nah. I prefer ''calmer'' metal with actual vocals I can understand and sing along to. Powerwolf and Dream Evil is kind of where I draw the line.
Lol, definitely see where you're coming from. My angsty teen-self was just too edgy. Nowadays, unless it's turned way down, most of the hc/metal gives me an old man migraine. I know, it's pretty amazing lol