What is your line of work?

Oh that’s cool. I work for a farmer at his curb market and package up Amish soap that sells worldwide. The soap is doing so well we shut down the curb market and I do that. I really should be a farmer and I can grow the shit out of some beautiful plants and flowers. I’m a great artist and it’s my passion. I use all kinds of different techniques and a master of the color wheel. Guess I should apply myself more but I’d have to give up my vices and this job really keeps me down because it’s no pressure from anyone to get better so I can just party parent and paint. Maybe one day I’ll speak to my soulmate and change my ways. Yeah right 😩
Seriously?? If so, that’s awesome!! I had three semesters of physics (with labs) and found it enjoyable and challenging….especially one semester of thermodynamics! Didn’t like that too much.
Sadly I was kidding 😄… that y I added the card tricks…
I work in my families business.
Not glamorous 🎀
Sadly I was kidding 😄… that y I added the card tricks…
I work in my families business.
Not glamorous 🎀
Well, I heard of degrees in Nuclear Engineering and Physics with concentrations in nuclear, but never heard of thermonuclear physics degrees. BUT I BELIEVED YOU, cause I think you ROCK. 👍