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What Do You Get Annoyed By?

Punk-ass teenagers throwing trash off a bridge into the river in the middle of broad daylight on the side of a main road.

Edit: actually, anybody being a lazy piece of shit and carelessly littering/not picking your shit up when you leave somewhere. Especially when that shit you leave is dangerous, like the fish hook I took in the hand yesterday and several others that I found just lying where people sit and walk.
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People who do not put their shopping carts away. There's a special place in hell for people like this.Now, of course they always make excuses like, "My legs are too tired", or "The cart corral is too far away". Bullshit! If you can walk all the way around the grocery store, walk the card to your car, you can most certainly put it back in the cart corral where it belongs. There is absolutely no excuse that you can make that justifies not putting the cart away. Not even the "I'm too old excuse". I truly think you can determine someone's character based entirely on what they do with their shopping carts.
If you can walk all the way around the grocery store
I feel the same way about handicap spaces. You're about to walk a couple miles up and down the aisles for the next hour. You can walk another 50 feet from a space further back. The only excuse is if they for whatever reason need the extra "loading zone space" around the spaces.
I feel the same way about handicap spaces. You're about to walk a couple miles up and down the aisles for the next hour. You can walk another 50 feet from a space further back. The only excuse is if they for whatever reason need the extra "loading zone space" around the spaces.
Bikers irritate me, among other reasons, for thinking they're special and allowed to park in the hatched lines near the handicap spots.

I don't give a fuck if it's small, if you're not supposed to park there, you're not supposed to park there.

Some bikers are so fuckin entitled and it drives me nuts.
Bikers irritate me, among other reasons, for thinking they're special and allowed to park in the hatched lines near the handicap spots.

I don't give a fuck if it's small, if you're not supposed to park there, you're not supposed to park there.

Some bikers are so fuckin entitled and it drives me nuts.

not just bikers. everyone who's parking where it isn't allowed/where you're not supposed to.
I don't care if there is no "no parking allowed" sign or marking, if it isn't a designated parking spot on a fucking super market parking area you're not supposed to park there. Especially not in the front of the emergency exist.
everyone who's parking where it isn't allowed/where you're not supposed to.
Well, yes, but bikers are typically the ones parking in no-parking areas immediately adjacent to handicap spots at places like Walmart .

But yes, parking where you're not supposed to drives me fucking nuts. I almost hit a guy and his girlfriend in a crosswalk because there was a car illegally parked right against it, blocking the view of the sidewalk where pedestrians enter the crosswalk. They didn't care to look and just walked out. That led to a whole big back and forth between he and I, including him telling me to shoot him, even though I never said anything about a gun.

Ever since then, I watch that area a lot. I've seen DOZENS of cars parked in those same spots. There are numerous "repeat offenders" parking there too, even including someone in a township vehicle. About a week ago, I saw a car parked there with the people standing around it while I was driving by. I saw the meter guy walking towards it and hoped like hell he was going to ticket them, but he just went and crossed the street at the crosswalk they were partially blocking the view of.

I've tried reaching out to the city about it, more than once, with screenshots from my dashcam SHOWING these vehicles and their license plates, but they haven't done anything, and probably won't until someone actually gets hit.
Punk-ass teenagers throwing trash off a bridge into the river in the middle of broad daylight on the side of a main road.

Edit: actually, anybody being a lazy piece of shit and carelessly littering/not picking your shit up when you leave somewhere. Especially when that shit you leave is dangerous, like the fish hook I took in the hand yesterday and several others that I found just lying where people sit and walk.
I have punished some like that. Not as many as I should have, but at least a couple of those shits got anger all up in their faces.
I have punished some like that. Not as many as I should have, but at least a couple of those shits got anger all up in their faces.
Had I not had the company I did, and if I'd been on top of the bridge instead of under it, it would have been a far different situation.
The amount of times I've tried to meet up with someone (human meet) and at the last minute they give an excuse as to why they can't or won't do it 😩 one today
Who thought it'd be so hard to meet?
I saw the meter guy walking towards it and hoped like hell he was going to ticket them, but he just went and crossed the street at the crosswalk they were partially blocking the view of.

THAT's another thing that annoys the hell out of me. I mean, sure, yeah a lot of our rules and regulations are redundant or unnessecary, but we have them and so they should be enforced/carried out, or they should be gotten rid off.
But just ignoring them is actually harming the system.
And if it's actually worthwhile rules, like DON'T BLOCK A FUCKING CROSSWALK, why the hell is that asshole not doing his job?
Same with the police or citizen police in my home, who just flat out ignore all of the people illegaly parking everywhere.
THAT's another thing that annoys the hell out of me. I mean, sure, yeah a lot of our rules and regulations are redundant or unnessecary, but we have them and so they should be enforced/carried out, or they should be gotten rid off.
But just ignoring them is actually harming the system.
And if it's actually worthwhile rules, like DON'T BLOCK A FUCKING CROSSWALK, why the hell is that asshole not doing his job?
Same with the police or citizen police in my home, who just flat out ignore all of the people illegaly parking everywhere.
Careful with that...

That could just as easily be applied to zoos...
Careful with that...

That could just as easily be applied to zoos...

see the point where I said that a lot of our rules are redundant or unnecessary (even though I mispelled it xD)?
That's one of them. Even though, btw, I pretty much don't care if someone has to pay or get's jailed for zoo stuff. If they get caught and it's proven than they've broken the law and have to be treated as such.
Laws have to be followed and enforced, if you don't, you should get rid of the law, since every law not enforced but willfully ignored by the governing body weakens said body.
If they get caught and it's proven than they've broken the law and have to be treated as such.
Laws have to be followed and enforced, if you don't, you should get rid of the law, since every law not enforced but willfully ignored by the governing body weakens said body.
Lack of enforcement, true, that weakens the governing body. However, enforcement of bad rules also weakens it. Also makes it good to go against that body. Classic example: slave law.

Indeed, bad laws should be gotten rid of - not merely becuz they're bad, but because bad laws make people disregard law. There are lots of examples of that around the world: instances where it is immoral to obey an immoral law. Also, when people know that the gov is telling lies .... well, that's a recipe for shit like anarchy, etc.
I am annoyed by stupid laws and regulations made by shitheads for both reasons.
see the point where I said that a lot of our rules are redundant or unnecessary (even though I mispelled it xD)?
That's one of them. Even though, btw, I pretty much don't care if someone has to pay or get's jailed for zoo stuff. If they get caught and it's proven than they've broken the law and have to be treated as such.
Laws have to be followed and enforced, if you don't, you should get rid of the law, since every law not enforced but willfully ignored by the governing body weakens said body.
Ahhh, but you're forgetting:

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. -- Ayn Rand
Yeah but it bugs me about what the reason was id much rather them just say it to me
Yea, but I get some peace in realizing that the reason would probably be bullshit and just piss me off anyway...

I'm probably better off not knowing and just believing that the reason is because that person is just an asshole.
Yea, but I get some peace in realizing that the reason would probably be bullshit and just piss me off anyway...

I'm probably better off not knowing and just believing that the reason is because that person is just an asshole.
I have heard a few dumb reasons from people such as me saying hello too much
Ahhh, but you're forgetting:

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. -- Ayn Rand
I don't think that's the whole reason, but I don't deny that it's probably part of it.

Here in europe the main reason's probably, that they just want some excuse for all the money they get and they don't want to give up their "jobs"
What? Oh... I see the problem - You're operating under the false impression that you're owed anything by someone you encounter online.
It is common dicency to at least say good by, nothing more.
Some people may care for others they talk to.
Something that is in very short supply in world recently.