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What are your companions' favourite activities?

oof i know that mud problem... not sure why he always does that D;

does any of your dogs love to sleep behind the couch all the time as well? my couch has like 30cm to the corner left over and he always uses that spot to sleep :LOL:
They are only allowed in the main part of the house for special things. They have their own room, shower and garden. All of them love being in front of the fire in winter though.
One of the reasons for NOT going in the main bit is because of the mud! We have a very much outdoor life, so muddy paws on the carpet are a no-no! One of them does that thing where he rests his paws just through the doorway though, with that hopeful, "feel-sorry-for-me" look on his face.
The donkeys love going for walks in the woods. The mules love hanging out, butt rubs and cuddling. The horse enjoys a really good bath and grooming session. And of course they all LOVE TREATS AND FOOD!
They all love going for hikes, but I think they like heading out to my folks farm to visit with them and all of the animals out there. My male husky loves running through flocks of chickens to make them scatter in all directions. Always looks proud of himself after he does that. And they all like the baby goats and licking pig snouts.
She loves being the biggest bitch she can be. Pissing off other dogs, stealing food, being possessive of me, stuff like that. And I love her more than anything.
"Tug" is perpetually in position one as her favorite, without a question. Preferably something that squeaks, but as long as I'm really willing to make her work for it, she will abandon food to play Tug.

I don't suppose "Eating" counts, so I'll skip that one.

"Ball" is in strong number two, specifically "throw it so it bounces and I can try to catch it before it comes down again but also I'll chase it, seriously, I will HAUL ASS to catch that thing, so really throw it!"

Third is "Wrestle." She gets into it, especially if we get into play-bows with one another and ready stances.

Fourth, ironically, is "Walks." She enjoys them, she'll never say no, but mostly she goes to check out the neighborhood and make sure all the other dogs know to stay the hell off her patch ;)
My girl likes to go on walks with me, she also loves to play in the snow. Pretty much anything outdoors. We also wrestle and play hide and seek which is super fun. Otherwise compost hunting is probably her favorite activity ?
My GSD boy loved the simple things like going out for a walk smelling the flowers and checking his Pmail. Although sometimes I thought he was pretending to be Inspector Rex and investigating stuff. Sometimes he would get so distracted by other things and would not watch where he was going until a sound like a truck hitting a tree would be heard as he slammed his head into a brick letterbox or some other solid object. That sound always made me cringe, but he seemed to just shake it off and go "No one saw that, right?" His investigative nature got him a spiked nose though one day when he tried to sniff an echidna, who for some reason turned all his defences to full as this predators muzzle slowly approached him.
my girl likes to sleep and look out the windows. my boy loves to play with a ball and likes learning new stuff no matter what it is.
Cooper loves to go on Hikes he also loves to chase and chew his toys especially anything squeaky. He also loves to steal socks he doesn’t destroy them or anything just likes to pick them up and carry them to the other room and make a collection haha
Cooper loves to go on Hikes he also loves to chase and chew his toys especially anything squeaky. He also loves to steal socks he doesn’t destroy them or anything just likes to pick them up and carry them to the other room and make a collection haha

Same happens here with my cats, they're all around picking up objects and hiding them everywhere, they even pick up bills, they can be helpful if you want to save some money :unsure:
My dog doesn't care about other dogs. Loves People, but her ball is life. Chasing them, peeling the fur off of tennis balls, catching pop-flys midair... Tug is a close second!

And running. Lots and lots of running, luckily uncle's ranch and farm has a ton of open space for her to go nuts.

The mares love their brushes and jolly balls. But more than anything they are big ole gluttons - love carrots and apples and rootbeer barrels and especially mints - always just an occasional treat, though, because colic is nasty. They're mostly looking for brushies/ grooming and cuddles whenever I visit!
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One of my boys likes to come for a run with me. They all like jumping in the sea and chasing hares. We all love tug-of-war with the rope toys. Getting muddy so I have to give them a shower.
Not my horse here but holy crap the accuracy!

I usually dont mind waiting for it to dry off and brush it iff though, as I only visit about once every other week

I'm sure it drives my uncle who's stabling them for us insane, though!


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Walks and socks. Seriously, socks. They're better than balls, apparently. When it's time to do laundry I just walk around the backyard with the basket. First thaw after a snowy winter is pretty hilarious...socks everywhere!

THIS!! This is the first thing I was thinking when I saw this thread title! It's the exact reason I don't bother sockifying his paws sometimes during fun time. I swear dogs are obsessed with socks! My family used to have a greyhound and she also loved socks! It's like the secret obsession that's rarely mentioned (or I'm just plagued with dog sock fetishes? :confused:)

That and getting bits of stick/wood all over his freshly cleaned doggy bed :(
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Barking and ... thats all. These dogs are on chains, so they are able to walk in small place of ground. It is not my decision and I cant do anything to change it.
Barking and ... thats all. These dogs are on chains, so they are able to walk in small place of ground. It is not my decision and I cant do anything to change it.
That is sad, can you take them for walks at all. No one no matter what their species should live a life always on a a chain.
We have a cat. We don't OWN a cat; she's more like a roommate who doesn't do chores. She pays rent, though. I imagine that's what she's been intending when she's brought home a dead bunny, almost every night this week.