What are some things you hate that everyone else seems to love?

Mine would have to be Threedog from Fallout 3. Don't get me wrong, I fully support "fighting the good fight" against oppressors and everything, but as a character he's just extremely annoying, and tbh a bit of an asshole hypocrite. Not only does he refuse to tell you where dad went without helping him, he has you do his chores for him. I mean, how does he expect people to do fighting if he himself stays locked up inside GNR, sending some random civilian out to get and install his dish??????
Basketball I hate basketball
Team sports in general.
Also, any kind of fighting competitions, be it wrestling, box, anything.
Definetly computers, and any kind of tech stuff.. never get the hang of it and I'm actually glad Everytime I manage to turn it on whit out something breaking.
Soft drinks. It's just so gassy and makes me feel bloated so quickly. I would often shake out all the carbonated air before drinking lmao. Plus some of them have a weird aftertaste e.g. Sprite.

I hate peppers. They smell nasty when they are cooking and they taste vile.
Wait, all kinds of peppers? Even black peppers which you sprinkle on your steak?
I just remembered I also dislike bacon. When I was young, my parents used to make bacon and eggs which they’ll leave on the table. By the time me and my brother wake up for school, the fat and oil would start to seep out and coagulate. We had to eat it because they’ll get mad if we don’t. It made me despise fried eggs and bacon.
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Me too, but to clarify, only certain other people, which actually would include most other people.

Just had to say that because there are a limited few that I actually like and enjoy their company.

My 2 best friends, in this current universe, I saw one 2 years ago, and the other is 1000 miles away. We've seen each other once. I chat daily with both. I don't generally mind people online, it's when I'm close enough to feel their presence it becomes... complicated
Surprised nobody's said "myself" yet. Lol

I'll go with showers. Now, don't get me wrong, I shower often. But I've heard many people state "oh I love taking showers, it's so relaxing." To me, it's basically the same as brushing my teeth and trimming my nails. I do it because I have to do it, but not because I enjoy doing it. I do like the "squeaky clean" feeling afterwards though. 😁