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What are Some Things That Annoy you That Non-Zoo "Pet Owners" Do

I have a friend & her boyfriend that I smoke with from time to time and they think its entertaining/okay to also blow smoke into their dog's face. I think its awful and have been meaning to say that it can cause serious eye complications, but at the same time its their house and everything and feels kinda rude to tell them what they can/cant do :/
I have a friend & her boyfriend that I smoke with from time to time and they think its entertaining/okay to also blow smoke into their dog's face. I think its awful and have been meaning to say that it can cause serious eye complications, but at the same time its their house and everything and feels kinda rude to tell them what they can/cant do :/
Who the everlasting fuck blows smoke at a dog?? Can you imagine if somebody was caught blowing smoke at a childs face? What the hell is wrong with some people
I have a friend & her boyfriend that I smoke with from time to time and they think its entertaining/okay to also blow smoke into their dog's face. I think its awful and have been meaning to say that it can cause serious eye complications, but at the same time its their house and everything and feels kinda rude to tell them what they can/cant do :/
That's straight-up animal abuse though.

On topic: My parents recently got a couple puppies, and they're doing a poor job of raising them. Any time they do something my parents don't like, they start yelling at them. Like a puppy is going to understand anything they're saying :rolleyes:
I personally don’t like when people get there dogs neutered or spade purely out of convenience. imagine if your parents did that to you just to avoid you having any sexual desires, and did it when you were 4 or 5 years old. There has been recent research proving adult dogs benefit greatly from the hormones they get from remaining intact.
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The thing I hate the most about Non-Zoo "Pet Owners" do is the way some of them treat their pets, they simply do terrible haircuts (I don't know the exact word for it in English regarding animals). Also they put them through a lot of stressful situations, just to get views in social media, it like they that animal is toy and it makes me furious.
Modern shock collars are NOT what most people think they are. I get why people don't like them, the idea of them, whatever, but the fact is they are not even close to what the vision of them are. People have this mental vision of shock therapy from the old sanitatarium days and they transfer that directly to shock collars. That's just not the case.

One is direct skin contact with electricity, REAL, LIVE electricity, similar but lesser in voltage to the electric chair. I'm pretty sure at one time, this was achieved by sticking bare electrodes under the eyeballs.

The other is electrical stimulation with VERY low voltage from an onboard battery, a battery that needs to be charged after 17-20 hours, EVERY 17-20 hours or its dead, flat dead. Use your brain, just how much "shock" do you think you'll get from a battery carrying that amount of electricity? The batteries in your tv remote carry more pop than a shock collar.

The fact is it's similar in delivery to what you get in a doctors office while recieving elctrical stimulation on muscles. And that is direct muscle stimulation, to make whatever muscle contract, either rapid pulse contractions or sustained (10-15 seconds). Hell, you can buy lower grade muscle stim sets straight up without the doctor being involved. They don't cause pain. AT WORST, it can be unpleasant, as in an unpleasant sensation.

It's called a training collar for a reason. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the "shock" from a shock collar should be understood in the same context as being "shocked" by a loud noise or something equally "shocking" as in surprise. The purpose, and the point, isn't pain, it's to get attention, IMMEDIATELY.

You have BIG HEAVY BULKY dogs that WILL drag your ass to whatever they want to reach in certain circumstances, and they WILL flat out act as if you do not exist because they are INTENTLY focused on whatever has their attention or ire or whatever. This situation can go very badly for whatever or whoever the dog focused on, badly for the dog, badly for you. Depending on the dog breed and it's size and strength, things can go south real quick. It doesn't matter how well behaved your dog is, how well you think you know your dog, how great you THINK your relationship is with the dog. Individual dogs are, like humans, individual personalities, every dog is different. Situations like those are what a shock collar is made to handle, or, if your lucky, prevent. These are for getting the dog's attention right now. Because if you don't break the dog's focus for a moment, the end result might be very bad for all concerned.

There will be exceptions to every rule, but, most dogs, one low intensity "shock" is enough. Use the beeper or the vibrate fucnction, and THEN the shock. NOW, the dog knows what the sound and or sensation means and they don't want the shock, it gets the attention RIGHT NOW. ALL you have to do is break that focus and YOUR dog is now fully present and you can direct the dog to do whatever. Ideally, this will have happened BEFORE you run into the situation that's potentially very dangerous, so you can prevent the situation before it really starts.

On the street, Rottweilers are very people friendly, but HYPER aggressive toward other animals. Pitbulls are SUPER territorial. NOT all dogs in all situations, every dog is different, but those are KNOWN traits for those breeds, other breeds have the same or similar traits. A responsible owner knows his breed and knows how to deal with the issues those breeds have in regards to most things. It boils down to you, as the owner, are you prepared to handle the situation or are you just going to leave it to chance?

You may think it's cute or funny that your loving attention whore Pitbull goes apeshit when the mailman steps on your porch, because he just goes all rigid and barks and growls up a storm but never moves to attack, but, I promise you, one day, with the right conditions, that dog is going THROUGH your door for that mailman. Then you have a big problem, and most likely, a dead dog on your hands and a lawsuit you are going to lose. And it can get worse from there, depending on the situation.

Modern shock collars are a training aid and little more. The problem with them, if there are problems, come from humans being who humans are.
I've known a lot of pet owners who don't take care of them physically. bad diets, lack of exercise, infrequent vet visits..........We have to take care of them because they can't do that themselves!!!!
I personally don’t like when people get there dogs neutered or spade purely out of convenience. imagine if your parents did that to you just to avoid you having any sexual desires, and did it when you were 4 or 5 years old. There has been recent research proving adult dogs benefit greatly from the hormones they get from remaining intact.
I don't care much for spaying/neutering either, but what really gets me is when the proponents thereof go off on people who don't get it done as though leaving an animal intact were the principal moral failing bringing about the downfall of society.
Who the everlasting fuck blows smoke at a dog?? Can you imagine if somebody was caught blowing smoke at a childs face? What the hell is wrong with some people

I know, it's fucked. But they just laugh it off in a kinda "aha it's okay because he's getting high with us!" kind of attitude and it annoys me so much
There are only two instances when you'll see me smack a dog. When they are aggressive or do something they have been trained not to. I.e. grabbing food off the counter or going through the trash bin. Oliver, my first partner, was only aggressive to one person, one time. It sounds bad and I'll get hate for this, but the best way for a hearding breed to know who is master is to put them in submission. When oliver "attacked" the guy (he was a friend of my dads) dad grabbed him by the collar picked him up and laid him on his back and put the fear of god into oliver, or as best a dog can understand that. And it never happened again. Other than that the only time anyone laid hands on oliver was when he would try and sneak his nose into the trash or into food. A light but solid nose tap would be enough to send him to his bed. Anyone who ever met the dog were always amazed by how well trained and behaved he was.
Giving your pet a human name and saying "Their my baby." There is a lady near my apartment who named her dog Buster, she will even yell "Buster Jonnson get your ass in this house now." This lady is like 75 and her kids and grand kids live like 3 hours away.
The other is electrical stimulation with VERY low voltage from an onboard battery, a battery that needs to be charged after 17-20 hours, EVERY 17-20 hours or its dead, flat dead. Use your brain, just how much "shock" do you think you'll get from a battery carrying that amount of electricity? The batteries in your tv remote carry more pop than a shock collar.
I'll start off saying I am a strong proponent of e-collars and would say they are so often misconstrued to being a torture device but in reality are an amazing training tool. That being said...

I would still stay far away from any thing referred to as a shock collar that actually applies an electrical shock to the dog. Modern day ones often referred to as e-collars or remote collars don't apply a shock to the dog. They work by having a box sitting on the dogs neck which vibrates really fast. Its just like having your phone go off in your pocket instead of someone hitting you with a taser. You train the dog to associate the vibration with you will be able to grab their attention when you use it. They do have different levels of vibration so you can crank it in case of an emergency.
Having a " emotional support dog ". Get your emotions in check , then go get a dog. There's nothing worse then seeing a proud breed be reduced to babysitting a six hundred pound lady in a momo at Wal-Mart. Throw the dam ball around once in a while. You can't tell me that dog chose to do that job.

Hording animals, or living in complete squaller.
Poor people who can't afford proper care for their animals. If your poor and live with 4 other people in a shitty trailer, for the love of God don't come home with a million dogs, you can't afford to take care of.

I worked two jobs for 13 years so one day I could provide for a couple doggies later in life. Do what is right, it's not just about you. If you can't provide for your animal , find someone who can.