smacking their pets isn't just an annoyance... i think ppl that do that as their go-to "training" method are just evil, same with ppl who'd put their pets noses in their urine/poo to make them do that not in the house. i mean, maybe walk them sometimes?
i also hope there is a special place in hell for people who get a dog, put him/her in their yard and that's it. no walks, no interaction just a meal or two per day as if all he/she was to them was "alarm that runs on food". i had a few words with "owners" like that and their answer was always the same, "a dog is supposed to guard" and that was that...
my neighbors three houses over have this gorgeous looking border collie girl who has "life" just like this, withering away alone in a yard barking at everything, because she doesn't know anything. isn't socialized or anything. but being a smart gal, she did figure out how to escape and started roaming for a while. the neighbors put a stop to that and "fixed" it with a fucking shock collar. it's fucking atrocious going past their house and seeing her trying to approach the fence to at least bark at a stranger and her collar starts beeping when she gets too close. what i hate about this the most is that there's nothing to report anywhere, in the eyes of the law she is "provided for". she has her dog house, has enough water and is well fed. imagining these people think they are better than me because they don't sleep with animals (in both senses of the word) is the worst
OMG I HATE shock collars, even those no bark collars just annoy the hell out of me......and even worse are those barbed collars. Ya know the ones designed to prevent a dog from pulling by having two smallish barbs that poke the dogs neck when they yank? cruelest invention ever....would like to slip one of those on anyone who would put one on a dog.