I find it amusing that any of us think teenagers don't have access to sexually explicit material whether that be drawn, or real photos any time they want. Has anyone ever heard of a little place called e621? I can google dog balls and have thousands of real photos of genitals in under a second. is the soft porn section your talking about worse than that?
I'm old, but I knew I was a zoo by the time I was 13 for sure even if I didn't have a name for it back then. I just had no interest in humans they just did nothing for me. Back then I knew enough that it wasn't normal, but I'd be fucked if it is something I would discuss with my parent, teachers, doctor whoever, it was my secret. But back then there was no social media telling me everyday I was the scum of the earth and I should kill myself. So if this is correct
We obviously do know that porn is very easily accessible to anyone with a any sort of a computer from pretty much any age the moment you can use a web browser. I can tell you I had access from about the same age as you.
But the law does not see it as simply. And that is the reason why I left the site.
If they get into pedo trouble, I would rather not have an account there. More so when I am not using it anyway.
I myself have no desire to talk about sexual stuff with anyone who is under the age limit.
Since you can not be sure you are not doing that there and it can lead to trouble, staying off that site is better in my opinion.
Normal zoo sites are not as interesting for the law enforcement as those that involve minors even though both the things are illegal.
So I would rather take the lesser evil and stay on a 18+ zoo site where I at least have a much lesser chance of committing a pedo act by unknowingly talking to a minor. Here users are at least somewhat protected by the 18+ requirement and therefore implicit assumption that everyone here is adult.
You surely remember a couple of cases of zoos getting into trouble and having the pedo accusation piled on top whether it was true or maybe not. It is in almost every news article about some zoo being busted.
The law enforcement loves to have that excuse because regular zoo just is not that interesting but hunting pedos is.
It simply is not a good idea to give them this excuse just because that forum allows minors to register on it and any post you make there can be claimed to be read by a minor.
is the soft porn section your talking about worse than that?
That is not what I meant. Their soft porn section is in my opinion against their own rules since they say they do not have explicit porn material when they do actually have it.
then is the place any better or worse than LGBT support for people of a similar age who are dealing with that sort of bigotry as well?
I do not know. I have never been to a LGBT forum and I do not know how much those could get into trouble because of being accused of pedo related things.
Zoocommunity's intention might be similar to an LGBT support forum, but it puts their users in danger and I do not want to be caught in the crossfire.