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The amount of people here who seem interested in animals just for sex, and nothing else, really annoy me

I do not know if I will be annoying you in this category of people that will fall as well. I will not lie terribly to try to have sex with a mare. I have never had it so far and I would never have a mare (like I would rape it or how to say it). Just longing for this, and it will probably stay with my touch. I don't have this option and I will never have.
it makes me question about an intermingling of zoos, romantic/asexual zoos, and people whos sole focus is on sex.
It is not possible to separate them, because the number of affected people is too small for that (~2%). And only a small part of it visits the internet community.
If 20% of the people were "zoophiles" (and of course if it were not forbidden), then it would be easier to have a separate zoophile forum, a separate bestiality/fetish forum, etc. to create.
Maybe there's something more to this that I don't quite understand, but is it really necessary for an "asexual zoophile" to pursue a forum like ZV? Unless you specifically enjoy the company of practicing zoophiles, that is. Don't get me wrong, I'm not shooing you away or anything, just trying to understand - as from my POV it seems like you're just asking for trouble by adopting the inflammatory label "zoophile", when you could easily pass for the completely legal and benign "my dog is my soulmate" type the clearnet already has a plenty of. It'd be kinda like somebody calling himself a "pedophile" because he enjoys reciting storybooks to children.
Maybe there's something more to this that I don't quite understand, but is it really necessary for an "asexual zoophile" to pursue a forum like ZV? Unless you specifically enjoy the company of practicing zoophiles, that is. Don't get me wrong, I'm not shooing you away or anything, just trying to understand - as from my POV it seems like you're just asking for trouble by adopting the inflammatory label "zoophile", when you could easily pass for the completely legal and benign "my dog is my soulmate" type the clearnet already has a plenty of. It'd be kinda like somebody calling himself a "pedophile" because he enjoys reciting storybooks to children.
Zoophilia also includes love with animals without sexual contact.
It's very rare indeed.
You are forgetting most people here have not and don’t have the means to even acquire a partner. Even if they are hypothetically into the more romantic side, they can’t really imagine that coming on here. There aren’t videos of people cuddling our doing romantic non sexual things. There is no shortage of videos of the sexual side that we all crave. That they can watch and use their imagination with.

And even if someone is only in it for the sexual side…so what? As long as it is mutual and they aren’t forcing the animal, why is it any different than human+human FWBs? If it ain’t your thing, no reason to put down others. Same for people degrading themselves referring to themselves as bitches etc…some people like that.
It's certainly no shock a far greater amount of people have a fetishistic attraction, but even if they come here looking for porn it's only positive if they leave here having read one or two how-to's and received a basic lesson in ethical sexual contact with animals.
I'm new to zoo. love hearing from people and reading posts by people who have a relationship with their animal partner. Its obvious now but i learned that relationship is something that has to be developed and cultivated like any relationship. I'm not a big porn watcher so that factors in.

i just wanted to say I agree that it's annoying the focus on sex alone
Me and my wife are new to zoo as well and we enjoy reading everything that has to do with building up a relationship with everyone involved and i also agree its bothersome to read about ppl talking about the sex alone when it should be deeper than that wheres the love the bonds and the genuine relationships between the ppl and thier animal lovers.

We came here to learn about the zoophile lifestyle the dos and donts as well as the relationships people have with thier human and animal lovers so we could learn and grow
I laugh at the zoophilic lifestyle and theory building.
I'm a conscious woman. I know what turns guys on. I feel satisfaction as I excite a guy and I know the methods.
I know that for a guy the sight of me being fucked by a dog is maximally exciting.
For most guys, dominance is very exciting.
I like strong and determined guys. There is exchange and fulfillment.
For me dogsex is also exciting. Physically and mentally.
When I'm alone and I have a dog. I can have sex with him instead of a vibrator.
I'm attracted to taboo so I do it in secret and not for an idea.
This will never be accepted universally.
Such forums are for most a place of erotic fantasies, excitement and popularization of taboos to sell porn, to make money.
Sure there are individual cases of someone falling in love with a dog, but this is even smaller than real animalsex.
I laugh at the zoophilic lifestyle and theory building.
I'm a conscious woman. I know what turns guys on. I feel satisfaction as I excite a guy and I know the methods.
I know that for a guy the sight of me being fucked by a dog is maximally exciting.
For most guys, dominance is very exciting.
I like strong and determined guys. There is exchange and fulfillment.
For me dogsex is also exciting. Physically and mentally.
When I'm alone and I have a dog. I can have sex with him instead of a vibrator.
I'm attracted to taboo so I do it in secret and not for an idea.
This will never be accepted universally.
Such forums are for most a place of erotic fantasies, excitement and popularization of taboos to sell porn, to make money.
Sure there are individual cases of someone falling in love with a dog, but this is even smaller than real animalsex.
we get it. Your bf just likes it when you fuck anything.
we get it. Your bf just likes it when you fuck anything.
It’s people like that that just I find so polarising, I myself see zoophila as love first and sex is an afterthought.

I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to say- go onto the porn section and see someone actually talking about their partner like they genuinely love them, rather then just treating them like a living sex toy.
It is very mundane, for me it is lots of cuddling, enjoying play times out side, making sure food n water are full, sleeping, snoring, farting, random bones found buried in the blankets, mud on carpet.
Exactly, that is exactly what I resonate more with.

Sex is just an afterthought for me, I feel genuine love is far more important then just sex.
I oft remind people, sex is 5 to 10m on average, that leaves a lot of extra time that people don't seem to think about. That's 1,430 minutes that need to be filled! When one genuinely care for each other that time is well enjoyed!
That’s a really good way to summarise it.

As I said, I really wish people cared more about love then sex.

Well, I guess you can count both as the same sometimes. ?
I laugh at the zoophilic lifestyle and theory building.
I'm a conscious woman. I know what turns guys on. I feel satisfaction as I excite a guy and I know the methods.
I know that for a guy the sight of me being fucked by a dog is maximally exciting.
For most guys, dominance is very exciting.
I like strong and determined guys. There is exchange and fulfillment.
For me dogsex is also exciting. Physically and mentally.
When I'm alone and I have a dog. I can have sex with him instead of a vibrator.
I'm attracted to taboo so I do it in secret and not for an idea.
This will never be accepted universally.
Such forums are for most a place of erotic fantasies, excitement and popularization of taboos to sell porn, to make money.
Sure there are individual cases of someone falling in love with a dog, but this is even smaller than real animalsex.
Don't be sorry. I'm sorry your choice seems to be getting attacked so much. Lots of people here on the offensive but lots of other staying silent.

To everyone else:
So was this just a thread for attacking bestiality? Seriously? Might I remind you of the literal subtitle of this website: "zoophilia and bestiality forum"

I agree with the basic idea of OP. As in, would it be nice to see more zoophilia content and less pure bestiality? Yeah, I'd like that. But that's not what this site is for. If it was pure zoophilia, it probably would have failed by now.

And stop being mildly elitist dicks to what we all know is the majority of people on this site. I admire your ways of life (as much as one can "admire" something like what people on this site do) but I can also say I'm not there yet, and I might never be. Most won't. That's just how it is.
Bestiality and fetishes make up the majority of these sites, which is why you see so many emotionless posts about just fucking.
There are far fewer people who live with the animal as a real couple, from emotion, heart, and soul, and make love as the culmination of this. Zoophilia would originally mean this, but today the word is used for everyone.
I wouldn't go so far as to say there's fewer of us that are on the caring side.. But for those of us that are, we don't make any content, don't take pictures, and for the most part, keep things private.

It's the wankers if you will that are thirsting for fap material, don't want to own a critter because that means responsibility, or wanting to whore theirs out if they do own.
Don't be sorry. I'm sorry your choice seems to be getting attacked so much. Lots of people here on the offensive but lots of other staying silent.

To everyone else:
So was this just a thread for attacking bestiality? Seriously? Might I remind you of the literal subtitle of this website: "zoophilia and bestiality forum"

I agree with the basic idea of OP. As in, would it be nice to see more zoophilia content and less pure bestiality? Yeah, I'd like that. But that's not what this site is for. If it was pure zoophilia, it probably would have failed by now.

And stop being mildly elitist dicks to what we all know is the majority of people on this site. I admire your ways of life (as much as one can "admire" something like what people on this site do) but I can also say I'm not there yet, and I might never be. Most won't. That's just how it is.
Thank you
The "elite" know every porn actress and every dog and and monopoly what is right and what is wrong.
To everyone else:
So was this just a thread for attacking bestiality? Seriously? Might I remind you of the literal subtitle of this website: "zoophilia and bestiality forum"
I don't see this thread as an attack on bestiality. I'm a zoophile and I practice bestiality, sex with animals.

What it is criticizing instead is the implicit treatment of animals as lesser beings or even objectifying them, even just as an idea in discussion, for the purposes of people's purely sexual and often rather selfish desires. If you feel attacked by this, perhaps some reflection is in order. It's not purely a problem with the sexual aspect of people, but the lack of respect, awareness, and understanding of animals over the course of discussions because of it.
Animals did not build civilisation. They are not equal to humans. Respect and good treatment is right.
Animals did not build civilisation. They are not equal to humans. Respect and good treatment is right.
This is a great example of the detrimental quality of arrogance, all too often demonstrated by the average person(a quality I certainly demonstrate sometimes too, we're all human). You did not build civilization either. And in fact, humans worked closely alongside animals for tens of thousands of years for us to arrive where we are today. You do not realize that you are not just a human, but you are equally a part of this same universe that we all share. No part is more important than the other.
People used the resources available to live.
Not only live, but grow and reproduce and grow more. We inherently are a part of our environment. We come from it. We die and we decompose and we return our energy to it for use by everything else. This is how the world works. To assert you somehow exist apart from that is to step away from logic.
Animals did not build civilisation. They are not equal to humans. Respect and good treatment is right.
They didn't? I mean, first off, we're animals.

Secondly, animals have helped us nearly every step of the way.

Granted, they did not do it alone, and likely would not have done it without humans, however the reverse is also true. We couldn't have done it without them either...

To ignore their contributions to modern society is near sighted and ignorant.

I do not mean that as an insult at all, but hopefully to open your eyes..
Animals did not build civilisation. They are not equal to humans. Respect and good treatment is right.
without animals (dogs and later beasts of burden) we'd never break away from hunter/gatherer nomadic lifestyle to settle down and start building a civilization. pick up a book instead of your dildoified dog sometimes.
they are not equal, they're superior.
Ask your pets to write what they think.
goes to show how shallow your kind of ppl is, judging someones worth by their ability to write/talk.
is it really enough of an excuse to use one like a sextoy, that he can't write/talk anyway?
For me I tend to go about 50/50 with my posts about my doggy girls. 50% is about our relationship or things about them that are non-sexual. The other 50% does relate to sex in one form or another, whether it be about what sex with them is like, or whether it be able how my doggy girls consent to sex, etc.

But this is an adult (18+) website with porn on it, and to top it all off it's about a HIGHLY taboo subject in society. It makes sense that a lot of people will want to talk about sex, as it's something you just cannot talk about elsewhere, and it's one of the key separating difference between us and your typical "absolutely loves their pets" animal owner. Yeah legitimate zoos are heavily outnumbered by the "leg humpers" and fetishists 10:1, but even for that 10% that are zoos it makes sense that they'll want to talk about sex.
without animals (dogs and later beasts of burden) we'd never break away from hunter/gatherer nomadic lifestyle to settle down and start building a civilization. pick up a book instead of your dildoified dog sometimes.
they are not equal, they're superior.

goes to show how shallow your kind of ppl is, judging someones worth by their ability to write/talk.
is it really enough of an excuse to use one like a sextoy, that he can't write/talk anyway?
Shallow? I appreciate a lot of people's skills.
The dog won't shop. The dog will not clean the apartment. He won't prepare the food.
I have to buy dog food, go to the vet. To go for walks. clean it etc.
Equality is bullshit.
For me I tend to go about 50/50 with my posts about my doggy girls. 50% is about our relationship or things about them that are non-sexual. The other 50% does relate to sex in one form or another, whether it be about what sex with them is like, or whether it be able how my doggy girls consent to sex, etc.

But this is an adult (18+) website with porn on it, and to top it all off it's about a HIGHLY taboo subject in society. It makes sense that a lot of people will want to talk about sex, as it's something you just cannot talk about elsewhere, and it's one of the key separating difference between us and your typical "absolutely loves their pets" animal owner. Yeah legitimate zoos are heavily outnumbered by the "leg humpers" and fetishists 10:1, but even for that 10% that are zoos it makes sense that they'll want to talk about sex.
Mhm, yea it definitely makes sense why this is the case.

Again, I will reinstate, I certainly have no issues with porn, it’s just a little jading when it feels like that’s all you see, everywhere.