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The abusive porn cleanup project

I have found abusive content in the past:

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horse dont get hard/get used like toy, everytime when head moves it get pulled in position - probably someone keeps head on the other side of the wall

horse get used like toy, trying to hold horse in place but fail
Commercial crap. Deleted.
I don't know what to think of this video in the first post. It seems that the stallion is free to move, but at the end of the clip you can see another pony in front of him tied up. I wouldn't be surprised to see a teasing mare used in AI to get the stallion going, but is this something we should also condone / encourage in zoosexual interactions? Put differently, how would the use of a teasing mare be different from using bait?

With people of course, with animals (in this forum) not all (my intention was only to share an specific fetish, not to promote the abuse of underage animals, the video context is only casual, cause my interest is not the age of the dog. Perhaps, there are plenty of content like this in the forum (and more gross), you should make a deep cleanup
u dont knew that ist not allowed to use a underage beeing for sexual activity?
no matter if human or animal they are all living beeings and should be respected the same way when u do sexual stuff
I understand perfectly well (I didn't know that was a serious rule violation). So I've explained the reasons why I shared the video (clearly my interest is not the age of the dog, despite it's wrong). I invite you to search in my profile and look for any kind of animal abuse interactions I've had
With people of course, with animals (in this forum) not all (my intention was only to share an specific fetish, not to promote the abuse of underage animals, the video context is only casual, cause my interest is not the age of the dog. Perhaps, there are plenty of content like this in the forum (and more gross), you should make a deep cleanup
That's why there is a Report Button to report any underage activities
All of those videos are also from a recent commercial crap producer so they are deletable also just because that is in the rules.
Let alone the bound legs,
While it may be considered "abusive" by some (myself included - I prefer they "work it out among themselves") it should be noted that *THAT* *PARTICULAR* *FORM* of bound legs, known as a "breeding hobble" is very nearly routine practice in the breeding shed, and has been for many years. It's *MUCH* less for "restrain the horse" (that's done by the guy holding the halter/lead rope - unless applied wrong, a breeding hobble's effectiveness as a restraining method is real close to zero) than to prevent possibly career ending (or even LIFE-ending - If you want to see a case of that, drop "mare kills stallion" into the search box on YouTube - there are at least three vids besides that one I've seen where a mare "one-shot-killed" a stallion - And I mean that quite literally - Mare throws a kick (reason irrelevant) at the wrong moment, and stallion hits the ground half a second later, already dead other than the final spasms) injury to the stallion.

Fortunately, I've never personally witnessed such an event, and even more fortunately, they're not common, but they DO happen, and when you're talking about a stud valued in the multi-million dollar range, you simply don't fuck around with the possibility.

That said, anybody needing that sort of rig-out when "gettin' jiggy" with a horse is somebody who doesn't have anywhere near the knowledge needed to be doing so, and is a danger to themselves and anyone else (including the horse) involved.
This has come up before and this is my usual answer:
Sex with an animal is optional. If you can not have sex with an animal without immobilizing it, do not have sex with that animal.
Breeding practices are a different thing, they may be wrong or not wrong, bu this here is about the optional activity of having sex with an animal to make money making porn.
Let alone that sex with a horse without bound legs has been demonstrated many times to be possible.
maybe KittyKardy (khloemoretti)... Mainstream porn from her on Google, zoo Videos actually more on Telegram (sorry, links to Channels are here forbidden)..

The image quality is mediocre at best. So here's something improved. One from her upscaled:
Actress almost fucking puking after "sucking" a dog cock.
Wrong jerking.
Dog held on his back.
This is what it looks like when a nonzoo idiot makes zoo porn to make money on onlyfans.