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Suggestion: doing sexual stuff with stray animals should be not allowed here

I feel there are different ways to see this, and it is more to do with the Consensual sex thing !!
If a Male human, takes in a stray female dog to have sex with it, that is Wrong, because he is making advances where they aren't wanted.
There is no way to know if the female dog is consenting to his advances, or just being Submissive to a Master type figure !!
For him to lead the way and go on with intercourse, I would call that Abuse of that Bitch !!
a female dog can consent no matter if stray or not that wont change anything in that regard

But !!

If a Woman invites in a Stray Male dog into her home, or private space, and befriends him, then offers herself to him, She is being Consensual, and if he shows interest in her, enjoys the taste and scent of her pussy, and also moves on to try Humping her, Then he too is showing his Consent, and that he wants to have sex with her !!
How is that Abuse ?

Even if she does send him out afterwards, He will be happy for his experiences, would he not ?
its not right to use the dog for sexual stuff then dumb the dog back to the street

There is definitely a difference between a Man taking in a Stray Bitch with intention of Penetrating her !!
and a Woman taking in a Stray Dog, and offering herself to him !!
no its all the same when sex is consentual
There is no way to know if the female dog is consenting to his advances, or just being Submissive to a Master type figure !!
Not again... males enjoy sex, females suffer it 😓

One thing you are right. If you are unable to see if a female (or a male) is consenting to whatever, for the sake of all involved, just keep yourself 10 feet from her.
I guess everyone's opinion will be different based on their personal principles. Personally I would never be able to use a stray dog for sex and put them on the street again.

But if sex is consential I can also see how the stray isn't left in a worse position than he/she was before the act so I understand and agree to an extent with those that don't see an issue with it.

On the other side of that coin, although the dog isn't harmed, a person that would take him/her in only to be used for sex and then let them be disowned and cast out again would rightfully face judgement from other zoos for having such a selfish, apathetic approach. I could never share intimacy with an individual and not care what happens to it the next day, getting hit by a car, starving, dog fights, disease, etc.

The only time I'll get involved with a stray is if I intend on improving it's life and finding it a home. But that's just me, as long as the animal isn't harmed I won't judge anyone that does it differently.
If the animal's treatment doesn't cross the harm line to the stray then leave it. We may really really want zoos to not touch strays or to go beyond harmless sex to adoption but that is our opinion only.

If people here have to start listening to non objective opinions then oh boy do I have some to codify into law.

Just consider harmless stray content the same as anything else that you aren't into if you don't like it and comment on it or skip it. My opinion is I dislike stray content.
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Not again... males enjoy sex, females suffer it 😓

One thing you are right. If you are unable to see if a female (or a male) is consenting to whatever, for the sake of all involved, just keep yourself 10 feet from her.
One thing we can be sure of,
If a Woman allows a stray male dog into her home or garden etc, we can be 100% sure, that she is Consenting !!
If that male dog, Willingly shows interest, in her pussy's Scent and Taste, and he willingly gets aroused and starts to hump.
I can not see, how this is cruel ?
Like all Males, intact male dogs, are driven, to get sexual mating success, Naturally with his own Species, but if he gets the offer from a woman, and wants to follow that through, he is showing his Happy Consent !!

The Dog will leave her household or where ever they may be, as a Happy Chappie, Wagging his tail all the way, and go about His usual life on the streets !!
He may even come back for more of the same, on another day !!

As long as she doesn't physically handle him, and force intercourse by using his cock as a Dildo,
(Which I call Dildogging) and I am 100% against that !!
I don't like to seen that on the Video's which circulate the Net.

As long as it is Consensual and willing on both participants, I can't see why, this should be Frowned upon here ?
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Like all Males, intact male dogs, are driven, to get sexual mating success,

and females not? wonder why all mating species arent extinct now if thats the case, or do u say the male always ,,rapes,, the female?
The Dog will leave her household or where ever they may be, as a Happy Chappie, Wagging his tail all the way, and go about His usual life on the streets !!
miserable life as street dog, suffering much only used from the ,,human,, for sex - not giving him shelter or such
As long as she doesn't physically handle him, and force intercourse by using his cock as a Dildo,
(Which I call Dildogging) and I am 100% against that !!
I don't like to seen that on the Video's which circulate the Net.
and how will u be sure the male dog isnt exploited in any way?

As long as it is Consensual and willing on both participants, I can't see why, this should be Frowned upon here ?
As long as it is Consensual and willing on both participants, I can't see why, this should be Frowned upon here ?
Exactly that.
I am not frowning about sex with males. I am frowning at the thought females can't be known to consent.

Need to go around some bitches in heat... or mules 🤣, then come back then say again they are not consensual.

At the same time, malecdigs *can* be female raped as they have a bone, and you can see that in some old commercial porn. Dildoghing...with flat dog penises.

So, yes, it isnot gender related and it is just that both are consensual and willing
I feel there are different ways to see this, and it is more to do with the Consensual sex thing !!
If a Male human, takes in a stray female dog to have sex with it, that is Wrong, because he is making advances where they aren't wanted.
There is no way to know if the female dog is consenting to his advances, or just being Submissive to a Master type figure !!
For him to lead the way and go on with intercourse, I would call that Abuse of that Bitch !!

But !!

If a Woman invites in a Stray Male dog into her home, or private space, and befriends him, then offers herself to him, She is being Consensual, and if he shows interest in her, enjoys the taste and scent of her pussy, and also moves on to try Humping her, Then he too is showing his Consent, and that he wants to have sex with her !!
How is that Abuse ?

Even if she does send him out afterwards, He will be happy for his experiences, would he not ?

There is definitely a difference between a Man taking in a Stray Bitch with intention of Penetrating her !!
and a Woman taking in a Stray Dog, and offering herself to him !!
She is not forcing him to do anything, just tempting him and Consenting to him having sex with her, Which he will no doubt enjoy doing !!
Dogs do not think like a western cultured human does and females can have as much sexual desire as males. Every dog is an individual, with varying urges in across their life.
Blanket statements on such a nuanced subject aren't helpful.
i see more and more stray-fucking topics comming up so:

doing stuff with stray animals should be not allowed here - get them adopt them or at least search them a good home thats the way to go (and help prevent that they multiply)

use them sexual and dump then back to the streets is wrong

(wild animals i dont care but stray animals are not wild and dont belong into the nature - they need propper care and safety)
Anyone in the lifestyle should be safety conscious. First is not knowing if the animal has a disease, parasites, or even rabies. People in the life should know the pet, that it is safe, gentle, friendly, vaxxed, de-wormed and de-parasites, etc. Plus, from the pet's perspective, that the person is friendly, safe, etc.

And as you mentioned assuring the animal has a proper home, taken care of, and not being mistreated is very important. Fucking a stray then dumping it somewhere is terrible. Whether a person is in the life or not, dumping an animal is terrible. At least try to find the animal a good home. Maybe even help out by buying some food and maybe even paying for or helping pay for veterinary check-up.
The question (implicitly) asked by the thread title: Should doing sexual stuff with stray animals be allowed here?

What people are responding to: Do you like doing stuff with stray animals and abandoning them afterwards?

Those are very different questions. A lot more is expected to be a good zoo than is expected to remain above the censor/ban threshold of the forum.

There's always more opinionated zoos than you that want to call more actions abusive. There's already an anti-bitch sex group. If there's no line then next up will be something you believe is good and care about. I call the line "no harm to animals". I expect that the animal's experience in their eyes has been kept the same or improved afterwards.

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really sensitive topics and some really great perspectives...i greatly appreciate those who had this thought of being considerate to dogs in these circumstances and also not overlooking the situations of the girls involved. my first few times were with a stray dog, my spouse helped me into this, we promptly adopted the stray and gave him shelter, we took good care of him, he was already old when we picked him up, passed away in a few months, i still cherish the memories I had with him, I am separated from my spouse for nearly a year now but I have good memories, i respect her for all love she poured into me ... wishing all girls who are considering the strays all the best but be careful, I would say be selfish about yourself, your safety and well being and then the next top priority will be the health and well being of the dog, try for a long relationship with the dog, that way things will be better. One night stand is extremely unlilkely especially if the stray has never thought about girls as a sexual partner, it may happen in a few weeks though if you make the right moves and the dog is into you.... later....