Good girlSuxjing a dogs cock sounds so fuck hot!! ?? id love to start sucking it and then let him at it and fuck throat ???
Good girlSuxjing a dogs cock sounds so fuck hot!! ?? id love to start sucking it and then let him at it and fuck throat ???
Ahh. Perfect way to relax and e joy quality time with your boy.I enjoyed it. Did it when I got home from work and before bedtime.
Male here. I did it once. Loved it. I wish for a chance to share one with a woman????
Oh myYes have always loved sucking dogcock more than human cock. I rarely feel guilt just pleasure in satisfying my canine friends.
If you get the opportunity, do it. I was scared at first but im glad i tried it. I just wish i could be home alone more often to get my fillThis is something I still struggle with. I just can't bring myself to try.
If you get the opportunity, do it. I was scared at first but im glad i tried it. I just wish i could be home alone more often to get my fill
Sexy afI sucked my pits dick for the first time two days ago. I’m into it now lol
Hotthe first time I felt nasty and erotic all at the same time
NiceSexy af
I want to but haven’t had the opportunityare there others males or females i dont care that enjoy sucking dog dick? pitbull or weiner dog big or small it doesnt matter do yall enjoy it
Never had access to an intact dog to try it. My wife isn't zoo, and I don't know how I'd justify getting an un-neutered dog, so probably not something that's going to happen. I have zero interest in getting mounted, but I'd definitely like to try sucking one off.
My wife and I both are zoo-curious (more than curious). We love the idea of threesomes and want to suck so bad. She blows me often, but wants to share with me, and a dog is 10x hotter than sharing another man. Plus, dogs don't talk around town...Never had access to an intact dog to try it. My wife isn't zoo, and I don't know how I'd justify getting an un-neutered dog, so probably not something that's going to happen. I have zero interest in getting mounted, but I'd definitely like to try sucking one off.