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Subtle signs to show you’re a zoo publicly.

Ooooh wait I think that means one of my furry friends are a zoo. (As by my pfp) I’m a pokefur but I have a noivern friend who has paw prints on the inner parts of her sona’s thighs!
Ooooh wait I think that means one of my furry friends are a zoo. (As by my pfp) I’m a pokefur but I have a noivern friend who has paw prints on the inner parts of her sona’s thighs!
Tread lightly! Sounds like a good conversation starter to feel things out. I thought about a paw print on my forearm, but it was voted out that it not make anyone think it was zoo related.
First off, don't recommend. Too many storied of people lives being ruined. I made a mistake today by being too knowledgeable about zoophiles and beastialists and talking too much regarding us to the point the people I was talking to started joking that I am a zoophile (little do they know...)
Have you ever been asked about your tattoo like where ppl thought it was about this? I always thought it’d be cool to have a paw print tattoo as my first
Ive only had one person ask and when I denied and explained it was for the memory of a pet that passed (it is, I promise!) they immediately dropped the topic. I assume if theres any cover up thats widely used, that's the one 🤷‍♀️
paw prints, horseshoes and the like as tattoos specifically, and lots of non-zoos get them aswell. if you get it somewhere more private/intimate they're more likely to call u out on it tho, if it's somewhere like ur leg or arm or middle-upper back any average human would assume it to be for reasons like a deceased companion or maybe an alive one or maybe just a love of animals that isn't sexual or romantic in nature.

the runes ᚦ - Thurisaz (th) and ᛉ - Algiz (z). originally an anti came up with it probs fr some "threatinging zoophiles" type stuff, but the runes mean something entirely different and easily applicable to zoophiles. thurisaz is about defense- overcoming things so this could mean social barriers, species barriers etc. algiz is all about protection, openness and stuff. it also represents divinity, spiritual connection and teaching. so like, keeping an open mind and an open heart and trying to open others. together they could mean overcoming our species differences to love each other, protect ourselves and our lovers, and be open about it. (person who reclaimed this as a zoo thing instead of anti-zoo is

on online profiles, these emojis: 🪢(knot that male canines have)🥠(cookie, slang for vagina mostly of the non-human variety)💄(also reference to dog cock)🐾(could just mean they're a therian and/or furry tho so be careful) 🍋(apparently, i am unsure though)


zeta symbol. though that's become increasingly more common knowledge. ζ

𐤀 alef zoophile identity. for all types of zoophiles, but is against harming animals. while the zeta symbol is mostly used by zoophiles who know animals can consent, the alef identity is used by a wider variety, sometimes those who think acting on their attraction is morally wrong and/or seek to "fix" it.

◤✦◢- because of one of the zoo flags, using the brown/green/teal colours with the star in the middle. brown representing land animals, green representing avians, reptiles and amphibians, blue representing marine life. the four pointed star represents four legged animals and it's white to represent purity, because love is pure, or maybe cause animals are pure idk. there is a version where it's not diagonal and uses the zeta symbol, or uses no symbol. the non-diagonal version is said to be so to differentiate from lgbtq flags, since they're for human sexualities and genders, not animal attraction, but as an lgbtq person i see zoophilia as queer. mostly cause i'm attracted regardless of the animals sex. or what gender i perceive them as

πφ- umbrella term for paraphiliac
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Honestly I try to not show any signs of my lifestyle. That being said…I do walk my intact German Shepard regulaly and I do wonder if people ever look and the two of us and wonder…
I would definitely wonder!!! Again thats how my dirty mind works not everyone. … if i seen something on you to further my hopes, I would wave and say hi with the biggest smile!! Nothing more, i wouldn’t want to impose on your personal life.
I know someone else that is highly sex driven and she has paw print tattoos all over her. And yes she has 7 dogs…. Little yapping females. I do not think she is into it. So the tattoos might be a conversation starter but can be easily dismissed.