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Spayed female sex information gathering

If you have to sterilize a male dog, do it by means of a vasectomy to preserve his hormones, his libido and his semen, and in a female dog do a TUBAL LIGATION, since with that method the uterus is not removed and therefore the vagina is not shortened. I am not in favor of neutering animals, I am in favor of vasectomy in male dogs, but I think it is better not to operate on females unless it is absolutely necessary due to illness.
If you have to sterilize a male dog, do it by means of a vasectomy to preserve his hormones, his libido and his semen, and in a female dog do a TUBAL LIGATION, since with that method the uterus is not removed and therefore the vagina is not shortened. I am not in favor of neutering animals, I am in favor of vasectomy in male dogs, but I think it is better not to operate on females unless it is absolutely necessary due to illness.

It would depend on the reasons, if the motivation is purely to prevent reproduction a vasectomy is an option, but for males a hyperplastic prostate, for example, would not be affected by a vasectomy and thus the core health issue would remain. My personal recommendation is to leave a dog intact unless there's a compelling veterinary reason otherwise and I would encourage good management over surgery to prevent unwanted litters.

It's a bit different for bitches. For many bitches, preserving the uterus is undesireable as pyometra will remain a risk so long as the uterus is there. Some lineages/breeds are less prone to pyometra than others, but it's a significant risk for all bitches which increases over time. Mammary tumors are also a concern, also vary in risk by lineage/breed and while spaying does decrease the risk, the reduction in risk diminishes the longer she remains intact and after about 3 years or so, no longer contributes to a reduction in risk of mammary tumors.

For many breeds which are popular among zoos it would be wise to seek a spay well before she is 10 years old and in some high risk breeds such as Greeat Danes, before she's 6. Pyometra is not to be trifled with and is one of the driving factors for some breeds to have historically short lifespans.

I feel that if there's any true love and ethical stewardship, serious heath concerns must override sexual desires.

I've linked it many times and it's been uploaded here, but read the paper "Breed Variations in the Incidence of Pyometra and Mammary Tumours in Swedish Dogs" for some details. It contains a nice table that is easy to reference and understand.
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The main thing everyone needs to know is that if the sex organs have been removed the body still requires those sex hormones to function properly. Whether male or female, their body will start to tax the adrenal gland for sex hormones. So they will still have those hormones but it'll be significantly less, which means that they may still be interested in sex, but it's never a definite given. The adrenal gland is only supposed to substitute any deficiencies that the ovaries/testicles fail to produce. In the long haul taxing the adrenal glands for these hormones can lead to medical issues later in life, which is why I'd only recommend spaying/neutering for medical emergencies only.
In the long haul taxing the adrenal glands for these hormones can lead to medical issues later in life, which is why I'd only recommend spaying/neutering for medical emergencies only.

Later in life is a relative term. Ligaments and Urinary tract problems can occur 2-8 years after desexing. The treatment in some cases is expensive monthly hormone injections.

I learned this 9 years after desexing my previous Dane X. The Vet was aware of the issues but never expressed the concerns as a future problem.
So I've had a female German shepherd for about 5 years who was spayed. I never tried anything with her because I was young and stupid, and thought a spay meant her vagina became a solid "wall". A couple of weeks ago I finally read a couple of these threads and decided to see if she might have actually been able to accommodate me this whole time, so I got to exploring her with my fingers which she seemed to be really receptive to. I haven't tried going further yet, but on the one day that I did try, I found I was able to fit two fingers inside her without feeling any tightness, I haven't tried three yet. However, I tried to gently rub her clit area, and after about 20-30 seconds she became really wet and then started to lick down there a little. I stopped because I read somewhere that licking can be a sign of discomfort and didn't want to go any further if that was indeed what she was feeling. Is licking after fingering normal, or is that a bad sign?
So I've had a female German shepherd for about 5 years who was spayed. I never tried anything with her because I was young and stupid, and thought a spay meant her vagina became a solid "wall". A couple of weeks ago I finally read a couple of these threads and decided to see if she might have actually been able to accommodate me this whole time, so I got to exploring her with my fingers which she seemed to be really receptive to. I haven't tried going further yet, but on the one day that I did try, I found I was able to fit two fingers inside her without feeling any tightness, I haven't tried three yet. However, I tried to gently rub her clit area, and after about 20-30 seconds she became really wet and then started to lick down there a little. I stopped because I read somewhere that licking can be a sign of discomfort and didn't want to go any further if that was indeed what she was feeling. Is licking after fingering normal, or is that a bad sign?
Licking is a normal part of the experience. So, no, it' not a bad thing. My advice is to continue proceeding. I say this because, from what U've shared with us, U R alert, aware and considerate of her choices and feeling. So, when the time is right, try to have intercourse with her. U just may have a wonderful partner, even though she's spayed.

Please keep us updated. ;)

Go here for a bunch of good info.

Short answer: Sometimes

Long answer: Be very very careful and be very very attentive to your dog. No means no. Depending on size and breed she may not be able to handle you. She may not want it ect. Be gentle and not forceful.
So, I've read some of the pinned post on the matter, but I'm still left with my question.
A bit of context:
My girl is a relatively big dog, around 60 pound mixed Lab/GSD/mountain dog. For the best part of her early life, we had been enjoying regular penetrative sex together. She was into it, saking for it regularly.
But about a year ago, she's been diagnosed with ovary cancer. It got caught early and surgery ruled it out, she is now back to full health.

Problem is, while she still demonstrate a will for naughty playtime, since the surgery she is way more tight down there than she was before. I can still finger her with one finger, two after some stimulation. But I've not been able to actually penetrate her since. Truth be told, no wanting to hurt her I never pushed it, telling myself it just what it is and that period is over for us.

I will not lie, after a year without it the urge is growing strong. So I started to wonder about the actual cause of this tightness.
Is it because she does not naturally dilate anymore but could be slowly brought back to an accommodating size with time and stimulation? Like maybe starting with a finger then two, then a small toy and getting progressively bigger?

Or is it a new unavoidable physical limitation and nothing can be done?

Thanks in advance to anyone with insight on the matter that will take the time to educate me on this!
So I've had a female German shepherd for about 5 years who was spayed. I never tried anything with her because I was young and stupid, and thought a spay meant her vagina became a solid "wall". A couple of weeks ago I finally read a couple of these threads and decided to see if she might have actually been able to accommodate me this whole time, so I got to exploring her with my fingers which she seemed to be really receptive to. I haven't tried going further yet, but on the one day that I did try, I found I was able to fit two fingers inside her without feeling any tightness, I haven't tried three yet. However, I tried to gently rub her clit area, and after about 20-30 seconds she became really wet and then started to lick down there a little. I stopped because I read somewhere that licking can be a sign of discomfort and didn't want to go any further if that was indeed what she was feeling. Is licking after fingering normal, or is that a bad sign?

If she was desexed via the standard spay her cervix should be intact which means she has her full length. Depending on your size as a GSD she should accommodate you easily. Plenty of lube and lots of caring she should be quite capable of sex with you. It is going to be a confusing time for her having a dick shoved deep in her but if you are calm and gentle she should love the feeling and want to do it again and again.

As for licking if they feel wet they are going to cleanup any drips.
If she was desexed via the standard spay her cervix should be intact which means she has her full length. Depending on your size as a GSD she should accommodate you easily. Plenty of lube and lots of caring she should be quite capable of sex with you. It is going to be a confusing time for her having a dick shoved deep in her but if you are calm and gentle she should love the feeling and want to do it again and again.

As for licking if they feel wet they are going to cleanup any drips.
So I decided to not push it with her, I will wait for the time when I have the chance to be with an intact female.
Hi, I recently penetrated my female dog. She has been fully spade. I didnt know that ot wasnt a good idea to try with a spade dog. She didnt seem to be hurt during, but after a few hours we went outside to use the bathroom and when she tried to pee she yelped in pain. Does anyone know what kind of damage I might have done? What can I do to ease her pain. I feel terrible if I hurt her.
Hi, I recently penetrated my female dog. She has been fully spade. I didnt know that ot wasnt a good idea to try with a spade dog. She didnt seem to be hurt during, but after a few hours we went outside to use the bathroom and when she tried to pee she yelped in pain. Does anyone know what kind of damage I might have done? What can I do to ease her pain. I feel terrible if I hurt her.

My main guess would be that some dirt or hair may have scratched her skin. When she peed the salts caused irritation to the scratch.

When having sex means you must be clean and also be careful not to get her own hair into the vagina.

Lots of lube will help too.
My main guess would be that some dirt or hair may have scratched her skin. When she peed the salts caused irritation to the scratch.

When having sex means you must be clean and also be careful not to get her own hair into the vagina.

Lots of lube will help too.
Thanks! She is doing good now. It bothered her for couple days. We won't do that again.
Don't do it the most you will get is just rubbing on her unfortunately. Unless she likes anal but thats a very very low likelihood. Get a second dog that's not "fixed" im sure she would like to have a friend.
Don't do it the most you will get is just rubbing on her unfortunately. Unless she likes anal but thats a very very low likelihood. Get a second dog that's not "fixed" im sure she would like to have a friend.
i think he only cares for sex when he says ,,if i smash her,, and dont care about other :(

hope he answers and tells more about the situation
dont get a new dog just to start ur zoo sexual life - a new dog is a lifelong responsibility no thing for just start a zoosexual life
If you adopt a dog and it has been sprayed or neutered is it safe to breed them? Will a male still be able to become hard and penetrate and can a female be penetrated? Will they enjoy it or be interested?
I wouldn't try it.

Very very few altered dogs ever get sexual urges especially if they were neutered young or never bred/experienced sex. It's almost unheard of, really, though quite a few here had success.

I wouldn't try penetrating a female at all. I don't know if there's anything harmful there, anatomically, but I just wouldn't attempt it. Interest is also very low in most cases.
Thank you. I only adopt rescues. My last dog was completely uninterested, I thought maybe it was age. He was 9 when I got him and 16 when he died. I am considering adopting another dog, but wondered.
Yes no problem dude, but I do think the only way you'd ever get an animal as a partner is to buy a puppy from a responsible breeder.

I will also add with the other dog, he definitely was too old by that point most likely ): I've seen males stay interested even longer but it's pretty much a no-go if he hasn't learned it by 9 years old.
Spaying or neutering affects the hormones that control sexual response. Occasionally, a previous-to-surgery behavior will continue afterward but its not common. Pure luck, I suppose. Often adopting a new puppy can lead where you want to go, and there are possibilities outside of shelters. Remember, any unwanted pup can be considered a rescue, and often, in farm country particularly, there are puppies available. Try the local physical bulletin boards
Do not adopt a neutered dog. The situation is different if the family dog is neuter, or if you find a stray dog that you take in, you like and it is neutered, this cannot be changed.
But if you buy yourself a new dog, make sure to buy a intact one.