When I was into women that's all I liked. The guys would make fun of me when I had a "flat" girlfriend but they are extremely sexy to me?Hi there
I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...
Do people find girls with small breasts attractive?I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.
I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...
Let's talk about little tiddies!
Hi there
I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...
Do people find girls with small breasts attractive?I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.
I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...
Let's talk about little tiddies!
Hi there
I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...
Do people find girls with small breasts attractive?I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.
I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...
Let's talk about little tiddies!
Sexy pics, mmm.
Erect nipples are a weekness for me would love to see them if you were ok with that pm me if you want.I am very happy to have been blessed with smaller breasts. I'm a 32B, but I have constantly hard nipples so I have to pad them so they're not so obvious because that can be a problem at times unless I want the attention that brings. I have known a lot of women that cursed their larger breasts because of back aches, clothing issues, and them just getting in the way. A lot of women my size want implants because they feel it is more appealing to men, but after many experiences I don't really think most men care as long as there is something there to mess with. And if a man is a tit fucking freak then he will look elsewhere then me anyway.
So what I am saying is that I would never get an operation to make my tits larger, but I think I understand why someone would want one to make them smaller. I would never condemn anyone for getting an operation to make them larger because in the long run you have to do what you feel makes you the happiest.
IV always been told anything more then a mouth full is a waist of boob. But for me my self I love all boobs big small if you will let me suck on your nipples I'll be just fine. I'd Glady want to see yours if you didn't care to show me. I will like them and do really want to see them ?Hi there
I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...
Do people find girls with small breasts attractive?I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.
I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...
Let's talk about little tiddies!
Girls worry about boobs and as a male I won't lie I am vary self conscientious about my dick. If it's not rock hard it's stupid small and I hate it. It's so small when it's soft that I feel like I'll never be wanted by a woman and that's why iv grown to love mares they could care less about size.It doesn’t matter. Even if the guy has a preference for big boobs, if he likes you, then he’ll just rationalise why he likes your small ones calling them cute etc. I used to work with a guy who was very self conscious as he had a stutter but he was a very likeable guy, and fortunately he still loved to talk so people just assumed he was so passionate that he couldn’t get the words out quick enough. There’s no way it hindered his ability to attract women.
I wanna no what happened to the free the nipple movement it just like vanished like 95% of the profiles on here ?Glad to see alot of love for the small breasts, as mine are small, its nice to not need a bra all the time
Small tits girls with a nice ass my favorite ?one of the hottest girls I have ever met was a very flat chested girl.
she was pretty, had a sexy attitude and also she had an amazing ass one of the best if not THE best I have seen. I would marry her if the situation between has had evolved to that, more then many women I have met, for her attitude and personalty plus her amazing body (she was yoga instructor)
Fuck society... Changing to make people like you is only giving yourself fake love from them. We all know that feeling right fake sucks. Real tho you know is true don't give into the petty crowd all begging to be the same. I like all boobs, small, big, Flatt, round the thing I look for when it comes to boobs is a woman that enjoys me giving them love and attention makes me weak lol. Don't change to please someone that doesn't love the you that you are, Just saying...i'm intereste to see all these responses!! It got more attention and positivity than I thought it would. It's a great community around here!
I do feel a little better about myself and I will admit I'm considering a boob job just to appease society's standard but I realize taht's stupid... i just should love who I am and it might take sometime but I'm glad to know people out there would find someone like me attractive
Yes better small than unnatural .just curious.. what do you think is small?
i've got 70c cup and i think it is small, but i guess that's a common problem nowadays![]()