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Sex with pigs

Have you had sex with a pig?

  • Yes, I had sex with a pig

    Votes: 252 10.3%
  • No, I have no interest in having sex with a pig

    Votes: 445 18.1%
  • No, but I want to have sex with a pig

    Votes: 1,759 71.6%

  • Total voters
I'm sorry. I didn't mean about being aggressive. I meant his weight at full size compared to my wife who doesn't weigh very much and has a small frame. Even with the cage she is under, he is so much larger than her that I wouldn't want her to take the risk.
Oh Sure...A sturdy frame is needed for heavy boars...farmers who breed gilts have wooden platforms made so that the gilt or young sow can enter underneath and be serviced without danger...big boars could crush them.
That is kind of my fear but I guess that there are smaller Boars as well
yeah... well, it's not that i doubt what i see... i really enjoy boar clips, love the cock, love the volume and adore these women, but... i really had first hand view on real life animal treating and i simply cant imagine any sort of safe approach to boar fucking.. sure when i watch the clips it all seem well thought etc but really this is huge mass of horny animal that can unwillingly harm you. My ex-gf fucked probably more animals than most but still boars and bulls are on her "to-do" list for a particular reason. So yeah, next time you see boar fuck appreciate it twice as much:) and think twice before going under a massive boar:)
yeah... well, it's not that i doubt what i see... i really enjoy boar clips, love the cock, love the volume and adore these women, but... i really had first hand view on real life animal treating and i simply cant imagine any sort of safe approach to boar fucking.. sure when i watch the clips it all seem well thought etc but really this is huge mass of horny animal that can unwillingly harm you. My ex-gf fucked probably more animals than most but still boars and bulls are on her "to-do" list for a particular reason. So yeah, next time you see boar fuck appreciate it twice as much:) and think twice before going under a massive boar:)
Massive boars need strong platforms..even for vigin and younger sows...but young boars are ideal and are more keen that the older ones.........very safe too...
yeah... well, it's not that i doubt what i see... i really enjoy boar clips, love the cock, love the volume and adore these women, but... i really had first hand view on real life animal treating and i simply cant imagine any sort of safe approach to boar fucking.. sure when i watch the clips it all seem well thought etc but really this is huge mass of horny animal that can unwillingly harm you. My ex-gf fucked probably more animals than most but still boars and bulls are on her "to-do" list for a particular reason. So yeah, next time you see boar fuck appreciate it twice as much:) and think twice before going under a massive boar:)
The safe approach is a correctly designed cage and having the wife under it before the boar is let in. I overbuilt and tested this one so I know it won't fail under all his weight. She is safe in it and he quickly mounts. I am always right there with means to stop him if necessary, but it has never been an issue. As long as you stay back and let him fuck,its fine. By that, I don't recommend trying to guide him either. He will feel around and find her pussy and fuck it just fine on his own. The bigger the boar the better, but start out small.
The safe approach is a correctly designed cage and having the wife under it before the boar is let in. I overbuilt and tested this one so I know it won't fail under all his weight. She is safe in it and he quickly mounts. I am always right there with means to stop him if necessary, but it has never been an issue. As long as you stay back and let him fuck,its fine. By that, I don't recommend trying to guide him either. He will feel around and find her pussy and fuck it just fine on his own. The bigger the boar the better, but start out small.
I often had to guide a boar's cock into sows pussy...some take all day to find the hole!....but pull back when they put it into the ass hole...but once in pussy hole they keep twisting in until locked and then pump the semen.....
Has your wife taken boar cock in her ass?...Have you tried it too? Guys have told me that they prefer a boar's cock to a dogs.
I often had to guide a boar's cock into sows pussy...some take all day to find the hole!....but pull back when they put it into the ass hole...but once in pussy hole they keep twisting in until locked and then pump the semen.....
Has your wife taken boar cock in her ass?...Have you tried it too? Guys have told me that they prefer a boar's cock to a dogs.
Sure, it takes time for him to find it. If it's a sow,you might as well guide it. But when your talking the wife, the act of her presenting,him rubbing his cock all over her pussy. The anticipation of him breeding his human sow is intense. He can take as long as he likes.
I have not tried it and yes he has fucked her butt. If it goes in there, he does not pull out until he has filled her bowels.
I've always wanted a pet mini pig. I'd certainly teach him to be on both ends. (And yes, I know, they don't stay small, but they also won't be 300+ pounds.)
Sure, it takes time for him to find it. If it's a sow,you might as well guide it. But when your talking the wife, the act of her presenting,him rubbing his cock all over her pussy. The anticipation of him breeding his human sow is intense. He can take as long as he likes.
I have not tried it and yes he has fucked her butt. If it goes in there, he does not pull out until he has filled her bowels.
That sounds intense. I'd love to be under a frame waiting, knowing I'm going to be bred. He can take all the time he wants.
...don't let him step on the back of your legs...boots... their hooves are split and the edges are sharp...ask how many stiches???.

..honest fact, pig shit stinks...like gag a maggot bad...

I'm told,,,that once you get past the smell...you already got it licked.
I grew up on a farm and never thought about being intimate with them. The same goes for the cows and goats we had.
Pigs betted on straw or good slats are very clean.........pigs prefer to be clean.
I really want to be a good little sow for a big boar, but I don't know anyone that has any pigs nearby. Until I meet someone willing to let me be bred then I'll have to wait until I get a big boy of my own. Though he is gonna be the one that owns me in the end.
Yes right ,sows in a lot of straw are clean. I just lay down in the straw, behind her ,with my cock in her ,and let her vagina smear, the dick for a long time, and then let the semen go in her, best if she is in heat
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Some pig breeders sell off the old thin sows for less money..they are ideal for men with thick cocks....and most love sex.
Yes farmers sell sows when they are 5- 6 years old ,for few money, give her some good food and something new for her, straw!!! she will love you,she have given birth , and her pussy is just in the right size, And you have a girl you kan fuck every 3 weeks or many years. She can live for more than 20 years, Some sows let you fuck them out of heat.
Yes farmers sell sows when they are 5- 6 years old ,for few money, give her some good food and something new for her, straw!!! she will love you,she have given birth , and her pussy is just in the right size, And you have a girl you kan fuck every 3 weeks or many years. She can live for more than 20 years, Some sows let you fuck them out of heat.
Many sows love sex even when not in heat...I had some that took me every time I asked them...some even look for it..coming up to me and nuzzling my crotch!
Yes right ,sows in a lot of straw are clean. I just lay down in the straw, behind her ,with my cock in her ,and let her vagina smear, the dick for a long time, and then let the semen go in her, best if she is in heat
The best feeling ever , if you can stop yourself from cumming too fast...they like you to lie on her back with you cock stuck in her, if you can stop cumming too fast.
I'd be less interested in 'sex', per-say, and more interested in having the opportunity to really get a handle on a Boar's private parts and how they function sexually. That corkscrew just seems so...different. I'd want to see it up close, feel it, hold it, and if the Boar were appropriately motivated, make a mess with it. I want to relish in a cool new experience.

Assuming the boar would even let me, of course.

Hm, weird. A thought occurred to me - I would find it outstandingly nice if I ever had the opportunity to rest / nap with my head laying on a peaceful Hog resting with me.

I don't know why that thought occurred to me.

They're all just dreams anyway.
Some boars love to be masturbated once they get used to it...and will cum in your hands....but it is very hard to get boar smell off hands or clothes.
Sure, it takes time for him to find it. If it's a sow,you might as well guide it. But when your talking the wife, the act of her presenting,him rubbing his cock all over her pussy. The anticipation of him breeding his human sow is intense. He can take as long as he likes.
I have not tried it and yes he has fucked her butt. If it goes in there, he does not pull out until he has filled her bowels.
I do hope you can convince her to let you share her sessions. Blur faces or just pics of or vids of cock in her ass of pussy. So little content out there.

Yeh there seem to be quite a few of those out there. But some are the most fun to be with because they are so desperate. It was this way when I was stationed in England in the Air force, the local pleasingly plump lasses would tag anything that was willing to tag them. They would always be aiting out side the on base bars and clubs.
I love big girls
Sure, it takes time for him to find it. If it's a sow,you might as well guide it. But when your talking the wife, the act of her presenting,him rubbing his cock all over her pussy. The anticipation of him breeding his human sow is intense. He can take as long as he likes.
I have not tried it and yes he has fucked her butt. If it goes in there, he does not pull out until he has filled her bowels.
It is amazing the amount of semen amd ooze that a boar produces...and in a few hours he can do the same...that must be why his balls grow so big.
Sure, it takes time for him to find it. If it's a sow,you might as well guide it. But when your talking the wife, the act of her presenting,him rubbing his cock all over her pussy. The anticipation of him breeding his human sow is intense. He can take as long as he likes.
I have not tried it and yes he has fucked her butt. If it goes in there, he does not pull out until he has filled her bowels.
I'm curious about the anal sex - there are all sorts of concerns raised about the "plug" and it blocking the intestines... How did your wife deal with this (or was it not an issue)?
I'm curious about the anal sex - there are all sorts of concerns raised about the "plug" and it blocking the intestines... How did your wife deal with this (or was it not an issue)?
It has never been much of an issue for her. When she takes it anally, I insert a butt plug in her after he is done draining his balls. In the morning when she expels it all, the plug comes out pretty easily with the rest of the boar cum.