I have fucked a lot of cows and heifers because it was what I had unlimited access to, and it's good sex to stand behind a cow In the heat..Yes gilts are very tight..when I was aged about 12 or 13 I could enter gilts and maiden virgin sheep [hoggets] but then my cock thickened it was the older sows and ewes from then on. I remember trying to ride a gilt in heat....she tried to help me in every way but I could not get my cock in...such a pity..
But sows are better because their pussy is at the perfect height, and it is just wonderful to lay on her back and slowly fuck her, and sows are wonderful horny when they are in heat, .And for the ladies, boys can have a hard cock long before puberty if boys have access to gilts in heat, go into the barn, instead of playing with the cock in bed. For grown-up men, gilts are difficult to ride because their pussy is too narrow for the cock My favorites are fully grown sows who have given birth before. When they are in heat It is wonderful to spend some time in the pigsty with her.