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(serious topic) Do you ever feel guilt over your sexuality?

some guilt at first, because i knew everyone else thought such things were wrong. But no matter many times i would tell myself never again, i would the first chance i had and never think it was wrong till after. Eventually reaching the point that trying to repress my thoughts and desires was mostly making me miserable.
Why is it wrong, because some think so... cause god said so.
Yet every time i acted on my desires, i felt so elated afterwards and happy often for days. They obviously loved the things we did as much i did, so why is it wrong.
Acceptance of my feelings and desires and realization that if we both love what happens ... neither is coerced ... and both wish to do such things as often as possible ... neither of us are hurt ... then it is not wrong simply because some think it is.
Some the happiest times in my life has been with animals.
I have no reason to feel guilty, and no reason to feel ashamed. Why should i. I simply do not tell people my sexual thoughts and actions... NO ONE needs to know.
I also used to feel guilty about loving animals. It wasnt till i was in my 30s that i accepted that this is what i am. Denying it earlier in life hadnt made it go away. I now consider it a blessing in a way. I get to learn about my fellow creatures in the deepest way possible. Very few other humans get this knowledge.
You took the words out of my mouth, after awhile you cannot make your self feel something that you honestly know is not compatible with what you truly are. It’s no walk in the park but it’s pointless to wish or hope for something that will never change.
I am going to approach this from a funny kind of angle.

The truth is that, as a matter of fact, pet-ownership is slavery, and pretending it isn't would be merely dishonest. Our society merely accepts this. We accept that we are allowed to own animals as chattel property that we have literal power of life and death over. The "animal rights" laws are really paper thin in actual practice: if you want your animal dead, then feel free to turn it over to a shelter that you know has a low adoption rate and a high kill-rate. Your animal has no civil freedoms at all. It is legal slavery. If someone calls it something besides slavery, then that person is a liar.

Furthermore, local extermination of "homeless" animals is really just ethnic cleansing. While they do impact the environment in some cases, so do we humans, and so go some of the more riotous Gypsies in Romania. It doesn't mean that we would let the Romanian government start gassing Gypsies to "protect the environment." It's ethnic cleansing if not outright genocide. We could argue that, in spite of the harm they do, those "homeless" animals have just as much (and as little) right to be there as we do.

Also, the entire concept of "I speak for those that can't speak for themselves" is just affirming the view that the animals themselves don't really have any right to self-determination, so even this seemingly "benevolent" or "chivalrous" objectification really constitutes a repudiation of the animal's right to individual autonomy. In the end, it's not really "humanitarian" thinking but more...human chauvinist. I really don't have much respect for that tone of "humanitarianism."

"Leash laws" really constitute the hostile criminalization of animal vagrancy, and in counties where all the shelters have high kill rates, it's like the homeless are being put to death for being homeless, regardless of whether or not they have actually committed a crime.

A dog acting in its own self-defense is put to death.

Speaking completely realistically, society really treats their animals like garbage.

None of that was our idea. We did not put a gun to society's head and tell them, "Enslave the animals, so we can use them as sex slaves." In the end, if we're going to have animal slaves, they are going to be slaves, whether or not they are also our sexual partners. Chastity is not going to make it okay. It's not more "pure" just due to a lack of sex, and pretending it is constitutes crass prudery.

If I choose to keep an animal as a slave, then I am no more guilty than anyone else that keeps an animal as a slave, regardless of whether or not I have sex with my animal. It would be slavery, either way. At least if I am having sex with my animal, I am giving my animal more attention and love than a yuppie family in Wilmington, Delaware gives to their neglected pooch that is no longer a puppy. In most households, dogs cease to exist when they are no longer puppies. They are lucky to be let out to piss instead of just taken to a shelter for pissing the rug too many times. Most families that want a pet don't want an adult animal. They want a living baby doll. They want a puppy.

Well, we do kind of like the puppies, but we are really more interested in the animal during its adulthood. Some of us might even sign up for having someone else raise the animal as a puppy, and when the animal is no longer a puppy, they can give us the animal for us to fuck. Come to think of it, it feels kind of creepy to fuck someone you knew as an infant. If some Yuppie family in Delaware wants to give their adult dog to a local zoophile instead of taking it to a shelter, then they may feel free to.

Ultimately, I would argue that zoophiles really do their animals less of a disservice than the majority of pet-owners. Maybe it's still slavery, but we don't lose interest in the animal just because it's reached adulthood. The way we are interested in it just changes.

Someday, maybe society will realize that zoophilia is the best way to continue appreciating an adult animal, and it will be considered to be an obligation for families that own pets to fuck them in order to help them continue feeling appreciated and loved. So you call your pet a part of your family? Great. Last time I checked, unrelated adults that consider themselves each others' family are almost always sexual partners. The animal deserves to be something to you besides a living baby doll.

Quite honestly, I just might feel a little bit superior.
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"a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined."

By that definition, a definite yes.

But this mostly applies to "crime" or "offense". I couldn't care less what people think of me beyond the fact it might be criminally damning. I'll just surround myself with people who can reason themselves beyond social taboos instead, people I can trust. But the fact it remains to a degree outlawed albeit unenforced will always make me feel guilt. For endangering my own livelihood.
Me personally, I've never felt guilt about my own actions because I care way more about the animal than I do my own experiences. I was absolutely confused as to why or how I could be into such a thing, but that's another story. But, with some of the zoo's I've met, some of the thing's I've seen either in videos, pictures, in person and some of the comments made on the internet that were grotesque in regards to zoo sometimes has me feeling guilty for myself, or for the animal, even sometimes for the other zoo.
I used to. I felt like it was wrong and I was doing something I shouldn’t. I would swear off zoo porn, then weeks/months down the line pull it back out because it was all that could get me off or I didn’t feel like digging around for something ‘weird’ to get me off.

But I met someone who is also a zoo and they make me feel absolutely no shame at all.
"a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined."

By that definition, a definite yes.

But this mostly applies to "crime" or "offense". I couldn't care less what people think of me beyond the fact it might be criminally damning. I'll just surround myself with people who can reason themselves beyond social taboos instead, people I can trust. But the fact it remains to a degree outlawed albeit unenforced will always make me feel guilt. For endangering my own livelihood.

As others have said, just because something is a law doesn't necessarily mean it's morally good. Example: slavery was legal (it was not morally good). Racial segregation was legal (it was not morally good). Also, until recently in the U.S., the law said that two people of the same sex couldn't marry. So in a lot of cases, the law is nonsense.

Also, the law considers animals slaughter to be legal, which I think is morally wrong.
Ya but mainly cuz I’m catholic and hate my transness and gayness too since showing any sexuality (even het) is Impure tm
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I used to. I felt like it was wrong and I was doing something I shouldn’t. I would swear off zoo porn, then weeks/months down the line pull it back out because it was all that could get me off or I didn’t feel like digging around for something ‘weird’ to get me off.

But I met someone who is also a zoo and they make me feel absolutely no shame at all.
I have also sworn off zoo porn for line periods only to return because of great pleasure. I am sure sharing it with someone makes guilt or reluctance disappear . Other then members on this forum I dont know anyone who is into zoo lifestyle, maybe someday...
I mostly felt like I was the only one (pre-internet). My close friends knew and tried to guilt me but I just knew I loved dogs and it was who I was. I saw some of them as hypocrites since they were anti-gay but would have sex with me.
During the first months of my relationship with my dog I felt guneasy and guilty. But those feelings disappeared slowly. Now I am proud of myself.
Did feel guilty in the beginning... trying to grasp and understand why I was " different" to others. Until I accepted who I was it wasn't easy. I am now comfortable and confident with who and what I am and living my truth...I wouldn't have it any other way
For me it has been a rocky road. Coming from a strict catholic family. Where there is no sex until marriage. Even being taught that I belive it rarely happens.
Let me take you back to the beginning and my thought process. When I first started having k9 sex.I really did not focus on the catholic rules.
There was a burning desire that bloomed one day. And I had no power to control it. There was no time for any thought process only to act on what I was feeling.
For what I was about to do, went far beyond just the act of sex. I believed that this was very taboo; in the eyes of most people. Even in my own eyes.
I feared persecution from family or anyone that would find out. But that would not stop me. The power of a dog wanting me was a far greater calling.
The need to connect sexually was the powers that called me. It was not that I had a low self esteem.
I felt I was a pretty woman,rational thinking, level headed young lady.I had friends and was well liked.
It was a progression of events and experimentation. I started with seeing what I could get him to do. With getting him hard and sucking him.
Getting him to cum and finding out what he liked.Completing one act deciding what was next. It all was very easy.
He was a most willing partner. Once having a taste of things he became a dominate influence over me. He mounted me and took his powerful role.
From that day forth I would never be the same.
The rocky part of all this was the guilt I was feeling. I felt that I was not normal; for wanting this. I was not normal; for acting upon this. But it felt so good.
I was powerless to stop it. I would take steps so that I would not do it again. I tried to recondition my thought process.
Putting obstacles in front of me. With the hope I would not repeat my actions. These where all guilt ridden decisions.
I even was able to go months with out any sex. Only to reconnect the act where I left off. Even at one point I was able to engross myself in work.
I did not have sex for over a year.Only to reconnect once again. My knowledge of bestiality was non-existent. I did not seek it out on the internet.
What I learned was from trial and error. I felt very alone in my actions and desires.
My eye's opened once again when I searched it on the internet. I am not alone.I was now able to share my thought's with like minded.
After having a few partner's of the k9 species. Due to there short life span. Or there untimely deaths. I now accept things.
I accept whom I have become. And the feelings associated with with this lifestyle.
I couldn't put it better. Very well articulated
Honestly i have almost no problem being a zoo, i love my dog and i want to show it by having sex with him, if homosexuality can be legal why cant zoophilia? Max loves me and i love him and i know that love extends beyond the normal human/k9 relationship, the only real thing i have with it is the fact people shun it, i like to express my love for max but i cant because of what people think and these forums were the only place where i feel i can do that cause everyone is just like me.
Honestly i have almost no problem being a zoo, i love my dog and i want to show it by having sex with him, if homosexuality can be legal why cant zoophilia? Max loves me and i love him and i know that love extends beyond the normal human/k9 relationship, the only real thing i have with it is the fact people shun it, i like to express my love for max but i cant because of what people think and these forums were the only place where i feel i can do that cause everyone is just like me.
I didn't go out there and look for it....I was just in awe watching dogs mating from a young age..no internet in my time , strict upbringing as well but that need or interest didn't go away... There more I tried to forget about it the stronger the feelings.
Same with being a slave.... Without Dominance your life isn't complete. Submission will lay dormant in you until Dominance appears.. as long as you refuse to embrace it it will persist until you don't have an option but to embrace it, accept it and live your truth.
Yes initially one does experience guilt but over time it disapates. I have no regrets nor do I or will I apologise to anyone for who and what I am
I didn't go out there and look for it....I was just in awe watching dogs mating from a young age..no internet in my time , strict upbringing as well but that need or interest didn't go away... There more I tried to forget about it the stronger the feelings.
Same with being a slave.... Without Dominance your life isn't complete. Submission will lay dormant in you until Dominance appears.. as long as you refuse to embrace it it will persist until you don't have an option but to embrace it, accept it and live your truth.
Yes initially one does experience guilt but over time it disapates. I have no regrets nor do I or will I apologise to anyone for who and what I am

Just let it out, fuck everybody else. Im happy being a zoo i have tge best partner in the world and i wont trade him for anyone else.
I have felt guilty many times basically oh my god am I seriously doing this or I can't believe I like this or what would people think or even if my kid found out and yet I still do it. I do it because I have an emotional attraction to my pet on a deep level and he has bin a great compainion in more ways then just sex. Hes a comfort ,a rock, an unjudgemental partner that loves me uncondionally ?
I have felt very guilty and even flirted with serious depression for my tastes and preferances back in the early days...
Now I am able stand on my feet and fight my inner socially correct b.s...

Don’t feel guilty

Have fun
I feel guilt just for being attracted to anybody or anything. I feel guilt for being attracted to certain women...because it turns out that they are not attracted to me and are unwilling to give me a chance. Not all, just the ones I end up crushing on. I feel guilt for having a crush on them in the first place.
I used to, b4 I found out how messed up humans really are! Seams trust/respect/want it and work for it, is an obsolete notion these days.

Seems scociety is nothing but: the next fad!

I do not feel ashamed or feel like I Should feel ashamed. I love my animals anf they love me. Fuck everyone's opinion! We are happy ?
I hide my true feeling bc I no the people around me aren't into it. I wish it was a more widely accepted fetish or sexual preference, lifestyle choice. What have you. I suppose that is what I feel guilty for not being the full me. I'm not sure if this makes sense to anyone else