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(serious topic) Do you ever feel guilt over your sexuality?

Like a lot of others it took me a little while to get used to this and my feelings. I have never felt "guilty" though. And places like this make me feel more comfortable knowing there are A LOT of others like me out there. Beastiality if you look into it has been a thing probably ever since the human race started, which is where i have never felt guilt because it has (probably) and will always be a thing. As long as nothing is being forced onto (or into ;) ) the animal and is not causing them pain, there should be no reason to feel guilt. Hell even my straight buddy that isnt into it at all found out im into and is accepting to a certain degree, so there are even people out there that may not be into it, don't want anything to do with it, but are still accepting. (doesnt mean go around telling everyone of course because in the end it is still illegal in most places :( )
I sure do feel guilty. I like many "strange" things to say the least and I don't feel very good with that For obvious reasons I can't talk about it so people don't know that part of me. There's also the pressure because it's not the normal behavior so you're doing something against the group.
Yes, and sometimes I still do. For me the hardest feeling is knowing how the majority of the world views interspecies sex. I feel guilty because I'm into something that's deemed illegal (although we know it shouldn't be, of course). It's also hard for me because I like to think of myself as an open book. I tell everyone everything, but this is something that I can't tell almost anyone about, and it eats away at me from the inside. Just knowing how everyone's opinions of me can change because of this one small thing makes me feel like I've faked who I am to everyone. Its not a great feeling.
Being a zoo when I was younger did cause me a good deal of anxiety and depression. Keeping it hidden from everyone felt like I had a bomb in my hands that could go off at anytime. A big part of me was just so conflicted with why I didn't want to be normal or why I didn't want a wife and kids like my brother or to date around in school like all of the other kids that constantly had a new girlfriend or boyfriend like they were all square dancers. I wanted to tell the therapist I was see about me being a zoo for some kind of guidance, but I'm glad I didn't. That would've done more harm than good.

Don't know what happened, but over time, it just eased up. My anxiety is better managed, depression is nonexistent, and I'm pretty happy with who I am now. I wish I knew what had changed in me to get to where I am now. I'm still technically hiding who I am from everyone around me, so that much hasn't changed.
I've never felt guilty so much. I think that's because never once has a dog been hurt. If one was to be hurt as a result of what I do, then yes definitely. As far as shame goes, I'd be a liar if j didn't feel a bit of shame on my very first time simply because I couldn't except I just had a fantastic orgasm brought in by my friends dog. Even though she did it,to a point, first, she didn't go as far as I did. It took a couple days but in all reality I was perfectly ok with it.

I share this thought, as long as the animal isn't hurt and itself shows interest into doing stuff or just being along with me sexually (if not that active, but at least moves in position/licks/gets close to me to these moments) i'm totally okay, i know i felt really "dirty"/"guilty"/"shame" since it was also my very first time performing sex "outdoors" as i can't have the dog inside the house as well... so well, it was a rush for my head for sure, and i was almost about to give up on it but luckily she came back and licked me more and that encouraged me. I'm not sure if she did that to encourage me or just did it since she liked to lick me down there (once happened something painful but meh, i lived through it lol) but that for sure was a "trigger" for me to continue and oh my, it was really nice.
I used to, but now I accept it is who I am. Naturally, I don't go around sharing such information considering that it isn't socially acceptable but I suppose there's worse things someone can do.
I've only ever opened up to one person, which I regret, but can't change the past. I feel as though as long as you're not harming the animal, then it's fine.
Hell, most of the time they enjoy it! A bitch in heat needs some good lovin'! :p
I also used to feel guilty about loving animals. It wasnt till i was in my 30s that i accepted that this is what i am. Denying it earlier in life hadnt made it go away. I now consider it a blessing in a way. I get to learn about my fellow creatures in the deepest way possible. Very few other humans get this knowledge.
I was reading multiple topics and posted my reply in the wrong one. Apologies to those who already read it elsewhere:

Hi. 20 y.o. female here. Exp with k9, first time about 4 years ago. I still alternate between guilt and shame and at other times being turned on by the thought and memory and desperately in need of a k9 partner. I'm a mess but enjoying it for now.
I've often felt guilty about my sexuality and whatnot. I struggle with it a lot, even now. Mainly because due to other issues I fear judgement and rejection... {I had a so called "friend" discover my stash of zoo porn years ago and make fun of me for it... a bit traumatizing, really.} I've become incredibly protective over my technology and whatnot as a result.

However, in the end, guilt or not I keep returning to this sort of thing. Animals are far more attractive to me than human beings not just in appearance but because an animal, if treated with love and respect, will treat you with the same in kind. It is that sort of love and loyalty that is what brought on my interest in this sort of thing years ago. I have experimented with my folks dogs and no, not every animal I had attempted to introduce in that way responded to that desire... and that's okay!

Just respect the boundaries of your animals as you would another person and really there shouldn't be shame or guilt. Not forcing them, but allowing them to choose if it's their desire or not once introduced to that sort of stuff, is what makes that difference between it being more healthy versus abusing our four legged friends.

Forgive me, probably rambled a bit there. But yes, I have felt guilty about it. Doesn't mean I am going to regret it / try and change though~
No, I don't really fully know the other world where you are "only normal". But from what I see with other people, I don't want to be part of it in terms of "this is all you get". I have spent half a life with horses now, and so far it was a very good life.
Not to mention very good sex.
Don't feel bad about being zoo -- as I said, there is nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to animals, and it is not wrong to have sex with an animal. People have been conditioned by society to think it is "wrong", and people need to "break out" of that conditioning.

The reasons society give for why it is "wrong" are not rational, especially when people eat meat without giving it a second thought (i.e. they are OK with animals being killed in slaughterhouses, something far worse than sex with animals).

If your conscience tells you that you are zoo, then you should accept and embrace that aspect of yourself. Do not feel "worthless" for being a zoo. In fact, being zoo is what makes life meaningful for a lot of zoos.

I am with Zoo50 here. I think the primary reason that some people feel guilt is due to social and religious brainwashing, and even the social brainwashing I think stems from religious brainwashing. Even people that are not religious are drawn into the brainwashing that sex with animals is bad. Because society as a whole was mostly religious in the past, (even if not still so today), the religious morals are still an integral part of how most people think.
There are countries where christian, muslum, Jewish, catholic etc., never existed, and those countries as a whole do not have the setback about sex with animals the way the countries that have or once had those religious do.

I myself do not come from a religious family, and never had religious friends. I suspect it may be partially due to this reason that I never even once had any feeling of guilt over having desires or outright sex with animals. I started when I was 11. I hid it from everyone because I did realize that it was not normal behavior, and I did not want anyone to know, but I was neither ashamed of it, nor did I feel guilt.
That said, I also hid the fact that I masturbated, both from my parents and my friends until I was in my 20's. Not due to the feeling of guilt, shame or remorse, but simply because I was shy about it at the time.

My basic feeling is like many others here.
So long as you are not hurting an animal, I do not personally think there is anything to feel guilty about.
Show me a stallion that feels guilty about shoving his penis into a human and having an orgasm from it. Show me a mare that feels guilt about shoving her wet and winking vulva in someone's face! A male dog that feels guilt about humping and getting himself knotted to a human.
I feel that if the animal does not feel guilty, then why should I?
I come from a very strict religious family, I felt lots of shame, guilt, and was very conflicted but after few weeks of trying to work it out, I just went this is me who I am and what I want and never regretted it.
Wow. My brain just went Walter Mitty. Sweet.
Honestly, yes. And unlike my gayness I would delete my zoosexuality if I could, it would simply make life a whole lot easier and more comfortable
Ive felt like that early on. Since it never went away ive learned not to hate it or myself. It can take a long time to accept things you cant change.
I don't know what my sexuality even is. I like females. I fuck bitches. It's not so much of being ashamed as I just found something better, sexier, and to have hotter sex with than women. Why feel guilt over it? Fucking bitches wasn't my first choice in life by far but damn if my dick ain't happy.
so instead of getting a break I now have to also deal with the fact that I'd like to score with canines and the whole partypack of moral and societal implications that brings to the table. It sucks ._.

Morally, there is nothing wrong with having sex with animals. (As I said, interspecies sex is not wrong, and humans are animals). It's social / societal issues that bother me the most, such as all the new anti-zoo laws that have been made recently.
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I feel very guilty. A lot.

I often said to myself that I would stop chatting, delete all my media and ignore it like it was never there.

But then I talk to my boyfriend (who likes my interest for zoo) and I find myself getting all turned on by the idea of getting licked or fucked by a dog. Twinkles in my eyes, excitement in my voice.

I have no experience yet, so it feels like I can stop this all now. When I get my first experience it would feel like "no turning back". But when I noticed my own excited reaction, I knew this was not something I could just "stop". So I have to find a way to deal with the guilt and I have to accept this side of me, otherwise it's going to be a very difficult road for me...
I have no experience yet, so it feels like I can stop this all now. When I get my first experience it would feel like "no turning back". But when I noticed my own excited reaction, I knew this was not something I could just "stop". So I have to find a way to deal with the guilt and I have to accept this side of me, otherwise it's going to be a very difficult road for me...

There is nothing to feel guilty about. Interspecies sex is not wrong. As I said, humans are animals, and zoo sex is just one animal (human) having sex with another animal (animal who happens to be of a different species).
I wouldn't say guilt is the right word in my case. I'd worked through the religious bullshit ingrained within me long before I discovered my love for animals. But I am positively petrified of getting found out. I've built a really successful and content life and I don't want to see it crumble before me simply because my attractions don't fall within society's narrow spectrum of 'acceptable'. It's so frustrating that I have to hide such an integral part of myself away simply because society deems it 'abnormal', 'unhealthy', and 'abuse' while at the same time they turn a blind eye to the absolute nightmare that are slaughterhouses/animal mills.

To sum up: Society is spooky. As long as my bitch is happy, I'm happy.
Fear of perhaps getting caught/outed, yes. A relatively small fear, since I've been ultra-careful not to be detected since before my first fumbling gropes toward understanding the concept of "boys are different from girls - How and why?" that started somewhere around 5-6 years old. Even then, I somehow knew that it was something that wasn't to be known by anyone but myself and my partner(s) in experimentation/exploration, whatever species they might be. By the time I was 8 or 9, and had my first penetrative sex and orgasm (even though it would still be something like 5-6 years before I had any idea that the word existed, let alone what it meant - I only knew that the feeling was the most wonderful thing I'd ever experienced in my life, and nobody could ever be allowed to know about it) after figuring out how to put my "pee-thing" inside the family dog's "pee thing", that caution was solidly in place. Fear that such outing could result in the sexual mutilation and/or death of my mates is a constant thing, and drives me to continuous caution in every aspect of being actively zoosexual. Guilt, though, has never been part of the package.
I feel very guilty. A lot.

I often said to myself that I would stop chatting, delete all my media and ignore it like it was never there.

But then I talk to my boyfriend (who likes my interest for zoo) and I find myself getting all turned on by the idea of getting licked or fucked by a dog. Twinkles in my eyes, excitement in my voice.

I have no experience yet, so it feels like I can stop this all now. When I get my first experience it would feel like "no turning back". But when I noticed my own excited reaction, I knew this was not something I could just "stop". So I have to find a way to deal with the guilt and I have to accept this side of me, otherwise it's going to be a very difficult road for me...

I can understand your point, as a male who was/is interested in the topic i got a real struggle when i was about to "step in" into the facts. Took me a real, real, real long way until i've finally decided and made out a small step (showing myself, rubbing her also letting her lick if she wanted) and then everything just happened at its own pace. I'd suggest you to not nullify it from you, at least take your time and just test it, you don't seem like anyone who'd hurt an animal, or at least that's what i can see. I'd encourage you two to at least take your steps and with slow pace and check it out, you have nothing to lose, and if you do it being responsible and not wanting to hurt anytone, it may be interesting in the future if you discover more about yourself.
To the OP: Hell, no.

I am more easily moved to rage than to guilt.

Nowadays, not even that as often. I've learned, instead of getting angry, to think three moves ahead.
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