Enjoy it my friend! Hope you had a well day....Wow you've been waiting a while I'll take that drink now.

Enjoy it my friend! Hope you had a well day....Wow you've been waiting a while I'll take that drink now.
?Wow you've been waiting a while I'll take that drink now
PM if you need anythingWhy am I even still here what in the fuck am I hanging on to. I'm not happy I don't have any friends I've more or less been discredited from my family all I have is my stupid car payment and a job that pays half decently. I'd rather be in PA or fucking Alaska than stuck in this mind fuck of a town.
Cheers my friends! To a GREAT weekend!??? cheers
Good night pup!We will get through this peeps. Even if seems like shits about to hit the fan there's always a way. That's just another way of saying don't ever stop being there for others who need support. Weather it be someone who just joined that feels lost or hopeless or a person that's just lost everything and is fighting to rebuild their life. Cheers to life and the support giving members of the S.B.C.(Sad Basturd Club). Thank you all and have a good night.??
Time for another?Cheers my friends! To a GREAT weekend!??
Like looking in a mirror. Except the drunk part, my house is dry at the moment, but I can pretend. ?No furry partner in my life, super confused about my relationship with another zoo that lives far away, and drunk as a skunk. Let's go
I ran out of beer but got plenty of whiskey to share ?Like looking in a mirror. Except the drunk part, my house is dry at the moment, but I can pretend. ?
? ?I ran out of beer but got plenty of whiskey to share ?
Why not?Didn't expect to see you here YIMBY