how will i explain.Abnormal?
Having sex with men during pregnancy is normal, but not with dogs.
The exams did not show anything like that.
Sorry if this question is stupid.
how will i explain.Abnormal?
wow it´s nice then your husband accompanied you while the dog mounted you.Husband always had me afterwards. So idk, my OB never said anything
you could be fucked once by a husband once by a dogHusband always had me afterwards. So idk, my OB never said anything
our patent: There are five of us, two dogs, two women and me a guy. We do it like this: when one of my women starts having a "fertile window" in her menstrual cycle, she's only fucked by two dogs all day. I don't touch her, I don't want my sperm to accidentally impregnate her. (both of my women are not on birth control pills). The dogs take turns fucking her four or six times during this time and flooding her pussy with cum.I was very active during my pregnancies, never had any issue but depends how the individual is handling i
A lot of women have done it while as in I am pregnant at the moment and wondering if it’s ok to do, I’m not stupid hahaha of course I wasn’t asking that
did you have contact with dog semen before or would this be your first time?I’ve never had any allergies
so it will be your first time --- like we said, risks are not high, there are videos of girls 8 and 9 month pregnant doing itAnd found all this recently, never knew it was a thing, so doing my research
Hope we'll get to hear what happened!And found all this recently, never knew it was a thing, so doing my research
for me it was a popup site.Joined a blog a few months back called reblogme and came across it on a blog there
now you can always say "my fetus got me into dogsex" LolYeah, I guess I have the pregnancy hormones to thank for it because I wouldn’t have been on those blogs before it for sure
Get friendly with the dog let him lick your pussyHahaha technically it’s the same kinda situation that got me curious
if you happened to be sometime a famous actor it could be a riot in interviewsHahaha I int be saying that to anyone I know thank you very much ??
depending what type of careerHahaha or would be career ending ?
well if it was a zooporn actor then probebly it wouldnt Lol? I’d say pretty much any career it would be the end
sounds logicalHahaha true see how I go first time at least before any big career changes at least ??
wow, looks nice, hope u will have a lot of fun ^^Current bump
nice bellyCurrent bump
Beautiful! And maybe along with hearing how it goes we'll be fortunate enough for you to share some video of the encounter as well.Current bump
There's nothing more beautifulCurrent bump