Fun replies. I laughed quite a bit. Do you guys even know how women work???
Some men have an answer for everything, armchair professors and doctors.
I haven't been pregnant. However, trying to extrapolate the medical evidence from one woman having sex during two pregnancies with dogs and everything was fine is not the way to go. However, comparing having sex with a dog during pregnancy being identical to a clothes hanger induced abortion, is just absurd. Where do you guys get this from?
The mucus plug forms to seal the outer world from the inner, hence, keeping bacteria, virus, sperm (from the same male, other male and even other species) out of the womb. And it works well. It has so over tens of thousands of years.
There are bacteria and virus everywhere. There are some which have shown potential miscarriage, such as in feline pet owners. Unless your wife is having sex with stray dogs and not a family dog who is cared for and looked after, then the risk is microscopic.
Minor bumping against the cervix isn't going to break the cervix. Some people here believe the penis can enter the womb. Gosh. Good luck with that. Is there a risk for trauma with a large penis pushing hard? Yes, the cervix will get bruised. With a baby on the way, that is not so great. At two months, the foetus is so small it has no effect other then hormonal.
Hence, if in pain, then stop. If in doubt, keep it out!
Disclaimer. If I was ever to be pregnant, then I would love to have my dog being part of it. Would it be a risk to my baby? No, it wouldn't unless I start feeling uncomfortable, then I would stop. Does that make me a bad woman, a terrible mother? Yes, in many people's eyes it would.
Sex is a "sin" and it is "dirty" in most religions. Yet we keep doing it and the kids are none the wiser how they were conceived. Which is probably for the better (think cheating, threesomes, multiple partners, sex with strangers, sex whilst on vacation for the fun of it, sex whilst drunk, kinky sex, taboo sex, etc etc...)
Were your parents saints? You think? Food for thought.
Pardon the rant, but I had to give a perspective on things.