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Why hell? If you are thinking on the signs for circling the roundabouts, then it is the right way around in England.
I hate roundabouts. We have 2 were i live, and i gladly travel out of my way to avoid them. Five inter-connected roundabouts? Yeah, no thanks, you can keep that far away from me please.
I hate roundabouts. We have 2 were i live, and i gladly travel out of my way to avoid them. Five inter-connected roundabouts? Yeah, no thanks, you can keep that far away from me please.
I find that roundabouts really aren't that hard to navigate through.... it's other people that don't know how they work that are the problem. Multiple times I've nearly gotten into an accident because the person realized they were in the lane that redirects to the freeway instead of the one that goes to the next town over. They'll cut into the lane they should have been in when they entered the roundabout at the very last second forcing me to slam on my breaks to avoid a collision. And like, there's literally multiple signs posted that tells you what lane redirects where!
I find that roundabouts really aren't that hard to navigate through.... it's other people that don't know how they work that are the problem. Multiple times I've nearly gotten into an accident because the person realized they were in the lane that redirects to the freeway instead of the one that goes to next town over. They'll cut into the lane they should have been in when they entered the roundabout at the very last second forcing me to slam on my breaks to avoid a collision. And like, there's literally multiple signs posted that tells you what lane redirects where!
One of the suburb cities of my city has the highest number of roundabouts in the country. They started adopting them about 15 years ago, and have just kept putting them in. Other cities use them as a study of their efficacy.

The biggest problem with them is if 1 of the "through" roads is high traffic and the other isn't. If you're on the low traffic road you'll get stuck completely unable to enter the roundabout as non-stop traffic whizzes straight through with no gaps. It makes it far worse than a stop sign, and is essentially being stuck at a red light that never changes to green.
One of the suburb cities of my city has the highest number of roundabouts in the country. They started adopting them about 15 years ago, and have just kept putting them in. Other cities use them as a study of their efficacy.

The biggest problem with them is if 1 of the "through" roads is high traffic and the other isn't. If you're on the low traffic road you'll get stuck completely unable to enter the roundabout as non-stop traffic whizzes straight through with no gaps. It makes it far worse than a stop sign, and is essentially being stuck at a red light that never changes to green.
To work properly the roads have to be of same sizes. Otherwise it should be a traffic light.