That’s just cute
Rule says " no bestiality"My last media?
Beautiful lady, looks strong too - I am talking about the woman.
Bad ass that's cool
Damn name that movie
I hope they make more mando seasons.
Seen a cute lil foxy woxy like that in my field this morning pouncing all the little field mice having a blast at it to looked like.
That snake was born for a meme
Look at them razor blades lol idk whats worse rattlesnake fangs or those who wants to find out.
The world needs more happy I wish I had that kinda power snap my fingers and poof yall so damn full of happy.
I'm still not putting dead baby cells or poop in my system, I've cheated death 3 times now, think I'll be fine. Someone gave me purpose... if said person is truly up of yet, no idea what that purpose is but so far it's keeping me alive lol.
Also just so everyone knows these tick pics are not what those first 3 ticks should look like so. Don't be using this as a means of identifying ticks 4th one tho honestly is legit.