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Pictures of genitals as an avatar, yay, or nay?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 76481
  • Start date

Should pictures of genitals be allowed as avatars?

  • Yes, I don't see any issue with penises and vulvas as publicly visible avatars

    Votes: 640 50.8%
  • Yes, but only if it features both human and animal

    Votes: 42 3.3%
  • Yes, but only animal genitalia, since this is forum for zoophiles

    Votes: 209 16.6%
  • Yes, but only featured on animated characters

    Votes: 28 2.2%
  • No, photos of genitalia should stay in porn section

    Votes: 341 27.1%

  • Total voters
It has been debated on an on in many threads both here on ZooVille and on the late BeastForum too.
To me it ends up in the same way as discussing religion and faith. People believes in many different ways, and will not call any one of them wrong.
I don’t want to discuss it, but just stand fast on my sentence, ’it is pointless to discuss this’
yes, fine, I don't care either way. I was just getting involved to explain why the mod said what he did. Or to be clear, to explain what I think they meant.
I don’t bother, but maybe it shouldn’t be allowed because it makes this site look like it just a porn site for any new user
I'm going with no, not human and not animal. The question meaning closeups I assume. If its a body shot with genitals showing I don't really mind, but just the genitals, no thanks. I'll go watch porn if I'm in the mood for that.

Maybe allow a few custom titles for those that want to put up those profile pics saying "I'm a giant dick/cunt/ass hole/boob"?
i dont want to say yes because i dont believe sex has to be pornographized to be respected. if sexually explicit avatars are not helping other peoples sexual persuits then there is no real freedom of speech value. turns out more like fighting words and hate speech.
so i cant say no because people can show what they are willing to respect or make available to others. doesnt matter if its human or animal.

i would say yes though because according to what ive seen, pornography shows a lot of sex people arent really good for. the way they are excluding and misrepresenting other peoples desires to be with animals is not speaking freedom. so the vibes i get from people and their pornography generally is that "this is only about so and so, not about sex or anyone else." cant say that i respect porn avatars when porn itself is speaking conceitedly.

i dont have an issue with people showing their genitals or animals genitals. as long as they are not doing it to tease people for not having it, and not doing it to imply that we should want the human theyre showing us instead of animals.
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Look at all the comments saying no... Starting to look like the vocal majority IS the total minority ?
Poll should really have an option for "no, but full body nudes should be allowed" cause that feels like the best possible compromise and also I kind of like seeing naked bodies, just not unflattering close-ups of genitalia. And before anyone says it, no, there is no possible way to do a flattering close-up of genitalia in a still image.
Because the manifestation of sexuality is a part of the zoo community we have a designated area for titillating materials. Pornography however is far from the entirety of this community and we should separate NSFW stuff for the same reason that Reddit does. Because it allows for access to such materials in the absence of unnecessary pornographic encroachment on non-pornographic discussions.
I personally consider that genitalia in avatars are a little bit of bad taste. That kind of things deserve some privacy, and if you want to show yourself that's good too, but that is why a porn section exists, right? :3
first of all, your response is admirable. Thank you for being so respectful.
I consider myself just as you. I truly love and respect the dogs that I've had. up to the point of falling into a severe depression when my first own lover passed away some years ago. It is such the fate of us who love our companions that much.
Don't let other opinions change nothing. I am an open minded person and I dont intend to do such a thing with my comments.
This is just a matter of personal convictions or tastes. I personally don't like seeing genitalia as profile pics for several reasons, but I totally respect that you want to have a picture of such a special, intimate moment with your lover shown to everyone.
Have a nice day!
I'm kinda on the fence about it but I am fine with the explicit avatars, however I do tend to avoid them or just not talk to them as much... but that leaves it to me and as it should remain with me and my decision, I can block/ignore on my own terms
Generally no, but there have been some really nice display pictures of animal dicks that have really made my heart skip beats. I'll give my seal of approval to those.
For myself I do not see a problem if somebody uses porn/genitalia as public profile picture, also here in this forum I do not mind. Generally Idc really. Sadly I get quite fast putting people in categories when I see their profiles like that. Generally having some prejudices of course but yeah
Regardless of type species, hair or not....its an unthinking assault on those who have to look at them, and the individual using it knows it is.
an assault? that's a bit much, don't you think?
Also claiming that the people using it know it's an assault is not just harsh, but plain wrong.
Dont think so on either score....its pure shockvalue and arrogance
These are SUPPOSED to be adults...not kindergarten dropouts
arrogance, yes, I can see that. But shockvalue? No.
They think it's something that's wanted/appreciated/expected here.
Not "haha, I'll show them, I'll fucking show them!"
You give them far too much credit for maturity. If your hypothesis was true, everyone would do it. They don't. Expected? of 1st graders, tops.
We are open-minded so we do not see any problems with pictures of genitals as avatars or also in the signatures. We see that some people here are zoo-exclusive so it might be justified to limit the pictures to animal genitals but since we are into sex with animals and with humans, also pictures of human genitals are fine for us.
I made my choice based on my personal feeling: I'm not bothered. BUT now it's got me thinking of the fact the community is diverse and not everyone will see the same stuff the same way. After reading the comments I think "Mixed company" etiquette is actually a pretty reasonable expectation.

Artistic tastefully camouflaged nudes would add more value than just plain blown up junk pics, but again, thinking about the kind of company we're in, it would be more kind to consider and weigh its' appropriateness before using it. Hell I'm not even that impressed by junk as a user pic on actual dating sites ?