I’d like to weigh in on this topic because it is interesting.
First, we need to look at why did this happen?
The current situation is, you’re happily married, sex life is fine, have no intentions to look elsewhere (human wise) and yet fancy a little fun with different species.
You need to ask yourself:
What brought this on?
Were you curious? Are you attracted to said species?
Is the social construct of this act being considered Taboo also contributing?
After experiencing it, and coming back to it, does it feel good?
Does it excite you? Does it feel different?
And then there are questions like these:
Are you missing or lacking something with your significant other in the bedroom?
Are you craving something that your significant other cannot provide?
Have you discussed these cravings or desires with your significant other, even the ones that are not considered taboo?
There are many other similar questions that could be answered and all of them would help drive the “acting” on said desire/fantasy in some way.
What remains however, is the secrecy and dishonesty that you may feel towards your significant other. Hence you are here asking the question.
Unfortunately for us, Religion and Society (in general) has made it impossible for these kind of topics to be talked about openly and publicly without repercussions.
People don’t even talk about “normal” sex openly or publicly, even within married couples.
And that’s because we are afraid, afraid of the repercussions, afraid of what our SO is going to think, afraid of what our close relatives & friends would think.
Afraid of how much we could lose if we even mentioned the slightest fantasy/desire that deviates from the “norm”. (I know, define the norm…)
The fact remains, the act and dishonesty is happening.
And this is where the problem lies, if you weren’t so concerned about talking to your Significant Other about these topics, these feelings, these desires, you could have found yourself in a whole different situation.
Arguably, it could be either good or bad.
The bad being, you lose your wife or even more than that. Family, Job, financial situation, social status etc… Could go even further in case there’s evidence against you, at which point it could be jail time.
And that is a massive risk and undertaking, the emotional attachment and fear of loss is so monumental that we end up stuck in our own bubble. This religious and social conditioning about what is acceptable or not has been imposed on us for centuries.
And it’s almost impossible to get out of it.
The good, well, for those of us that did find the partner or were able to confide in them and were able to understand or even share this lifestyle, were lucky.
I would even consider this to be rare, there’s probably loads of us out there, we just don’t know about it.
Again, reinforcing my point of being incapable of talking about these things out in the open.
It goes without saying that we live in a prejudice world.
Let’s define what prejudice is.
It’s a preconceived opinion/believe that is not based on reason, experience or fact.
And if I’m being honest, we, as a species are bloody good at having preconceived opinions / beliefs.
And we easily judge without reason, experience or fact. So because of this, we fail at communicating, communication is one of our biggest flaws as a species but at the same time we’ve done a fine job at sabotaging ourselves to communicate properly.
One of the biggest vicious circles.
See, for me its like, Ok you like going to the sheep shed and find an ewe that is receptive to a little breeding (your words). Not my thing but here I am, looking at it and going:
Are you imposing your way or beliefs on me? No
Are you imposing your way or beliefs on my loved ones? No
Are you hurting me in anyway? No
Are you hurting my loved ones? No
Are you hurting the ewe? No
Is it receptive / consensual? Yes
In most cases, at this point I’m like, you do you!!
But then if we flip the coin and ask questions directed at yourself:
Am I being reasonable in my actions? I think so?
Am I being secretive about the whole ordeal? Yes
Am I being dishonest to others or myself? Maybe
Am I hurting anyone close to me? Maybe
Am I going to be hurt by this if anyone close to me finds out? I Don’t Know
If you have no clear answers on some of these questions or you don’t like the answers you’ve given after saying them, then something needs to change or be done.
Being a prejudice world and with this religious & social condition, do I blame you for not telling your wife? No, no I don’t. But you have acted on your desire and you, you alone know what you have done. It is a tough position to be in, absolutely.
The not knowing could end up having big repercussions if found out later, even more so than if this was talked over with your significant other, but the risk factor remains the biggest hurdle and I hope you get to make it work somehow.
Anyway this is my spill and I know this isn’t an answer or a solution.
However I wrote this to help ponder on the different aspects of this kind of situation.
Some things to reflect on, it is food for thought after all and in no way am I suggesting that you should reveal your deepest secrets to your significant other, you need to weigh in all your options, your feelings/emotions and also your desires.
This goes for anyone that reads this post, stay safe, stay vigilant.