It doesn't have to be the worst or the best survey to make dopes out of people. This looks suspiciously like someone cooked up a cheap way to do research for another biased book. Some time back B/F had a similar situation going on, supposedly out of an Australian University. Eventually it faded away, but it generated a lot of angst while it was active.
Think about this....WHAT are these people going to learn about a life issue from an online QUIZ? All of us involved, regardless of our backgrounds, are individuals. Each of us has a lot in common, but we also have all the quirks and twitches that make us who we are, male, female or other. Studying Zoophilia involves Psych batteries, lifestyle batteries, gradeschool test results and a host of other metrics that are NOT going to come from anything that is online only, and what amounts to lowest-common-denominator evaluations without personal contacts with ANY of us. a representative baseline for such a study cannot possibly be established in a few minutes of multiple choice questions. Who is funding such a study? what are the reasons for it, and WHY NOW? How is the scientific world going to benefit from this knowledge?
What this really looks like is a sophisticated email address list builder. Information so-garnered could be used for any number of things, most of them not of benefit to you and me, folks. Maybe its some post-grad looking for a Masters or Doctorate subject testing practicality. Maybe its LE testing a DIFFERENT sort of practicality. Is ANYbody here a Northwestern U grad, Student, or Alum? If so, such a person might check out the legitimacy of this Study. Wishful thinking isn't going to assign any reality to such a research project. Facts will.