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My husband caught us in the act and it did NOT go over well.

I see having sex with a dog in a similar way I see masturbation. I don’t think it’s cheating just because it has a pulse. It’s not a human and at least in my mind could never replace one.
I look at it like what my significant other would think, and how would they react? Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if you were them. You should have been aware of this before you committed to them.
The way he looks at me now when I hug my dog, or pet another dog is so upsetting. Like he's on the verge of screaming out to everyone around me what a pervert I am. It's always been so much more than that, my animals are well cared for and I genuinely love them and spoil them, the sex is just a small part of our lives together. I just cant believe that this happened.
There are experiences called transformative, after such experience nothing is the same. So, he will come to terms with what had happened and will learn to enjoy or relationship will fall apart. He has and will decide.
three pages and i'm still the only one asking how it ended up for the boy? well, not that surprising... just the now usual "find ways to screw your husband over" (this not being the only "i got caught" thread where "screw the actual victim over" got proposed) and "it's not cheating, because dog"
three pages and i'm still the only one asking how it ended up for the boy? well, not that surprising... just the now usual "find ways to screw your husband over" (this not being the only "i got caught" thread where "screw the actual victim over" got proposed) and "it's not cheating, because dog"
A lot of people think watching porn is cheating too, but that doesn’t mean it really is.
Ive been through what you are going through. I told her myself because I wanted to be done with lying and hiding. Needless to say she is now my ex. Between telling her and divorcing was over a year of trying to fix things, talk it over, compromise, but in the end, trust was broken and to a non zoo what we want is disgusting. The odds of overcoming this are extremely small. Good luck, I feel your pain.
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I am absolutely mortified at the moment. You read all these fantasies about husbands catching their wives in the act and joining in but the reality of it is that life isn't a porno. When my husband looked at me bent over on all fours with the dog behind me the abject horror on my husbands face made my heart drop.

I've always really been into animals. It feels weird to say it out loud honestly, but ever since I can remember I've found animals to be more sexually attractive that people. The human body is fascinating and beautiful in its own way but animals, canines especially seem to grab my attention more than a male model or say a celebrity.

So it was a surprise that when I was 16 I met a guy who I ended up sticking it out with for 15 years. It's had it's up and downs, mostly downs. I still wonder how much easier it would've been if I had just bought a Great Dane and lived on my own in the country somewhere. But a terminal illness and lack of family/friends/support system made sure that I was stuck with this life.

Needless to say about 9 years into our relationship we got a pitbull, male. I've never fully gone with a dog all the way at this point, but the curiosity was fully there. I had occasionally talked with my husband that I had a crazy dark fantasy, but never fully explaining what. I would draw furry commissions and art for people that was pretty explicit and similar to what I was already into. Despite this I never told a single customer what I was into. Porn never got me off and it was difficult to achieve climax with my husband. The curiosity grew and I began looking online in forums like these, and especially on a site called petsex for advice on how to get a male dog to mount. Everyone made it seem straight forward: Bend over, get fucked. Reality though, is never that easy. It took till just two years ago for me to figure out how to get a dog to mount. My husband was at work, child at school, the first time I got properly dicked down by a dog. I tried to keep quiet but damn, no one ever tells you how amazing your first time will be. How hot and wet it is, how sharp and even large it'll feel and most importantly how rough. The bottom line was I was hooked, I was bred, knotted, and absolutely hooked. This is the sensation I had been craving majority of my life and from that day forward I began having sex almost religiously with my dog every time the house was empty.

I unfortunately didn't realize how short lived this would be, just two weeks ago I had to bring the dog into the bedroom to crate for the night as my child was having a sleepover. My husband had decided 2am was now the perfect time to fuck me. As I lay over the bed I glanced down at my dog who was whimpering and restless, his dick protruding from his sheath as he smelled my familiar juices fill the air. I came so hard that night, picturing my dog on me. My husband went to shower shortly after that, and I forgot the number one rule. Don't let the genitals do the thinking. I let my dog out of the crate and bent over in front of him begging him to mount me, He did and he fucked me hard, not once but twice in a row. By the time he had finished I had realized that my husband would be out of the shower soon. I was ass up on the ground on all fours with my dog tongue deep in my pussy licking his juices when the door flew open. The look on my husbands face. There was honestly no explaining this, it was what it was. This spurred on a nights worth of arguing that I honestly thought was going to end with him calling the cops.

Over the next couple weeks our sex life declined rapidly. He went flacid every time during, and stopped having all interest in me. He told me that it didn't really bother him and that he might even be into it but I knew that he is very likely not. He said he could see the scratches on my hips and that it was really off-putting, that he wanted me to stop. Then the questions started coming,

"How many times?"

"Were they all in this house?"

"How many of our animals have you fucked?"

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Will it affect our kids?"

"What else are you hiding from me?"

Probably the worst one was when I mentioned that at least I wasn't cheating on him. To which he replied, "I'd prefer that, at least it would be normal."

We're currently at a strange place. He's told me that he doesn't want to have sex with me anymore, and without this I'm pretty sure he'll want a divorce. I keep thinking "It could be worse" But honestly he could call the cops, he could tell my family, he could tell my friends, he could divorce me and take all my belongings and kick me out and sell my dog.

It's upsetting but I realize life isn't a porno. I wish he liked this and accepted this but I was never one for manipulation and I'm not going to press him if he decides that this is the end of our relationship.

The way he looks at me now when I hug my dog, or pet another dog is so upsetting. Like he's on the verge of screaming out to everyone around me what a pervert I am. It's always been so much more than that, my animals are well cared for and I genuinely love them and spoil them, the sex is just a small part of our lives together. I just cant believe that this happened.
This is a tough situation and I’m sorry to hear that it all went down like that. As just a random person on here what I’m about to say Is only with the information that I’ve read but it’s important that you realize that there is nothing wrong or broken or horrible about what you did. Everyone is different and everyone likes different things. Certain things that turn you on and make you wet may not be the same things that turn other people on. That doesn’t make you a horrible person in any way and doesn’t change who you are as an individual, how you love and have compassion for things, what makes you hurt or happy. You are perfectly okay and normal.

It’s a scary thing because what you like isn’t what he likes and the cat is out of the bag but you’re still that same person your kink is just a little different than others. This is definitely something you two will have to talk about more and find common ground on and just remind him that you’re still that same person he married, he shouldn’t be making you feel like a horrible person which it sounds like he isn’t so that’s good but still and Again everyone is different. True love doesn’t judge, if he truly loves you then you’ll be able to work it out and if he does push for a divorce then pick your chin up and show him that you’re strong and will be okay. There is someone out there that will except you for you. And he he tries pulling some shit and telling you he’ll tell everyone you can just deny it and say he’s telling lies for whatever reason. I know this doesn’t take back time or fix anything but I hope it helps put your mind at ease. Everything will be okay and this won’t break you. Stand tall embrace who you are and what you like.
This is exactly how I feel but I can't quiet put it into words for him.
I've never once forced my dog to do anything he didn't want to, and he always ALWAYS had a way of saying no. My husband doesn't see it this way though, I'll definitely try explaining things to him a bit better after things cool down a bit if he's ready to hear it.
I wish you luck. I seriously do! But, you see, he entered into a contract of marriage with you based upon what he saw in you; what he knew about you; what you presented to him at the time. Your zoo proclivities were not in the package he signed on for. Many are saying "If he loves you, he'll accept you." No, he doesn't have to do that.

That said, if he does take you to court and says he caught you, deny, deny, deny, even in the face of his eyewitness accusations.
He still has to prove it, and he cannot.
If he intends to go to court, there are probably, now, cameras all over your house. Don't make any furtive moves around your dog and keep your clothes on.
Communication is key in any relationship. With your dog it is a bit easier because they can't verbally speak but they still manage to tell you what they want when they want it. Dogs are mostly selfish and because we feel obligated to take care of them inside our home we mostly give in to their demands. With humans its complicated, especially when you both care for one another, and don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. Keeping secrets from your partner hurts them far more. The fact he hasn't kicked you out, taken the kids, called the cops, got a divorce lawyer means they're figuring out what they're going to do. The fact they're still there means they are giving you the chance to make it right. The problem is they are very hurt and from what I read it seems you don't communicate with them very well. What happens next at this point is mostly really up to you.
three pages and i'm still the only one asking how it ended up for the boy? well, not that surprising... just the now usual "find ways to screw your husband over" (this not being the only "i got caught" thread where "screw the actual victim over" got proposed) and "it's not cheating, because dog"
She has some culpability in the situation, but does that mean she should take what he dishes out? She could loose her marriage, her job, her children, her dog, and her freedom. Does she deserve that? IMHO if it gets to court, you fight dirty to win. The other side is going to exaggerate and lie to get their way. She will have to do the same to bring balance.
She has some culpability in the situation, but does that mean she should take what he dishes out? She could loose her marriage, her job, her children, her dog, and her freedom. Does she deserve that? IMHO if it gets to court, you fight dirty to win. The other side is going to exaggerate and lie to get their way. She will have to do the same to bring balance.
I really hate to say it, but she does. She knew what she was doing. She was aware of the risks and consequences.
I am absolutely mortified at the moment. You read all these fantasies about husbands catching their wives in the act and joining in but the reality of it is that life isn't a porno. When my husband looked at me bent over on all fours with the dog behind me the abject horror on my husbands face made my heart drop.

I've always really been into animals. It feels weird to say it out loud honestly, but ever since I can remember I've found animals to be more sexually attractive that people. The human body is fascinating and beautiful in its own way but animals, canines especially seem to grab my attention more than a male model or say a celebrity.

So it was a surprise that when I was 16 I met a guy who I ended up sticking it out with for 15 years. It's had it's up and downs, mostly downs. I still wonder how much easier it would've been if I had just bought a Great Dane and lived on my own in the country somewhere. But a terminal illness and lack of family/friends/support system made sure that I was stuck with this life.

Needless to say about 9 years into our relationship we got a pitbull, male. I've never fully gone with a dog all the way at this point, but the curiosity was fully there. I had occasionally talked with my husband that I had a crazy dark fantasy, but never fully explaining what. I would draw furry commissions and art for people that was pretty explicit and similar to what I was already into. Despite this I never told a single customer what I was into. Porn never got me off and it was difficult to achieve climax with my husband. The curiosity grew and I began looking online in forums like these, and especially on a site called petsex for advice on how to get a male dog to mount. Everyone made it seem straight forward: Bend over, get fucked. Reality though, is never that easy. It took till just two years ago for me to figure out how to get a dog to mount. My husband was at work, child at school, the first time I got properly dicked down by a dog. I tried to keep quiet but damn, no one ever tells you how amazing your first time will be. How hot and wet it is, how sharp and even large it'll feel and most importantly how rough. The bottom line was I was hooked, I was bred, knotted, and absolutely hooked. This is the sensation I had been craving majority of my life and from that day forward I began having sex almost religiously with my dog every time the house was empty.

I unfortunately didn't realize how short lived this would be, just two weeks ago I had to bring the dog into the bedroom to crate for the night as my child was having a sleepover. My husband had decided 2am was now the perfect time to fuck me. As I lay over the bed I glanced down at my dog who was whimpering and restless, his dick protruding from his sheath as he smelled my familiar juices fill the air. I came so hard that night, picturing my dog on me. My husband went to shower shortly after that, and I forgot the number one rule. Don't let the genitals do the thinking. I let my dog out of the crate and bent over in front of him begging him to mount me, He did and he fucked me hard, not once but twice in a row. By the time he had finished I had realized that my husband would be out of the shower soon. I was ass up on the ground on all fours with my dog tongue deep in my pussy licking his juices when the door flew open. The look on my husbands face. There was honestly no explaining this, it was what it was. This spurred on a nights worth of arguing that I honestly thought was going to end with him calling the cops.

Over the next couple weeks our sex life declined rapidly. He went flacid every time during, and stopped having all interest in me. He told me that it didn't really bother him and that he might even be into it but I knew that he is very likely not. He said he could see the scratches on my hips and that it was really off-putting, that he wanted me to stop. Then the questions started coming,

"How many times?"

"Were they all in this house?"

"How many of our animals have you fucked?"

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Will it affect our kids?"

"What else are you hiding from me?"

Probably the worst one was when I mentioned that at least I wasn't cheating on him. To which he replied, "I'd prefer that, at least it would be normal."

We're currently at a strange place. He's told me that he doesn't want to have sex with me anymore, and without this I'm pretty sure he'll want a divorce. I keep thinking "It could be worse" But honestly he could call the cops, he could tell my family, he could tell my friends, he could divorce me and take all my belongings and kick me out and sell my dog.

It's upsetting but I realize life isn't a porno. I wish he liked this and accepted this but I was never one for manipulation and I'm not going to press him if he decides that this is the end of our relationship.

The way he looks at me now when I hug my dog, or pet another dog is so upsetting. Like he's on the verge of screaming out to everyone around me what a pervert I am. It's always been so much more than that, my animals are well cared for and I genuinely love them and spoil them, the sex is just a small part of our lives together. I just cant believe that this happened.
I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you are going through all of this. So many of us would feel the same way if we were in your shoes. I have a husband (soon to be ex) and children too (albeit grown up). I wish I could help you in some way. I really hope and pray that if you both end up divorcing that he will keep take your secret to the grave.
And please remember, you have a community of people here on this forum who understand you, support and accept you as you are.
I was so grateful to find this forum and realize I’m not alone. It has helped me take charge of my own life, leave my husband, and do what is best for me. I know your situation is different, but please remember this forum is here for you and we will always be here to support and listen.
Good luck to you my friend. I’ll be praying for you.?
She has some culpability in the situation, but does that mean she should take what he dishes out?
she doesn't have "some" but "all the" culpability so yes, she should. she cheated... would you be all "im so sowwy this happened to you :((((" if she cheated with a human?
i have literally zero sympathy for her, hence me asking only about the boy. the only possible victim, who can very easily lose his life over this....
A lot of people think watching porn is cheating too, but that doesn’t mean it really is.
because watching a clip of others having sex is anywhere near the same level as having it with someone. pretty lame attempt at mental gymnastics tbh.
hilarious that it's somehow even a question to some ppl whatever it's cheating to have sex with someone else. denial maybe?
I've been struggling with this thread, I think most all of us have either had some experience or at least a fear of this. And worlds colliding is a scary thing with real rammificaitons.

I'd like to write a ton, but my thoughts are somewhat confused. On one hand, relationship preservation sometimes means keeping this side closeted. For zoos who have come to the realization and acceptance of this part of their sexuality late in life, it can be very frustrating and upsetting to have to keep this side a secret from their partner. For those who came by zooishness early and have learned to repress and keep it away from EVERYONE, it can be shame-filled and keep them from experiencing true intimacy and understanding with a partner. It's easy to armchair quarterback this one and shout that the OP either did something wrong, or that honesty is the best policy, or whatnot, well - it's also a hard situation to face, with real legal consequences and relationship ramifications.

OP, I'm sorry for your woes, and understand the frustration and sadness and difficulty you are going through. I feel for you, and - if there is any bright spot - am at least glad that you've got this forum to share your experience with. I hope you can feel the acceptance and understanding that flows through most of these comments. Real world has real consequences. If you need to repair the intimacy with your spouse and save the relationship, you'll likely have to talk through what was seen and why, how it can be lived with - if at all. In our fantasies (and even in some realities, though I can only think this number is very small), we all think/hope/poray this moment will go differently. The real reality is that life is not as we hope, or even as we work for it to be, and the consequences need to be faced.

You've heard some practical approaches about gaslighting and legal protection, you've been lectured, you've heard thoughts and musings, you've even had some suitors propose.

I only wish you to be kind with yourself, and open to the potential that you might not be able to be true to your zoo nature, and stay inside your relationship. At some level, your spouse is shocked, hurt, and confused. That can't be easy for anyone to get a grip on, especially for the teaming masses who don't understand or condone (let alone accept) zooishness. And that's most folks.

I'm so sorry you're in this position. Be well, friend.
Sorry to hear this happened. Wish this turns out to be a turning point for him into accepting and supporting you r k9 passion.
I am absolutely mortified at the moment. You read all these fantasies about husbands catching their wives in the act and joining in but the reality of it is that life isn't a porno. When my husband looked at me bent over on all fours with the dog behind me the abject horror on my husbands face made my heart drop.

I've always really been into animals. It feels weird to say it out loud honestly, but ever since I can remember I've found animals to be more sexually attractive that people. The human body is fascinating and beautiful in its own way but animals, canines especially seem to grab my attention more than a male model or say a celebrity.

So it was a surprise that when I was 16 I met a guy who I ended up sticking it out with for 15 years. It's had it's up and downs, mostly downs. I still wonder how much easier it would've been if I had just bought a Great Dane and lived on my own in the country somewhere. But a terminal illness and lack of family/friends/support system made sure that I was stuck with this life.

Needless to say about 9 years into our relationship we got a pitbull, male. I've never fully gone with a dog all the way at this point, but the curiosity was fully there. I had occasionally talked with my husband that I had a crazy dark fantasy, but never fully explaining what. I would draw furry commissions and art for people that was pretty explicit and similar to what I was already into. Despite this I never told a single customer what I was into. Porn never got me off and it was difficult to achieve climax with my husband. The curiosity grew and I began looking online in forums like these, and especially on a site called petsex for advice on how to get a male dog to mount. Everyone made it seem straight forward: Bend over, get fucked. Reality though, is never that easy. It took till just two years ago for me to figure out how to get a dog to mount. My husband was at work, child at school, the first time I got properly dicked down by a dog. I tried to keep quiet but damn, no one ever tells you how amazing your first time will be. How hot and wet it is, how sharp and even large it'll feel and most importantly how rough. The bottom line was I was hooked, I was bred, knotted, and absolutely hooked. This is the sensation I had been craving majority of my life and from that day forward I began having sex almost religiously with my dog every time the house was empty.

I unfortunately didn't realize how short lived this would be, just two weeks ago I had to bring the dog into the bedroom to crate for the night as my child was having a sleepover. My husband had decided 2am was now the perfect time to fuck me. As I lay over the bed I glanced down at my dog who was whimpering and restless, his dick protruding from his sheath as he smelled my familiar juices fill the air. I came so hard that night, picturing my dog on me. My husband went to shower shortly after that, and I forgot the number one rule. Don't let the genitals do the thinking. I let my dog out of the crate and bent over in front of him begging him to mount me, He did and he fucked me hard, not once but twice in a row. By the time he had finished I had realized that my husband would be out of the shower soon. I was ass up on the ground on all fours with my dog tongue deep in my pussy licking his juices when the door flew open. The look on my husbands face. There was honestly no explaining this, it was what it was. This spurred on a nights worth of arguing that I honestly thought was going to end with him calling the cops.

Over the next couple weeks our sex life declined rapidly. He went flacid every time during, and stopped having all interest in me. He told me that it didn't really bother him and that he might even be into it but I knew that he is very likely not. He said he could see the scratches on my hips and that it was really off-putting, that he wanted me to stop. Then the questions started coming,

"How many times?"

"Were they all in this house?"

"How many of our animals have you fucked?"

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Will it affect our kids?"

"What else are you hiding from me?"

Probably the worst one was when I mentioned that at least I wasn't cheating on him. To which he replied, "I'd prefer that, at least it would be normal."

We're currently at a strange place. He's told me that he doesn't want to have sex with me anymore, and without this I'm pretty sure he'll want a divorce. I keep thinking "It could be worse" But honestly he could call the cops, he could tell my family, he could tell my friends, he could divorce me and take all my belongings and kick me out and sell my dog.

It's upsetting but I realize life isn't a porno. I wish he liked this and accepted this but I was never one for manipulation and I'm not going to press him if he decides that this is the end of our relationship.

The way he looks at me now when I hug my dog, or pet another dog is so upsetting. Like he's on the verge of screaming out to everyone around me what a pervert I am. It's always been so much more than that, my animals are well cared for and I genuinely love them and spoil them, the sex is just a small part of our lives together. I just cant believe that this happened.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you! Are you doing alright?
A lot of people think watching porn is cheating too, but that doesn’t mean it really is.
Ya I think people are too nitpicky
she doesn't have "some" but "all the" culpability so yes, she should. she cheated... would you be all "im so sowwy this happened to you :((((" if she cheated with a human?
i have literally zero sympathy for her, hence me asking only about the boy. the only possible victim, who can very easily lose his life over this....
Perhaps, but if she cheated with a guy, it woudn't carry one onehundreath the stigma, or risk. And the reality is, the ones who act the most outraged they have been 'cheated on', have been cheating themselves, and in their mind, they feel fully OK and justified with that. Does two wrongs make a right? I guess not. But I've found that being honest, loyal, forthright, moral, etc, is awfully hard and unrewarding, and often just leaves you as a stepping stone to those who don't live by your rules. You better believe in eternal afterlife with reward, because you're probably not going to get your reward for that in THIS life.
I am absolutely mortified at the moment. You read all these fantasies about husbands catching their wives in the act and joining in but the reality of it is that life isn't a porno. When my husband looked at me bent over on all fours with the dog behind me the abject horror on my husbands face made my heart drop.

I've always really been into animals. It feels weird to say it out loud honestly, but ever since I can remember I've found animals to be more sexually attractive that people. The human body is fascinating and beautiful in its own way but animals, canines especially seem to grab my attention more than a male model or say a celebrity.

So it was a surprise that when I was 16 I met a guy who I ended up sticking it out with for 15 years. It's had it's up and downs, mostly downs. I still wonder how much easier it would've been if I had just bought a Great Dane and lived on my own in the country somewhere. But a terminal illness and lack of family/friends/support system made sure that I was stuck with this life.

Needless to say about 9 years into our relationship we got a pitbull, male. I've never fully gone with a dog all the way at this point, but the curiosity was fully there. I had occasionally talked with my husband that I had a crazy dark fantasy, but never fully explaining what. I would draw furry commissions and art for people that was pretty explicit and similar to what I was already into. Despite this I never told a single customer what I was into. Porn never got me off and it was difficult to achieve climax with my husband. The curiosity grew and I began looking online in forums like these, and especially on a site called petsex for advice on how to get a male dog to mount. Everyone made it seem straight forward: Bend over, get fucked. Reality though, is never that easy. It took till just two years ago for me to figure out how to get a dog to mount. My husband was at work, child at school, the first time I got properly dicked down by a dog. I tried to keep quiet but damn, no one ever tells you how amazing your first time will be. How hot and wet it is, how sharp and even large it'll feel and most importantly how rough. The bottom line was I was hooked, I was bred, knotted, and absolutely hooked. This is the sensation I had been craving majority of my life and from that day forward I began having sex almost religiously with my dog every time the house was empty.

I unfortunately didn't realize how short lived this would be, just two weeks ago I had to bring the dog into the bedroom to crate for the night as my child was having a sleepover. My husband had decided 2am was now the perfect time to fuck me. As I lay over the bed I glanced down at my dog who was whimpering and restless, his dick protruding from his sheath as he smelled my familiar juices fill the air. I came so hard that night, picturing my dog on me. My husband went to shower shortly after that, and I forgot the number one rule. Don't let the genitals do the thinking. I let my dog out of the crate and bent over in front of him begging him to mount me, He did and he fucked me hard, not once but twice in a row. By the time he had finished I had realized that my husband would be out of the shower soon. I was ass up on the ground on all fours with my dog tongue deep in my pussy licking his juices when the door flew open. The look on my husbands face. There was honestly no explaining this, it was what it was. This spurred on a nights worth of arguing that I honestly thought was going to end with him calling the cops.

Over the next couple weeks our sex life declined rapidly. He went flacid every time during, and stopped having all interest in me. He told me that it didn't really bother him and that he might even be into it but I knew that he is very likely not. He said he could see the scratches on my hips and that it was really off-putting, that he wanted me to stop. Then the questions started coming,

"How many times?"

"Were they all in this house?"

"How many of our animals have you fucked?"

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Will it affect our kids?"

"What else are you hiding from me?"

Probably the worst one was when I mentioned that at least I wasn't cheating on him. To which he replied, "I'd prefer that, at least it would be normal."

We're currently at a strange place. He's told me that he doesn't want to have sex with me anymore, and without this I'm pretty sure he'll want a divorce. I keep thinking "It could be worse" But honestly he could call the cops, he could tell my family, he could tell my friends, he could divorce me and take all my belongings and kick me out and sell my dog.

It's upsetting but I realize life isn't a porno. I wish he liked this and accepted this but I was never one for manipulation and I'm not going to press him if he decides that this is the end of our relationship.

The way he looks at me now when I hug my dog, or pet another dog is so upsetting. Like he's on the verge of screaming out to everyone around me what a pervert I am. It's always been so much more than that, my animals are well cared for and I genuinely love them and spoil them, the sex is just a small part of our lives together. I just cant believe that this happened.
Give it time, no matter what transpires in the future he will need to digest this. Be open to him to talk about it when he is ready.
I am absolutely mortified at the moment. You read all these fantasies about husbands catching their wives in the act and joining in but the reality of it is that life isn't a porno. When my husband looked at me bent over on all fours with the dog behind me the abject horror on my husbands face made my heart drop.

I've always really been into animals. It feels weird to say it out loud honestly, but ever since I can remember I've found animals to be more sexually attractive that people. The human body is fascinating and beautiful in its own way but animals, canines especially seem to grab my attention more than a male model or say a celebrity.

So it was a surprise that when I was 16 I met a guy who I ended up sticking it out with for 15 years. It's had it's up and downs, mostly downs. I still wonder how much easier it would've been if I had just bought a Great Dane and lived on my own in the country somewhere. But a terminal illness and lack of family/friends/support system made sure that I was stuck with this life.

Needless to say about 9 years into our relationship we got a pitbull, male. I've never fully gone with a dog all the way at this point, but the curiosity was fully there. I had occasionally talked with my husband that I had a crazy dark fantasy, but never fully explaining what. I would draw furry commissions and art for people that was pretty explicit and similar to what I was already into. Despite this I never told a single customer what I was into. Porn never got me off and it was difficult to achieve climax with my husband. The curiosity grew and I began looking online in forums like these, and especially on a site called petsex for advice on how to get a male dog to mount. Everyone made it seem straight forward: Bend over, get fucked. Reality though, is never that easy. It took till just two years ago for me to figure out how to get a dog to mount. My husband was at work, child at school, the first time I got properly dicked down by a dog. I tried to keep quiet but damn, no one ever tells you how amazing your first time will be. How hot and wet it is, how sharp and even large it'll feel and most importantly how rough. The bottom line was I was hooked, I was bred, knotted, and absolutely hooked. This is the sensation I had been craving majority of my life and from that day forward I began having sex almost religiously with my dog every time the house was empty.

I unfortunately didn't realize how short lived this would be, just two weeks ago I had to bring the dog into the bedroom to crate for the night as my child was having a sleepover. My husband had decided 2am was now the perfect time to fuck me. As I lay over the bed I glanced down at my dog who was whimpering and restless, his dick protruding from his sheath as he smelled my familiar juices fill the air. I came so hard that night, picturing my dog on me. My husband went to shower shortly after that, and I forgot the number one rule. Don't let the genitals do the thinking. I let my dog out of the crate and bent over in front of him begging him to mount me, He did and he fucked me hard, not once but twice in a row. By the time he had finished I had realized that my husband would be out of the shower soon. I was ass up on the ground on all fours with my dog tongue deep in my pussy licking his juices when the door flew open. The look on my husbands face. There was honestly no explaining this, it was what it was. This spurred on a nights worth of arguing that I honestly thought was going to end with him calling the cops.

Over the next couple weeks our sex life declined rapidly. He went flacid every time during, and stopped having all interest in me. He told me that it didn't really bother him and that he might even be into it but I knew that he is very likely not. He said he could see the scratches on my hips and that it was really off-putting, that he wanted me to stop. Then the questions started coming,

"How many times?"

"Were they all in this house?"

"How many of our animals have you fucked?"

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Will it affect our kids?"

"What else are you hiding from me?"

Probably the worst one was when I mentioned that at least I wasn't cheating on him. To which he replied, "I'd prefer that, at least it would be normal."

We're currently at a strange place. He's told me that he doesn't want to have sex with me anymore, and without this I'm pretty sure he'll want a divorce. I keep thinking "It could be worse" But honestly he could call the cops, he could tell my family, he could tell my friends, he could divorce me and take all my belongings and kick me out and sell my dog.

It's upsetting but I realize life isn't a porno. I wish he liked this and accepted this but I was never one for manipulation and I'm not going to press him if he decides that this is the end of our relationship.

The way he looks at me now when I hug my dog, or pet another dog is so upsetting. Like he's on the verge of screaming out to everyone around me what a pervert I am. It's always been so much more than that, my animals are well cared for and I genuinely love them and spoil them, the sex is just a small part of our lives together. I just cant believe that this happened.
Sometimes people just don't know how to handle it. Unfortunately that this has happened to you I've been lucky enough that my wife is not into it but she understands that we are all humans and we all have our Kinks. She is always told me as long as it is not hurting anyone then it isn't bad. Again I am so sorry you have to go through this it really sucks when people just can't understand that we are all different and we all have different Kinks. Don't beat yourself up over somebody else not understanding