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Kinsey zoo scale test

your results is:

  • 7-9 points: exclusively human sexual

    Votes: 87 2.0%
  • 10-14 points: human sexual, temporary zoosexual tendencies

    Votes: 419 9.4%
  • 15-18 points: human sexual and more than temporary zoosexual tendencies

    Votes: 1,051 23.6%
  • 19-23 points: as much human sexual as zoosexual

    Votes: 1,542 34.7%
  • 23-27 points: zoosexual and more than temporary human sexual tendencies

    Votes: 775 17.4%
  • 28-32 points: zoosexual, temporary human sexual tendencies

    Votes: 372 8.4%
  • 33-35 points: exclusively zoosexual

    Votes: 198 4.5%

  • Total voters
17 but if I actually have sex with an animal it’ll go up. ?
About 20 points for me, it'll jump to 22 at least, maybe 23 once I finally get to try zoo sex for real, because I know I'll like it as much if not more than human
i got 17, but only because i haven't been able to try out animals, i'd say i fit in "as much human sexual as zoosexual" :)
27 for me :3

Having animal bonds and connectons are absolutely wonderful; however having close human friends, zoo friends, to bond with and share this mutual love for animals is also pretty incredible. I yern for both but definitely perfer the company of animals