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Is knotting a Girl natural for a dog or does it need training

From my experience I think that all depends on dog. My K9 had no problems with turning around (butt to butt) and knotting. He was like gentle giant, and luckily no clumsy. But I saw some videos where dogs was inpatient, excited and agitated to much and they tried to pull out just after mounting.
Looks like it's individual, every dog is different.
It’s all been said positioning is important and getting his cock deep before it swells is best way to feel the knot. Having said that woman are not built with the muscles to assure the knot will stay.
There's no need to train them to mount, instinctively speaking, but surely there is a need to help them understand that you are willing to be mounted and that they are authorized to do so.
The most important part is to make them understand that they can do it without being scolded, because basically they have been taught that it is wrong to mount human beings.
So you have to make them understand that it is only allowed to do it with you at certain times and above all only if both parties are consenting and willing to do so :gsd_happysmile:
Sounds like you are talking our of your ass but I give you the benefit of doubt since you might have just gotten very lucky. I have been in the scene for some time now and this is not the case at all. Its not as easy as people claim
In our experience with our 2 boys, when the mood hit my wife, which is 2 times in 2 years they knew how to hop on and that was it. 2 pumps and they had swollen knots and licking themselves before they penetrated. Maybe hit the mark with one quick jab. Even the eldest one never got the hang of it when I tried to get him practiced up.
I would say it all depends on the pup and like people, some are 2 pump chumps!!
So if you’re traveling a distance to meet up, I would second think it. Go with experience.
And this is more of the norm as to the post above
Portugues - Brasil: estou aqui buscando esse tipo de informação, eu perdi minha virgindade com um menino da minha escola aos 17 anos, hoje estou 22 anos. e desde então só fiz sexo com homens, a um tempo já venho tendo interesse em cachorro, já vi muitos vídeos, li muitos posts, estou com muita vontade de sair do virtual e praticar com um cachorro, o problema é que moro com meus pais e não temos cachorro, só tem um cachorro de rua, porte medio eu diria, eu sempre levo comida para ele, fica em uma construção parada aqui perto da minha casa. mas nao sei se eu deveria tentar, não sei como vai ser, minha preocupação é com tamanho do nó, essas coisas, será que vai doer? e como tenho que voltar para casa, se ele me engatar e nó for grande, demora quanto tempo pra sair? e a porra dele, será que vai ter cheiro?é que quando chegar em casa meus pais nao desconfiarem. eu chego do meu estagio as 18:00 horas, vou tomar cafe, e depois um banho, e vou levar a comida para ele entre 19:30 e 20:00, já é noite, não teria perigo de ninguem ver. me ajudem, quero muito fazer isso.

English: I'm here looking for this type of information, I lost my virginity to a boy at my school when I was 17, today I'm 22 years old. and since then I've only had sex with men, I've been interested in dogs for a while now, I've seen a lot of videos, read a lot of posts, I really want to get out of the virtual world and practice with a dog, the problem is that I live with my parents and we don't have a dog, we only have a stray dog, I'd say of medium size, I always bring food for him, he's in a construction site close to my house. But I don't know if I should try, I don't know what it will be like, my concern is about the size of the knot, that sort of thing, will it hurt? And since I have to go back home, if he hooks me up and the knot is big, how long will it take to get out? And his shit, will it smell? It's just that when I get home my parents won't suspect it. I arrive from my internship at 6:00 pm, I'm going to have coffee, and then a shower, and I'm going to take the food to him between 7:30 pm and 8:00 pm, it's already night, there's no danger of anyone seeing. Help me, I really want to do this.
crl seu desejo e mt sexy realizou?
Sort of. It can go in, but human women don't have the vaginal muscles like canines do to keep it stuck. A good enough pull would separate the dog and person without consequences. Anal on the other hand...
I thought the dog should be trained to know a girl.

Now I met a guy with a dog wich is not trained who claims that it will be natural to the dog to knot a girl.

what is the truth?
So out in the wild the knot fairy visits a male dog the first time he mounts a bitch and coaches him on how to get the knot in, and rewards him with a milk bone when he is successful. When there is no mating going on, the fairys just hang out back at Fern Gully until they sense another mating about to happen, its a hard life i hear.
It may also depend on the dog's character. I've seen many videos where dogs "get used to" everything.
Although training them exclusively to their owner would be a great activity)
Não. O nó em humanos quase nunca acontece, já que a musculatura necessária para que um nó aconteça não está presente em humanos. Então o nó é muito improvável, mais provavelmente o nó completo vai escorregar em algum ponto porque não há nada segurando-o. Então segure o nó, não as pernas.

Todo o "treinamento" que você precisa é permitir que o cão monte em você, sem guloseimas, sem comandos. Brinque com o cão até que ele fique excitado e quando chegar a hora e ele tentar montar em você, posicione-se para tornar a maneira desejada de montar mais fácil.
Se ele não tentar montar em você, esse comportamento provavelmente foi suprimido pelo dono. Você pode tentar tocar a bainha atrás do nó e ver qual é a resposta dele a isso.
Se for negativo, você para.
Great tips. IMPORTANT ;)
Its easy. The dog had a knot. If in doggystyle position and if his knot is wider than your vaginal walls it will get stuck. Missionary it wont get stuck. A baby's head is bigger. I can see my boys knot with him not even showing. A coulpe women his knot plunged in snd out while doggystyle but 3 others it got stuck.
The baby's head has nothing to do with it. In that case, it is a process of muscle distension caused by childbirth or induced by relaxants.
In the case of the dog knot, it depends more on the size of the toys used and the stretch; a woman who has had little sexual activity is more likely to hold the knot longer inside than a woman with a lot of sexual activity, who has used large penises or large toys.
The baby's head has nothing to do with it. In that case, it is a process of muscle distension caused by childbirth or induced by relaxants.
In the case of the dog knot, it depends more on the size of the toys used and the stretch; a woman who has had little sexual activity is more likely to hold the knot longer inside than a woman with a lot of sexual activity, who has used large penises or large toys.