As an average, my answer is a very disappointed 'yes', even considering that humans were only slightly more capable than dogs of actually getting it in. Humans were more prone to issues involving length and rigidity, while some dogs were prone to clumsiness and inaccuracy. When dogs were able to perform successfully, however, the factors of brevity and girth made sex less physically pleasurable overall, while increased depth of penetration greatly enhanced the psychological aspect of it in comparison. Humans were much more likely to butt in a gross or unusual kink that they knew I would say no to without discussing or disclosing it first, and more than once caused a substantial injury doing something stupid and irresponsible.
All that to say, even though humans had more potential to be an ideal partner, dogs became my go-to when I was ultimately forced to confront the importance of comfort and security in the male-oriented side of my sex life. The simple bonding nature of sex and an elevated sense of submission compound with those feelings of comfort and security to create my currently preferred male-male experience that more than makes up for in emotional fulfillment what is lost in physical stimulation.