Go figure, we've got a part of our sexualities that doesn't play well with polite society. And for every misanthrope and hermit who feels better off being seperated from society, there are the rest of us who yearn for connection - familial, social, sexual - and yet, cannot connect in a meaningful and complete way while, at the same time, having to hide a significant part of our sexualities. And as arousing as all of this is, it's still something we need to come to terms with: that it's normal, natural, and exciting for us. It doesn't have to be for anyone else (though it should be for our partners), and we need not divulge this part of ourselves to everyone... but it can be fatiguing to have to live a life with an important part hidden, especially from the people with whom you should be able to share this side of yourself.
And, to be fair, I think that's very compelling support for a place like this. It's much more than just a place to get your rocks off. It's a place to interact with others who have the same very real, and very taboo side to themselves, yet don't necessarily feel the need to explore and express and enjoy it all the time. FFS, we've got threads where we're simply counting numbers, adding to the current and maybe putting a little creativity or chat into the thread. Why? Because it reminds us that we're normal, that we're among friends, that we can thrive as individuals, but that - as social creatures - we need some connection, too. Living as a zoo can be very lonely, the threat of ostracism or being found out is one thing, but the idea that you could lose your lover, your home, your family, your livelihood, and your freedom for this solitary part of our sexualities... That's a lot of weight on a simple thing.
So, yeah, come, participate. Play. Come on over to the counting thread or hang in the Fun 'n Games section and find something new. You'll be surrounded by all manner of people from all around the globe, all of whom have some place for these things in their hearts, as well as recognize the need for connection. Even a curmudgeon or two - railing from their caves about separation and privacy and how awful humanity - are doing so here, as a part of a larger sub-society, even if it is a microcosm.