I dunno if it's my age, my sexual interests, my complete loss of all interest in the things I used to love or my personality, but I feel like all I do is distance myself and push people away when all I want is to connect.
Anyone else feeling like this or am I just going insane on my own?
Im similar, tried but had terrible experiances with people who are supposed to be your freinds (nothing to do with my zoo side)
Even though ive never been a socialite as such, sometimrs i would feel lonely i think thats what it was but i learned a few things like never think to much of anyone, look out for yourself and keep busy at something. I know it sounds like shit advice and im heading to the shelter for the shitstorm thats probably heading my way right now!
I only joined on here after lurking for ages the other day, and you know what, i feel better for it already.
I obviously dont know your situation or anything about you and am only offering up whats made me feel better, but do you own a dog or in a postion to own 1? They are fantastic companions, dont judge, always happy to see you (mostly) and really dont compare to people!
And if your real lucky, you might get more than you bargained for!
I was once told by someone that the only true freinds you ever have, you could count on 1 hand.
Get your head around that and the rest starts to make sense.
Keep chatting to people on here to or do like ive done, go find the fun and games bit, youl be amazed how that sucks you in and takes your mind off lifes crap.
Everybodys has a differant experiance, and im just putting a bit of mine out for you, some might say what a bunch of crap, some might not. What you do with it is ultimatly up to you!
While im in lecture mode, hopefully ypu not fell asleep yet, another big thing that got me thinkimg better was, dont get bothered by what other people think of you, i used to and it really didnt help. Now i couldnt care what anyone thinks of me!
Hope ive not offended you or bored you to tears!?