Right now, look around you on Zooville. Look at the sense of fear and hopelessness and despair that is weighing down our community and probably the entire zooey community.
We need something deeper to happen than just a change in the laws. Those are just a slap in the face, and any of us with any education know they are barely enforceable nonsense in the real world of law enforcement. What should be more alarming to you, I think, should be the state that our community has been in, lately. There is such anger and distrust in our community, and negative people that are promoting shame and hiding seem to have more of a voice than positive people that believe we ought to have pride and hope. The Apostles of Cowardice reigned supreme on Beast Forum, and they drove their bleating and lowing flocks and herds of craven cowards into hiding and secrecy. When these laws entered discussion, where the previous status was that most people said, "wait, I know a pet-fucker, and while I think it's gross, he's not really like that," the poor yokels, in their ignorance, got taken in by all of the anti-zooey rhetoric. We need someone who can bring a sense of positivity and hope and courage back into the zooey community itself.
I am going to be trying to focus my blog on positive messages to the zooey community and the pursuit of friendship. I am not going to focus chiefly on talking about strategy for changing the world. I am going to focus more on the pursuit of community and trust and also maybe discuss some of my sociological and historical views.
The hardest people to teach someone to love is themselves, but the wild thing is that, once you've taught them to love themselves, everyone they know follows suit and learns to also love them. That is the weird thing about pride. If you take pride in yourself, the world follows suit and eventually feels proud to know you.