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Im back ! Dogslucy (artofzoo)

Hello guys, I was thinking about if I can come back in this community, 2 years ago I had little problems with some pages, blackmail, and many things, I'm here to learn more, meet some people and we'll. I'm very happy to be here. :).
Hey, welcome back.

I actually came across this forum (and more specifically this thread) when I was doing some research and hope I will be able to make some contact via the direct message on here as I believe you may be able to shed some light on a private topic (if you would be so kind).

I see that I have to make 10 posts before I am allowed access to message with members so am just completing this now.

I have a few questions regarding your experience, I note there are some general specifics that women should look out for (thank you for that), however, there are some references on this thread that have peaked my curiosity as I am at the point of research/ exploring and naturally, want to avoid any pitfalls i.e.) if there's a particular person that I should NOT attempt to collaborate with it would be good to have any information in advance.

I would totally understand if this is not something you wish to discuss and I will of course respect your decision if you do not want a dialog of this nature. Its just that a particular name is mentioned a lot on this forum and I just wonder if its due to a commercial stance that is generally frowned upon within ZVF members or if its something more sinister, as blackmail was mentioned earlier in this thread...

P x
Hola Lucy, es una pena leer que tuviste problemas con la comunidad de AOZ. Yo no era muy activo ahí pero me encantaba la idea de las entrevistas. El video que subiste en su página tuvo mucho éxito, eres una mujer muy sexy y tu amigo un pro. Es bueno saber que no te ahuyentaron de este estilo de vida.
Olá pessoal, estava pensando se posso voltar comunidade, a 2 anos atrás tive pequenos problemas com algumas páginas, chantagem, e muitas coisas, estou aqui para saber mais, conhecer algumas pessoas e vamos. Estou muito feliz por estar aqui. :).
infelizmente a sociedade em que vivemos é totalmente hipócrita e cheia de aproveitadores. Espero que você tenha superado essa fase difícil na sua vida e continue sendo essa pessoa de coragem, ícone e exemplo para nós amantes de K9. Mesmo nos momentos de dificuldade acabamos evoluindo e aprendendo!!! Seja bem vinda!!! Você deixa essa comunidade muito mais desejável e nos encoraja a seguir sempre em frente !!!
Hello guys, I was thinking about if I can come back in this community, 2 years ago I had little problems with some pages, blackmail, and many things, I'm here to learn more, meet some people and we'll. I'm very happy to be here. :).
Welcome back! Sorry to hear about that Negative experience. I can’t stand that behavior. Hit me up if you ever feel like chatting!
Hello guys, I was thinking about if I can come back in this community, 2 years ago I had little problems with some pages, blackmail, and many things, I'm here to learn more, meet some people and we'll. I'm very happy to be here. :).
Hi and welcome back! Love Art of Zoo. So sorry about your troubles. Hope that they're behind you.