I'm a zoovirgin. I have a female German Shepherd and I'm waiting for the moment so I can make her orgasm and then I try to penetrate her to see if all that talk of female dog pussy being better than a women's is true for me or not. Then I will know and I will let you know If truly I'm a zoophile or I just enjoy watching this sort of spicy videos.
But one thing I know, I had relationships with few women, and it has brought me heart ache and stress. Loads of arguments and 0 peace. I probably was toxic too I'm not a perfect partner either, as I have been doing my own thing and being a bachelor for long. For part of my life I was MGTOW and I wish I remained that way. I would be richer and happier if I didn't seek f#cked up abusive women who treated me like dirt.
I have a German Shepherd bitch and she is lovely and patient, very friendly who doesn't criticise or take my peace and mental sanity.
So I can tell you that I really love beautiful women and most women are good enough for me, (the bar is low). But probably this love for women and low standards only brought me trouble for me and them. I can safely conclude that a dog is easier to understand and please, it's a much healthier relationship to have.