If there was a pill to stop being a zoo, would you take it?

Would you take a pill to stop being a zoo? (If it'd exist)

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If I could choose to never be zoo before being zoo at all, I would have chosen it back then.
Right now after dozens of years of being a zoophile, stopping that is not a good idea.
Years ago I would have considered it (I like to think I would wash it down with a nice fresh load of dog cum though), but now no way. I love who I am and have no reason to be ashamed of my sexuality
absolutely not.

Why should we change when it's society who has a problem but, seems like everyone is going to have a problem with everything so at the end of the day just do what makes ya happy!
Completely agree.
Just think about the changes in the last 1,5 century. 150 years ago, men wearing women’s clothes were put to death, 50 years ago gay people were outkasts. Who knows what will be in time…….
So no pill for me.
I think a human's vagina looks like the remains of a wound that never healed properly, and a horse's anus looks like a purpose-built dick milker.
The idea of flipping that around is... inconceivable to me. I don't want to not like what I already consider monolithically superior.

TL;DR: Absofuckinglutely not. Snowball's chance on the sun.
Hell to the no. I'm proud to be me, exactly the way I am.
Why change an amazing part of yourself? To conform to "normal" society? Nah, no thanks there fam.
It's important to embrace and celebrate our individuality after all our time on this earth is too limited to not.
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