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I am very scared of the vegan movement, they will try to take our right away to have companion animals.


For those who don't know, there is something called the animal rights movement. Their goal is to abolish all meat, pets and bring domestic animals to extinction. They are a cult group and use fear and manipulation to get people to join them.

This makes me extremely anxious. I have never been good with people due to mental illness, I cannot hold a job at all, but am given disability money. My pet girl rabbit is the only way I'm motivated to live.

Ive been a zoo my whole life since 13 and I'm 20 years old now, but am only interested in female bunnies and recently performed oral sex on my Flemish giant rabbit. She has shown no displeasure and is snuggling right beside me right now and giving kisses and waiting to be pet. This feeling is far better than anything Ive ever felt my whole life.

If vegans managed to take my right to own pets, then I will have no motivation to live. I need the companionship of a female rabbit to survive.

Is anyone else afraid of these people? I needed to ask this because I am dead scared of this movement gaining power and momentum. It would be great to hear your feelings on this issue.
It's good that people are trying to abolish meat-eating. Slaughter is an inherently immoral act (because it robs a being of his/her life). Billions of animals are cruelty tortured and killed in factory farms every year. People shouldn't eat meat, and they should instead eat plant-based foods.

Vegans are not trying to take away people's pets -- that is a myth. There are segments of the animal rights movement that I disagree with, such as those who want to ban exotic pets, and those who want to ban sex with animals. But other segments, such as those who want to ban hunting, I support.

Based on polls in this website, the percentage of zoos who are vegan / vegetarian appears to be higher than the percentage of vegan / vegetarian people in the general population. (This means that a zoo is more likely to be veggie than a non-zoo, though this is only based on anecdotal observations).
I think you're giving them a bit too much credit. Sure some of them are crazy as can be and promote processes that would make even a hard-core Nazi blush, but they're a small, very vocal, minority.
Most of them are harmless, though at times annoying.

My biggest complaint about the more aggressive vegans is that their actions tend to isolate them from non-vegans, driving a wedge and making themselves less effective. I'm all in favor of people eating less meat, zero being best, but people have to come to that decision on their own for it to have any meaningful effect.
It's good that people are trying to abolish meat-eating. Slaughter is an inherently immoral act (because it robs a being of his/her life). Billions of animals are cruelty tortured and killed in factory farms every year. People shouldn't eat meat, and they should instead eat plant-based foods.

Vegans are not trying to take away people's pets -- that is a myth. There are segments of the animal rights movement that I disagree with, such as those who want to ban exotic pets, and those who want to ban sex with animals. But other segments, such as those who want to ban hunting, I support.

Based on polls in this website, the percentage of zoos who are vegan / vegetarian appears to be higher than the percentage of vegan / vegetarian people in the general population. (This means that a zoo is more likely to be veggie than a non-zoo, though this is only based on anecdotal observations).

This is the kind of reply I was referring to, I feel it is judgemental and insists what others should do. That kind of "my way or the highway" attitude alienates me and undermines your goals, which oddly are very close to mine. I tend not to assossciate with vegans much because not all of my friends are vegetarians, but it's rare to find a vegan willing to just have a social meal together and allow everyone to eat without making a fuss. In so doing, they short-change themselves in having opportunities to show others that there are other ways without shoving it down their throat, so to speak.
Well if you want something else to complain about in the meat industry, look up "concentrated animal feed operations" aka CAFOs. They are a major source of nitrogen and phosphorous entering streams and causing algae blooms.
For those who don't know, there is something called the animal rights movement. Their goal is to abolish all meat, pets and bring domestic animals to extinction. They are a cult group and use fear and manipulation to get people to join them.

This makes me extremely anxious. I have never been good with people due to mental illness, I cannot hold a job at all, but am given disability money. My pet girl rabbit is the only way I'm motivated to live.

Ive been a zoo my whole life since 13 and I'm 20 years old now, but am only interested in female bunnies and recently performed oral sex on my Flemish giant rabbit. She has shown no displeasure and is snuggling right beside me right now and giving kisses and waiting to be pet. This feeling is far better than anything Ive ever felt my whole life.

If vegans managed to take my right to own pets, then I will have no motivation to live. I need the companionship of a female rabbit to survive.

Is anyone else afraid of these people? I needed to ask this because I am dead scared of this movement gaining power and momentum. It would be great to hear your feelings on this issue.
Vegans are a side effect. You're talking about PETA / HSUS / ALF . They're the source of the anti-Zoo laws and are in a campaign to regulate "animal slavery" out of existence.
I serious doubt that's going to happen. People are dependent on animals for more than companionship and food. Dogs play an important role in police work and as service animals, and there would probably be riots if people had to give up the right to own animals.
Well welcome to the site. I must say that you've started with a bang. I'm not vegan but from my understanding they are not against animal ownership nor do they wish to bring domestic animals to extinction. Some but not all of them want to overstep their position and dictate what we are allowed to eat, but that;s the worse of it.
You do not have to be afraid of that, because there is by far no majority in the Western world for outlawing companion animals.

However, a realistic peril is that your animals will be taken away from you, because you love them "too much", i.e. also sexually. This is actually forbidden in many countries and a position shared by a majority.
You're thinking of companies like Peta. Ecoterrorist nutjobs who think any form of domestication is slavery. Vegans can be a bit fruity (heh) and at worst aggravatingly annoying. But they are pretty harmless
For those who don't know, there is something called the animal rights movement. Their goal is to abolish all meat, pets and bring domestic animals to extinction. They are a cult group and use fear and manipulation to get people to join them.

This makes me extremely anxious. I have never been good with people due to mental illness, I cannot hold a job at all, but am given disability money. My pet girl rabbit is the only way I'm motivated to live.

Ive been a zoo my whole life since 13 and I'm 20 years old now, but am only interested in female bunnies and recently performed oral sex on my Flemish giant rabbit. She has shown no displeasure and is snuggling right beside me right now and giving kisses and waiting to be pet. This feeling is far better than anything Ive ever felt my whole life.

If vegans managed to take my right to own pets, then I will have no motivation to live. I need the companionship of a female rabbit to survive.

Is anyone else afraid of these people? I needed to ask this because I am dead scared of this movement gaining power and momentum. It would be great to hear your feelings on this issue.

Your bunny is FINE, keep loving her and nobody will ever try to stop you. I'm already squeeing at the thought of you two together, it's adorable :love:

To be honest though, I don't blame you for being worried. I am vegan myself, and I've basically excluded dogs as an option since they eat meat and I can't be responsible for other animals dying for them. I do believe I can ease your mind about it though,

PETA has made moves to take pets away from people, but fuck PETA. They are without a doubt, extremists, and all the fears you have can totally apply to them. People do not consider their views that valid anymore, and many other groups are arising that are much more reasonable, like Direct Action Everywhere, Anonymous for the Voiceless, Animal Rebellion and others. All these groups want is to abolish farming. They in no way seek to bring domestic animals to extinction, that is a strong misinterpretation of their goals. They're fighting for animal welfare, an end to violence against them, and an end to speciesist ideas.

Vegans don't need to manipulate anything to convince people, only expose the horrific practices farm animals are subjected to. Whether seeing them be tortured, sexually abused and slaughtered is enough for you to think twice about eating meat, that's up to you, but to those who are convinced, they see that it becomes imperative to take action to stop what's happening for good.
It is a misconception that they want farm animals to go extinct, but that's not the case. They will rescue as many of them as they can, care for them in sanctuaries and fight for their rights. The accomplishment of their goals will see a massive reduction in domestic animal population, but that is purely from the outlawing of breeding. It is a violation of their bodily autonomy, it's rape, molestation or manipulation, depending on the level of human involvement. Not manually breeding animals will cause their population growth to go down, but it won't completely extinct them. They can still be left to reproduce on their own terms wherever they live, be it in the wild or in a sanctuary. No culling will be involved. Sheep and pigs and cattle will still be around for centuries to come, so you can always find special partners in them :)

So yeah, I know it's probably gonna be hard to change your mind from all that you've heard, but I'll still say anyway that you don't need to worry. I'd love to look after a bunny, too, you're so lucky ❤
He is right in the long run.

Yes there are crazy people who believe all human ownership of animals should be abolished PETA and the like.

The problem is that if you plan for the human race not to eat animals you will wipe out hundreds of species. If you take it to the next level of no wool or leather etc it will be thousands of species wiped off the planet.

Domestication changed the animals and the course of humanity. The rare animals that did not shed their wool were made the dominant species by man. and man now must manage the health of these genetic deviations. The same goes for most species vegans will wipe out.

Animals will have no value which means they will not be cared for and no new ones will be bred. The extinction of each of these animals will happen very quickly.

This is the end game of Vegans but most think about the suffering of individuals not the existence of all of them.

There was a story of a lady who had lots of money and wanted to save all horses, she bought hundreds of thousands of acres and 25,000 horses and turned them loose. Most died due to lack of human management. Nature will kill most animals in horrific ways unless managed by humans. Farmers spend most of their money and lives looking after the welfare of animals.

Vegans are happy to listen to half a story and preach it to others. I compare Vegan's to flat earth people, they like to believe what they are told and tend not to think outside the box. They are nice enough people they just have their heads in the clouds. I also have to agree with them that the reasons they go vegan is due to dodgy practices in the food chain. Their anger is real but it needs to be directed to big business who drive the pricing that causes cost cutting.
The problem is that if you plan for the human race not to eat animals you will wipe out hundreds of species. If you take it to the next level of no wool or leather etc it will be thousands of species wiped off the planet.

I think that's exaggerated, because
  1. Humans haven't domesticated thousands of species.
  2. People would still keep many domesticated animals, if we stopped eating them and using their skin, because people like their companionship. Horses haven't vanished from countries like Germany although they are hardly eaten and are not needed for transportation or work force anymore.
  3. Some domesticated animals would just be fine, if we let them free. Take feral pigeons and dingoes as examples of animals of which many people don't even know anymore that these are descendants of domesticated animals.
  4. If a domesticated form of an animal would vanish, this wouldn't necessarily imply that the species is wiped out, since the wild form of some domesticated animals would still exist.
Did you know that, on the other hand, animal and plant species are eradicated all the time because we destroy their habitats for cultivating domesticated plants and livestock? Less necessity for additional farmland or for land used to produce animal feed would mean that less species would be wiped out.

There was a story of a lady who had lots of money and wanted to save all horses, she bought hundreds of thousands of acres and 25,000 horses and turned them loose. Most died due to lack of human management.

Of course there are places in the world where horses will never flourish, because they are simply no suitable habitat for horses, and some horse breeds are less fit to rely on their own than others. So people can fail when letting horses free. But there are numerous examples of horse populations in the world that live almost or completely unmanaged, see Wikipedia on feral horses. Horses are an excellent example of a domesticated species that survives without people slaughtering them—both as a companion animal and as animals released into the wild.
I think that's exaggerated, because
  1. Humans haven't domesticated thousands of species.
  2. People would still keep many domesticated animals, if we stopped eating them and using their skin, because people like their companionship. Horses haven't vanished from countries like Germany although they are hardly eaten and are not needed for transportation or work force anymore.
  3. Some domesticated animals would just be fine, if we let them free. Take feral pigeons and dingoes as examples of animals of which many people don't even know anymore that these are descendants of domesticated animals.
  4. If a domesticated form of an animal would vanish, this wouldn't necessarily imply that the species is wiped out, since the wild form of some domesticated animals would still exist.
Did you know that, on the other hand, animal and plant species are eradicated all the time because we destroy their habitats for cultivating domesticated plants and livestock? Less necessity for additional farmland or for land used to produce animal feed would mean that less species would be wiped out.

Of course there are places in the world where horses will never flourish, because they are simply no suitable habitat for horses, and some horse breeds are less fit to rely on their own than others. So people can fail when letting horses free. But there are numerous examples of horse populations in the world that live almost or completely unmanaged, see Wikipedia on feral horses. Horses are an excellent example of a domesticated species that survives without people slaughtering them—both as a companion animal and as animals released into the wild.

Vegan lifestyles would require a whole lot more farmland though.
These days it's more complex than just food source questions. Many crops are being used as feedstocks for energy and other hydrocarbon products.

For sure. And the ironic part is that the USDA Dietary Guideline (more fruits, vegetables, dairy, seafood) results in a much higher environmental impact than the current omnivore standard. (more emissions, energy consumption and blue water footprint)
For sure. And the ironic part is that the USDA Dietary Guideline (more fruits, vegetables, dairy, seafood) results in a much higher environmental impact than the current omnivore standard. (more emissions, energy consumption and blue water footprint)
Again, it's not simple. A handful of cows has a greater impact on greenhouse gases than square miles of mechanized grain farming.
Animals have been around for hundreds of millions of years and in greater numbers, farting the whole time. Cow farts aren't about to have a sudden effect on the world.
That's the point. Eliminating Buffalo, elephants, etc more than offsets any emissions from mechanized farming so forget the "greater emissions" of vegan food production.
That's the point. Eliminating Buffalo, elephants, etc more than offsets any emissions from mechanized farming so forget the "greater emissions" of vegan food production.

While I agree it's not much of an effect worth noting, they like to claim it is more environmentally friendly. I am merely saying that isn't true, not that veganism is going to bring about environmental catastrophe
This thread reminds me of every bible thumper's nightmare.
"I am very scared of the democrats because they want to take our guns and the ability to hate people for not following the right god!"


To be fair, that first part is becoming a reality in Canada *shrugs*
This thread reminds me of every bible thumper's nightmare.
"I am very scared of the democrats because they want to take our guns and the ability to hate people for not following the right god!"

I'm scared of the Democrats because they sacrifice the traditions and values that made our country great just to gain votes and keep themselves in power. They only seem to serve themselves and are the most corrupt group I have ever seen.