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How to tell if a girl is into zoo?

The downside of country living; there are no dog parks withing 75 miles of my house. A very good opportunity to meet with other zoos that's not available to me.
I made a poll here last month with no responses wondering if rural areas might have more curious/active women than in the city. While we might have the dog parks, everyone is right on top of each other and in each others business with less privacy. Heck, my HOA would somehow find out and send a letter complaining about that too. lol But being rural, does it offer a better opportunity to explore these options with less risk and more freedom and more pets too? I could be wrong, but maybe there are more possibilities by you with a "country girl" than we have here, even with dog parks.
As a woman I would say by owning a really sexy, intact dog and watching for women who can't help but stare lustfully at them. My neighbors have a great dane that is so hot I always stare at him. The way his huge balls sway back and forth when he walks mmmmm
I will remember this tip=)
As a woman I would say by owning a really sexy, intact dog and watching for women who can't help but stare lustfully at them. My neighbors have a great dane that is so hot I always stare at him. The way his huge balls sway back and forth when he walks mmmmm
My first zoo experience besides porn was a neighbor who watched open-mouth, tongue out as my Husky Nick licked his dick for about 5 minutes. Before the afternoon was over she was in my apartment getting herself a turn at licking and sucking him.

An adventurous college coed who had been exposed to zoo during Human Sexuality classes at college in nursing school. Something must have gotten to her in that class and the sight of Nick licking that red rocket just pushed her over the edge to try and enjoy her oral fixation in doggy-flavor.

That was a good year, because she enjoyed comparing my dick and cum to Nick's doggy dick and doggy cum. Too bad she didn't want something permanent. Life would have been much more fun in my 20s.
My first zoo experience besides porn was a neighbor who watched open-mouth, tongue out as my Husky Nick licked his dick for about 5 minutes. Before the afternoon was over she was in my apartment getting herself a turn at licking and sucking him.

An adventurous college coed who had been exposed to zoo during Human Sexuality classes at college in nursing school. Something must have gotten to her in that class and the sight of Nick licking that red rocket just pushed her over the edge to try and enjoy her oral fixation in doggy-flavor.

That was a good year, because she enjoyed comparing my dick and cum to Nick's doggy dick and doggy cum. Too bad she didn't want something permanent. Life would have been much more fun in my 20s.
Can you draw any kind of conclusion from a paw tattoo on her but or belly or leg? My fantasy tells me there's more into that kind of tattoo on a girl than just to be cute ?
Well it can always be tricky drawing a firm conclusion.. ha, I have learned that! (Not with a doggy paw tat.. but just other stuff). But in my experience, it's usually a sign yes, especially if its down around the lower belly or bikini line or certainly on her butt. Its appropriate to compliment her art and just ask what the inspiration is... ; ) . I mean why not (?) , right? Theres a chance she really wants to share with the right people.
Well considering how common it actually is I'd think there must be a chance. It's all about to formulate the question in a leading but still appropriate way ??
Well considering how common it actually is I'd think there must be a chance. It's all about to formulate the question in a leading but still appropriate way ??
Just be very careful in what you say/how you say it. I noticed a young woman sporting K9 paw tats and wondered about her. Then I saw her car parked every day at the local animal shelter run by a bunch of obviously very anti-animal ownership types. "THEY"RE 4-LEGGED FAMILY MEMBERS!!!"

Mention the zoo topic around them and they'd be burning you at the stake post haste. Or at the very least, loudly and publicly calling for you to be prosecuted.
Scientific Proof Right There! ? I'm left-handed and enjoy pineapple on pizza, and have been zoo curious my whole life.
I never had pineapple on pizza until I became involved with left-handed MrsK9Duke, who revealed her zoo curiosity to me after we got married.
I've seen many women on MeetMe, Tinder, SnapChat, etc. that are all single and flaunt it frequently, but also have large male dogs, the Dog Mom trend. It makes me wonder often of what they do behind closed doors, but also got me thinking about how to tell whether or not they could be into the zoo life.

So my question to you ladies (or anyone rather) is: How do you know if a woman is into zoo?
I know one way to tell for sure, she smells like dog cum?