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How Many People do You Chat With

How many different people do you chat with on a daily or semi daily/regularly basis on here? Are you a guy that only talks to women? Are you a woman that only talks to guys? Is there a decent mix? How many messages do you end up ignoring usually because of dud conversations?

I’m just curious what people’s chatting habits are on here. It feels like most of the time I message someone, they respond so quick I can’t get to my other messages.

I’m a woman and the vast majority of my conversations are with guys. I have about 15 people that I regularly chat with on a daily basis. Only 2 are women. Only 3 of them have I really gotten to know very well and they know me very well. I have maybe 10 or so dud conversations each day that I can’t commit the energy to reply to the same questions over and over again or that are just “hey how are you” copy pasted every day.
None really regularly. A lot are a few back and forth and fizzle. I’d like to find a woman to chat with on a regular basis but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m very selective tho because I’ll really only message folks that are active on the forum and have info in their profile. I try to find genuine people to chat with. I’ve had conversations with men, but many times they are looking for a male partner and I’m not gay so that ends. Oh well patience I suppose
Not so many. I'm still new to the community, so I don't have the network some of y'all old heads have. ?

I'll talk to anyone, though. I prefer gay guys, but I'm not really here looking for sexual compatibility or anything. I'm just after the regular ordinary friendship with the benefit of not having to hide things. That's the most valuable thing to me.
I’m a straight male but I’ll talk to anyone. I love hearing other peoples experiences and stories. I am one that gets on and disappears for awhile but that’s only cause I don’t get a lot of response from others. if I did I would be on here daily ha ha
Not as many as I’d like tbh. Usually just have 1 convo going at a time, and it can be hit or miss with the inconsistencies with who is online when. I’m generally not super picky about who I chat with - but I’m somewhat pickier with guys than girls (though I definitely vibe with the sex drive of other guys better). Despite liking girls too I tend to avoid initiating with them because I know they are drowned in dms and would rather not barge in.
On ZV I chat on a regular basis with maybe 3 people, on a less regular basis 2 others, not chatted to in a long time, maybe 3 but pop in and out of a conversation

Off ZV but from ZV then its 2

You know which you are @Miss ZW
I’ll talk to anyone about anything. Science, politics and fucking dogs are my favorite topics though. I’ve had a few chats here that usually meander from what are your fantasies and sexuality to the economy, law, hobbies etc. The few folks I’ve engaged with are cagey though so you dont get to really know them well. Understandable but ultimately less social than other social networks I visit. To be honest I’ve-met a good number of people from other forums in real-life because we have common interests and it makes sense. I probably wouldn't do that here.
I figured. ? Just made me think of the SpongeBob episode where they are selling chocolate and Patrick opens with “I love you” to the random person they are trying to sell to. ?

Everyone is gonna be different. I prefer actual conversation for a bit before any kind of sexual talk typically. Like, I’m an adult. I know your end goal 99% of the time is to get into sexual stuff. Even though I know that, it’s nice to work up to it sometimes.

Obviously this is all just my preferences I’m talking about. Everyone is different.
I like chocolate
I’ll talk to anyone about anything. Science, politics and fucking dogs are my favorite topics though. I’ve had a few chats here that usually meander from what are your fantasies and sexuality to the economy, law, hobbies etc. The few folks I’ve engaged with are cagey though so you dont get to really know them well. Understandable but ultimately less social than other social networks I visit. To be honest I’ve-met a good number of people from other forums in real-life because we have common interests and it makes sense. I probably wouldn't do that here.
Yeah. Sadly most people on here only visit the site when they are horny. And horny brain doesn’t give the best conversation topics for long and interesting conversations. Most communication on here breaks down once the other person is no longer horny and they get that post nut clarity. It’s rather sad when a conversation is going very well and it’s about different interesting topics and then it dips into sex stuff and it quickly just dies because it never gets back on the normal conversation track.
Indeed. But with many, once it dips into the sexual side, it’s hard to reel it back and keep it from just driving right back to sex. And then it inevitably dies.
Yeah, I've found that once you commit to that plunge with someone you're rarely able to have a normal conversation again that doesn't then carry sexual expectations. This is more of an issue with guys than girls though.

My personal pet peeve is when you can obviously tell someone is trying to be sexual, but they do a "Nice Guy" routine so you end up with a bunch of boring meandering small talk until out of nowhere they drop a weird sex bomb.
we are a couple and mostly talk to girls. some couples. i think 2 at the moment but you can feel the one fizzling out and im trying to get it back but its tough
It's tough to maintain online friendships, I vastly prefer seeing people offline. It's great to be able to find like minded people, but at a certain point I begin to feel disconnected to whoever I'm talking to. Not always, but this has usually happened for various reasons. But past a certain point in certain contexts, I become extremely dissatisfied with the relationship relegated to online only. That said I do have someone who I'm meeting in person soon that I'm excited about! :giggle:
Yeah, I've found that once you commit to that plunge with someone you're rarely able to have a normal conversation again that doesn't then carry sexual expectations. This is more of an issue with guys than girls though.

My personal pet peeve is when you can obviously tell someone is trying to be sexual, but they do a "Nice Guy" routine so you end up with a bunch of boring meandering small talk until out of nowhere they drop a weird sex bomb.
The art of conversation has degraded significantly.

I am not a man of many words initially, but personally value a long conversation over a moment of thrills.